Chapter 204, Wanda? !

After hearing the conversation between Holm and William Baker, Werner's expression suddenly changed. Although he didn't quite understand what Holm and William Baker were communicating specifically, their underlying meaning was already obvious, that is, no matter what He must die no matter what.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly shouted: "Wanda!"

"Wanda?" Werner's shout made Holm stunned. He didn't understand why the other party suddenly called Wanda.

Just when he was wondering, a burst of red energy suddenly exploded the door of the room.

This energy enveloped Werner and Dr. List, and then ejected Holm and William Baker from the outside.

At the opened door, Wanda was standing there with her hands raised, controlling red energy.

She looked much healthier now than last time, but she was also much colder. Her pretty face was tense and her eyes were looking at Holm and William Baker warily.

"Protect us! Kill these two guys!" Warner and Dr. Lister shouted as they approached Wanda.

"I'll deal with this woman, and you control those two guys." Holm warned William Baker, who had regrouped around him, and then stepped on the ground and rushed towards Wanda.

He also didn't know why Wanda suddenly appeared in the Hydra organization and already possessed extraordinary powers.

Holm was also curious about what had happened to them between the time he left and now.

"Whoa!" Following Holm's movements, countless pitch-black tentacles stretched out from his body. These tentacles directly carried the strange red energy towards Werner and Liszt inside, and at the same time, towards Wanda attacked.

In the blink of an eye, Holm rushed in front of Wanda. Although Wanda kept waving her hands and using those strange red energies to hinder his progress, he still moved left and right, and his hands directly pinched her arms like iron pliers.

"Wanda, it's me." Home said to Wanda in a normal voice.

Wanda was stunned for a moment when she heard Holm's voice, and then connected the strange man in front of her with a face that could not be seen clearly and the mysterious man with a handsome face and a warm smile in her mind.

"You? Is it you? Why are you here?" The red power in Wanda's hand stagnated, and she asked in surprise.

"I still want to ask you, why are you here? Didn't I leave you a lot of money? Where is your brother?" Holm also asked his question.

Hearing Holm's question, Wanda's eyes flashed with pain, and then she said softly: "The matter is too complicated. I'm sorry, although I don't know why you came here, but it is mine to protect them both. Work, I can’t let you hurt them.”

As her words fell, Wanda's body also burst out with rich red energy, directly flying away Holm who was holding his hand.

At the same time, the red energy surrounding Werner and Dr. Lister that was about to dissipate suddenly became more intense and substantial, helping them resist the attack from William Baker.

"Well done! That's it, Wanda! Tear these two arrogant guys to pieces!" Seeing that the situation seemed to be reversed, Werner began to grin and shout loudly.

At this time, he had no chance to take any chances. After all, Holm had made it obvious just now that no matter what choice he made, he would die.

Now that the situation has reached this point, there is no need for him to compromise anymore. He can only survive by killing Holm and William Baker. "What happened? You can tell me, maybe I can help you?"

"If you have any transactions or cooperation with this idiot, tell me your needs."

Holm flipped twice in the air and then landed firmly on the ground. He looked at Wanda not far away and said softly.

At this time, his voice had returned to hoarseness. After all, the contact just now had made Wanda know his identity.

After hearing what Holm said to Wanda and how they seemed to have had friendship before, Werner tightened his face a little nervously and shouted to Wanda to persuade him: "Wanda! What you should know is that only Only we can help you!”

"Don't forget who your brother relies on to survive until now! If we die, then your brother will never survive!"

Hearing Werner's cry, Wanda also raised her head and looked at Holm, her eyes full of tangle and apology, biting her lip and said: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. If there is another chance in the future, I will definitely repay you before." Help us.”

"But now. I can't watch my brother die like that, so they can't die."

Although their conversation lasted only a few words, Holm still learned something.

So he no longer acted in a fighting state, but relaxed and walked towards Wanda.

"So it's like this. What happened to you? Is your brother in danger now?"

Seeing Holm approaching, Wanda also took two steps back warily, but seeing that Holm was not defensive at all, she pursed her lips and said softly: "Don't come over again, I have to protect them. ”

"I know, so I have stopped, I want to know what happened." Holm said looking at Wanda.

Hearing Holm's question and the concern in his words, and thinking about their experiences during this period, Wanda suddenly felt a sore nose, blinked her big moist eyes and said tremblingly: "Pietro, he is going to die." "Yes, he was seriously injured, and this is the only place that can save his life."

"They told me that as long as I cooperate with their experiments and be their bodyguard, they can help me treat Pietro, keep him alive, and maybe even restore him to health."

"So for Pietro, I can't let you kill them. He is the only relative I have."

Wanda's eyes were red, but she still tried to suppress her tears. At the same time, she raised her hands to maintain the strange red energy and protect Warner and Dr. Lister.

"That's right! If we hadn't tried our best to hang him alive! He would have died long ago!" Werner quickly shouted while the iron was hot.

"So stop talking so much nonsense, Wanda! Get rid of this arrogant guy quickly. As long as you kill this arrogant guy, the things I promised you will be arranged immediately."

"I will help him arrange for the best doctors and scientific researchers to try to save him, and install him with the most advanced prosthetics so that he can not only wake up, but also return to a normal life."

"Isn't this what you have always wanted? I promise you now that as long as you kill this guy, all of this will come true!"

(End of this chapter)

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