Chapter 199, before departure

There are not long left in the 7 days left by Home to William Baker.

During this period of time, in addition to accompanying Katie, William Baker was intensifying training according to the instructions given to him by Holm, striving to achieve the state required by Holm.

While he was busy, Holm did not stop. After breaking up with Garriott that day, Holm was also preparing for the next plan.

But while making preparations, he also had to take the time to meet Gwen. After all, he had made an appointment on the phone for a long time after meeting him at the Stark Group, but he only had time now.

It was still the familiar cafe. When Holm arrived, Gwen had already taken a seat and ordered coffee and some snacks for him.

"Hahaha, I'm really sorry, there's a bit of a traffic jam on the road." Holm explained as he sat down in his seat.

Today, Gwen is still dressed in style. She wears a beige knitted sweater with a brown skirt. The hem of the knitted sweater is a little short and a little wide, so from time to time you can see her fair and slender waist exposed. Caught Holm's eyes.

After hearing Holm's explanation, she also propped up her chin, narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Holm and said, "Is it really a traffic jam?"

After she finished speaking, she sniffed her beautiful little nose and continued playfully: "When did you start wearing perfume? It's for women."

She also wanted to see more of Holm, but they were both too busy, and she didn't have the same work advantage as Daisy, so they could only meet once in a while.

He rushed here as fast as possible along the way, but despite this, he was still a little late, and he still smelled of a woman.

Unexpectedly, just after not seeing Holm for such a period of time, Daisy was already far ahead of her.

With such a huge disparity in meeting ratio, it was natural for Daisy to throw her away.

Gwen's senses were so keen. It was true that he was not late because of the traffic jam, but because he had just finished dealing with Daisy's entanglement before coming.

Thinking of this, Gwen also raised her eyes and looked at Holm, who was still staring at the coffee cup in a daze. Then she pretended to be angry and said coquettishly: "We haven't seen each other for so long, and you don't have anything to say to me. ?"

Hearing Gwen's words, Holm was instantly embarrassed and had no choice but to drink his coffee and look around.

Seeing that Holm was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, Gwen also pursed her lips, with a hint of complicated emotions flashing in her eyes.

Originally, he was ready to go out, but after knowing that he was going to meet Gwen, Daisy immediately pulled him to the bedroom again, wrapping him tightly like a beautiful snake.

But even if this is the actual situation, Gwen still doesn't just give up.

Since the number of meetings is not comparable, then compare the quality of each meeting.

Her sense of smell was very keen, so she immediately smelled that the smell belonged to Daisy.

Faced with such a situation, of course Holm could only teach Daisy a lesson, until she was exhausted and had no energy to fight before leaving the house.

After hearing Gwen's words, Holm also raised his head and looked at her, scratching his head in confusion.

Damn it, why did Gwen make him so nervous today? Obviously they have no clear relationship, but he always feels guilty when looking into Gwen's eyes.

"By the way, how are you and Felicia? Did that guy apologize to you properly? She has made you anxious for a long time." In order to prevent the atmosphere from continuing to be awkward, Holm also quickly brought up the topic to talk about. stand up. Although they had briefly communicated about Felicia on the phone, he didn't know the details yet.

Hearing Holm's question, Gwen also took a sip of coffee and said, "It didn't cause me much trouble, it was just a shock."

"I didn't expect that she was the black cat, nor did I expect that she would find out my identity."

"When I find out afterwards and think about what Black Cat did, I suddenly feel that she and Felicia do have a lot in common. For example, they both like to stick to me, whether in normal state or Spider-Woman state."

"Also, they like jewelry. Felicia likes to buy jewelry, while Black Cat likes to collect and play with rare jewelry."

"Although I was a little surprised about the snooping, I was not angry. On the contrary, I was relieved after knowing that the snooping person was her."

"It's just that she always felt a little sorry for me and wanted to make it up to me, so she always bought me a lot of things during that time and took me shopping whenever she had time."

"Hey, you don't even know that I bought more jewelry and clothes in that month than I have in my entire life."

Just like that, Gwen spoke slowly and Holm listened quietly.

Although Gwen complained a lot about Felicia's tendency to cling to her and love to buy things, the smile on her lips showed that she was not disgusted by it.

"By the way, what I want to tell you this time is also related to her. Felicia also wants to invest in our company." Gwen suddenly changed the topic and said.

Hearing her words, Holm was stunned and said, "She also wants to invest?"

"Yes, it just so happens that the company has expanded a lot now." Gwen nodded and said.

Holm has never had much control over the company except for providing money. Gwen is in charge.

But even though he didn't ask, Gwen would still mention it to him sometimes, like now.

"I don't quite understand either. Just take a look and listen to you." Holm still left the decision to Gwen as usual.

By doing this, Holm not only acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, but also expressed his extreme trust in Gwen.

Gwen smiled helplessly after hearing this, then looked at the smiling Holm and said, "If you don't care about anything like this, you won't even know if one day I sell the company and take away all the money."

Hearing Gwen's angrily complaining, Holm also laughed and said: "Hahaha, if you want to get involved, it's not impossible. By the way, you can get me involved too, and we can travel around the world together."

"Hmph! I won't take you with me. You don't do anything and are of no use." Gwen folded her arms and hummed.

"What do you call this? Why is it useless? No matter what happens, I can still warm the bed, right?" Holm said without thinking.

The words were running ahead and the mind was chasing behind. As soon as he finished saying this sentence, Holm regretted it a little.

He was so used to having sex with Daisy these days that he didn't turn around for a moment and just accepted Gwen's words out of habit.

(End of this chapter)

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