Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 182, New Energy and Ivan’s Threat

Chapter 182, New Energy and Ivan’s Threat

Time passed quietly, as the sun gradually set in the west, it was night in a blink of an eye.

In the underground laboratory, Tony Stark put down the wrench on the pipe switch, took off the sunglasses on his eyes, and then walked towards the new element that was just born on the workbench.

I saw a small triangular object placed on the stand on the workbench. This triangular object was emitting a dazzling blue light.

Tony looked at the mysterious and beautiful new element in front of him and couldn't help but admired: "It's simply perfect. Is this the key to the future you said? Dad."

At this time, Jarvis's voice also sounded: "Sir, congratulations, you have created a new element."

Then Tony picked up the small triangle that was emitting a faint blue light and placed it in the new reactor that had been prepared next to it.

The reactor made a beeping sound at first, and then gradually stabilized.

"Sir, the reactor is receiving the updated core."

"Then I'll start testing," Jarvis said.

These actions only took a moment. After they were done, Tony continued to say in a deep voice: "Ivan, I didn't expect you to be alive yet."

"It seems that you have found some ways to delay death, but it is useless. You still can't escape this disaster."

"Call from number not shown." Jarvis's voice also sounded at the same time.

Now that he has finally found a new element, he can feel more relaxed.

While Tony was waiting for Holm to respond, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the phone.

Tony also looked at his new heart and nodded with a smile. Finally, he finally solved the mystery and he no longer had to worry about death.

Then, Tony slid his chair to the workbench, pressed the call button and said, "Hey, what's the matter? Agent Clint, aren't you at home?"

Tony slumped on the sofa in the laboratory. During this time, he had been living every day in fear.

Hearing this familiar voice, Tony immediately frowned. He already remembered who this person was. He pressed the button to turn off the microphone and asked Jarvis to track the location of the caller.

"Hey, Tony, how are you doing?" A man's voice with a Russian accent rang on the phone.

Hearing Tony's words, Ivan also laughed hoarsely: "Hahaha, you too, Tony, I thought you should have died of the pain of palladium poisoning by now."

When Tony heard this, he just stalled for time and continued: "So do you have any good suggestions? We can have a chat."

His external contacts have been monitored by SHIELD these days, and he hasn't answered the phone for a long time.

Tony thought it was Holm calling him.

"Oh, I can answer the phone again, great." Tony said as he sat in the chair and slid towards the screen on the workbench.

At this moment, a phone ring suddenly rang in the laboratory.

Ivan didn't answer when he heard Tony's words. He just said to himself: "The advice you gave me is also very good, Tony."

"I adopted the suggestion you made in Monaco Prison. The power of the Ark Reactor is indeed higher."

After hearing Ivan's words, Tony's face became a little ugly. What he said in prison was nothing more than a mockery of a dying man.

But he never expected that this Ivan was not dead, but was living well under the protection of some people.

Tony asked into the phone: "It's Hammer, right? He was the one who rescued you from prison."

"It seems you have guessed it." Ivan said, biting his toothpick.

Then he continued to say to Tony: "What your father did to my family forty years ago, I will do to you in the next forty minutes."

"I hope you're ready."

After hearing this, Tony wanted to say something more to delay time, because the positioning tracking was about to be successful.

But things often don't go as expected. Just when Ivan's location was about to be traced, the phone call was hung up.

"Damn it!" Tony cursed secretly as he looked at the interrupted tracking and the hung up phone call.

He immediately searched for terms about Hammer Industries on the computer, and what came into view was the poster of the new weapons they were going to display at the Stark World Exposition tonight.

In a flash of thought, Tony had roughly figured out what Ivan wanted to do.

He hurriedly said to Jarvis: "Jarvis, hurry up and help me assemble armor suitable for the new reactor."

"As for the new reactor, there is no need to test it. I need to use it now." After saying that, Tony grabbed the new Ark Reactor that was freshly baked on the table.

Just when Tony was about to replace the energy source on his chest, with a creaking sound, the door of the laboratory was opened.

Holm was at the door at this time. He looked at Tony's anxious movements with some suspicion and asked, "Who were you talking to on the phone just now?"

Seeing Holm appear, Tony's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said to him: "Agent Clint! You came just in time! Ivan Vanko just called me. He was going to do something at Stark's World Expo. Things, everyone around the Hanmer Industrial booth is now in danger!”

"Ivan Vanke?" Holm said in disbelief.

"That's Ivan Vanko. Didn't the news say he died in a prison in Monaco? But in fact he was not dead. Justin Hammer took him away from prison and used him to develop Iron Soldiers. ”

"That guy just called me and declared war on me and said he wanted to take revenge on me. He must have had a lot of his own backers involved in the development of Iron Soldier. I didn't even know that idiot Justin Hammer was being used by him. Now he wants to There's a big mess going on."

Tony has obviously figured out Ivan Vanke's plan. He is now very anxious and has already stuffed the new Ark Reactor into his chest while speaking.

As the new energy matched and came into play, he not only retched: "Ugh~ It smells like rust!"

After he finished speaking, Holm also took out his phone and told the rest of SHIELD the news, and quickly arranged manpower.

Looking at Tony who was already putting on the armor, Holm also sneered in his heart and secretly felt sorry for Garriott and Hydra.

They also want to eat two fishes, to support Hammer Industries into a behemoth like the Stark Group, without wasting the value of Ivan Vanke, and then integrate him into Hydra after completing the affairs of Hammer Industries.

But how could things go just as they planned? Now there are variables. If the original plot develops, not even a hair from Hydra will be harvested.

(End of this chapter)

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