Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 196, Mission accomplished, William Baker and Katie

Chapter 196, mission accomplished, William Baker and Katie

Seeing the slightly darker blood filling the blood bag, Holm also pulled out the needle and put the blood bag into a special bag.

Blonsky did not ask Home why he wanted his blood or what he wanted his blood for.

None of this mattered to him. He was now eager to escape from this prison.

Holm also knew his urgency, so after putting away the things, he warned again: "Remember not to act rashly during this period, and leave after 10 days. This is my request to you, and it is also related to my plan. Understand ?"

After listening to Holm's words, Bronski nodded, suppressing his inner urgency and obediently enduring the restraints.

But because he had hope, although he was still uncomfortable being restrained, he also had a little more expectation mentally.

After doing everything, Holm erased all traces, and everything just happened as if it had never happened.

After some time, the convoy slowly stopped, and a group of armed men in completely different clothing joined the convoy and them.

This is the guard force of Cube Prison. Because the location of Cube Prison is kept secret, their people will transport them for the rest of the journey.

According to the plan, Rumlow and the others had no way to move forward. Only Holm could follow these people all the way to Cube Prison. After all, as an eighth-level agent, the location of Cube Prison was no longer a secret to him.

Finally, after another period of driving, the convoy finally reached its final destination.

Looking at the strange-looking building in front of him, which looked like several cubes stacked on top of each other and standing on the ground, Holm had to sigh that the designers of SHIELD were really imaginative.

When he finally left, Bronski, who was closely escorted by armed men, also looked back at Home.

Holm didn't show any abnormalities regarding his gaze. After the cube prison door was closed, he also called Coulson to report the situation, and then quickly returned to the place where he was separated from Rumlow and the others.

"Now that the mission has been basically completed, you should go back the way you came. There should be anything else the agency wants to tell you." Holm ordered Rumlow and the others.

After watching Rumlow and the others leave, Holm also drove his car to the base, sending a message to Garriott asking him to receive Blonsky's blood, while driving towards home.

No matter what dissatisfaction Garriott has with him, the successful completion of this task should also make the other party relax their vigilance, and feel that Holm has been completely controlled.

At the same time, in Rumlow's house, William Baker was sitting at the dining table, looking at Katie who was eating heavily with a kind face.

The Rumlow guy was away today, and he finally found a chance to be alone with Katie.

"Uncle William, why don't you eat?" Katie asked while chewing on the sandwich in her hand and looking at William Baker with her big eyes.

Through this period of time together, she could also feel William Baker's care for her, so the relationship naturally became closer.

For her, she was lucky to meet two uncles, Rumlow and William Baker, who cared for her so much.

Compared with the lonely and cold life in the orphanage before, the warmth and happiness now were more like a beautiful dream. If possible, she really wanted to stay immersed in the dream and never wake up. Looking at Katie's cute appearance, William Baker also smiled and said: "Uncle is not hungry yet, is it not enough to eat? Uncle hasn't touched this yet."

William Baker pushed the sandwich in front of him as he spoke.

"Then you're welcome~" Katie smiled sweetly, picked up William Baker's sandwich and put it on her plate.

"After dinner, uncle will take you to the newly opened amusement park. Many people have gone there recently, and the reviews seem to be good." William Baker said to Katie.

Hearing this, Katie's eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "Really! That's great!"

"My classmates also went to that amusement park, and they even won a doll there. It was a very cute little bear."

Hearing that Katie was so happy, William Baker also smiled and said: "Uncle will also win you a bear. I am very proficient in all the games in the amusement park."

William Baker obviously knew what Katie was talking about, because he had already visited the amusement park before asking this question. He had played with all the facilities inside and knew clearly which ones were fun and which ones were not. It's fun and I know how to win those dolls.

He had been waiting for such an opportunity. After all, Rumlow still had a job, and he could always wait until he was alone with Katie.

Knowing that they were going to the amusement park soon, Katie ate a little faster, and after ten minutes they were already downstairs and sitting in the car.

After learning the lesson from the last time, William Baker got a car the next day and filled it with doll accessories and stickers that the little girl liked.

It's hard to tell exactly how he got it, but William Baker can guarantee that there will be absolutely no trouble. After all, he has someone to care about now, so he can't be as reckless as before.

Along the way, listening to Katie's sweet voice, the smile on William Baker's face never stopped. Katie was like a little angel, healing his heart and filling his life with sunshine. .

An hour later, in the newly opened amusement park, William Baker took a beautifully made rabbit doll from the store owner who looked a little ugly, and handed it to Katie, who was holding several beautiful dolls next to her.

Katie's little face was flushed with a happy smile. She didn't expect William Baker to be so good. He not only helped her get the bear doll, but also helped him get several other dolls.

"The next one is the little turtle. Uncle, let's win this little turtle for you." William Baker touched Katie's head and said.

Katie was a little moved at first, but after seeing the ugly face of the stall owner, she shook her head and said, "No, uncle, I already have a lot now."

Of course, William Baker also saw Katie's actions and knew her concerns, so he also sighed at Katie's sensibleness, turned his head and stared at the boss and said with a half-smile: "Katie, don't worry, this boss is very nice. Okay, he won't be angry."

"And with your uncle by your side, you only need to think about whether you want it or not. You don't have to worry about anything else. Your uncle is here."

Seeing William Baker's half-smiling face and his indifferent and cold eyes, the stall owner also quickly raised the corner of his mouth and revealed an ugly smile, no longer daring to keep a straight face.

(End of this chapter)

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