Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 207: Rebirth of a severed limb

Chapter 207: Rebirth of a severed limb

After finishing speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the man with glasses and said, "By the way, I heard that you have expanded another special agent unit?"

Hearing the bald man's sudden question, the man with glasses also pushed up his glasses and said with a smile: "It's just a special agent unit, not worth mentioning."

"Not just me, but everyone present also took some action, didn't they?"

After hearing his words, several middle-aged men also looked at each other, then turned their heads in tacit agreement and did not continue talking.

They all know what the current situation is like. Now that the situation of the Sokovian Hydra has stabilized, Baron Strucker, the mascot, has done a good job. Since they have emptied all power, There is no ability to resist at all.

After the external situation stabilizes, it is normal for the internal organization to decide on a boss.

If the new Baron Strucker can't play this role, then this role will definitely be played by one of them. As for who it is, it depends on each person's abilities.

Sensing that they were gradually moving away, Holm also walked out of the secret door again.

Looking at "Werner" who was still sitting on the sofa, Holm also nodded and said: "It's done well, there is no flaw, and they should not have any doubts in the future."

Sand and dust surged on Warner's face, and he once again transformed into the appearance of William Baker.

"I originally prepared a lot of rhetoric, but in the end I didn't use it. When do I need to kill them?"

Hearing William Baker's question, Holm also thought for a moment and said: "Get familiar with them more first, and after two days they have completely relaxed, defeat them one by one. Remember, you must firmly control this place. "

"If Dr. Liszt is sensible, he will listen to you obediently. If he is really stubborn, there is no need to give him another chance, just deal with it directly."

"Understood." William Baker nodded, and then changed back to Werner.

After finishing speaking, Holm also looked at Wanda and continued: "Now take me to Pietro's place, and I will go and see how he is doing."

After hearing Holm's words, Wanda's eyes lit up, she nodded and led him outside.

Holm's body was surging with thick black liquid, and in an instant he looked like the fully armed men just now.

They walked around in the passage and finally passed through several door locks before arriving at a pure white laboratory.

There was a transparent glass box in the middle of the laboratory, and Pietro was lying quietly inside with his body covered with tubes.

There were countless small scratches on his body. Although they had healed, the tender pink flesh could still be seen.

His legs had completely disappeared from the knees down, leaving only neat sections after surgery.

"He woke up some time ago, but because the injury was too serious, the inflammation recurred, causing him to fall asleep again."

"I'm so useless. If I had awakened my powers earlier and protected him, he wouldn't be like this. I can't even imagine what he's going to see now after he wakes up completely. How broken it would look.”

Wanda looked at Pietro in the glass box, her eyes were sad and remorseful, and the knuckles of her tightly-clasped hands were a little white.

When Holm saw this, he gently held her hand and comforted her softly: "Don't blame yourself too much. With me here, I will make him recover." After saying that, Holm also opened the glass. He opened the lid on the box, then stretched out a tentacle to fish Pietro out of the nutrient solution, and gently placed it on the experimental table next to him.

He removed all the tubes from Pietro's body, as well as the oxygen device on his face.

Looking at Pietro's completely pale face, Home also touched his wet hair and said to Wanda next to him: "I will feed him something, but this thing can only be effective if he accepts it himself."

"So I need to speak to him in his ear and tell him not to resist that force, that force will bring him back to life and make him stronger."

Although Holm's words sounded a bit mysterious, Wanda had no doubts. After nodding, she leaned into Pietro's ear and spoke softly.

Seeing that Wanda had been chanting for a while, Pietro, who was in a coma, should have some impression. After his subconscious mind would not resist too much, Holm also opened Pietro's mouth and dripped a small drop of thick black venom into it. in his mouth.

After seeing Home feed this thing into Pietro's mouth, Wanda also talked in Pietro's ear more frequently.

Finally, after dozens of seconds, Pietro's body suddenly began to tremble slightly, and his broken leg was slowly recovering in a very unscientific manner, visible to the naked eye.

However, as the broken leg slowly recovered, Pietro's body tremors began to become more and more serious.

"Is this a normal reaction? I feel that he is getting hot and he seems to be in pain." Wanda looked at Pietro with some worry and said.

After hearing this, Holm also comforted her: "This is a normal reaction, but because the leg needs to be reborn, it will hurt more than normal."

"As long as he lasts for a while, it will be fine. In a few minutes, his legs will be fully recovered and the process will be over."

After hearing Holm's words, Wanda's worries decreased a bit. However, looking at Pietro in a coma, she frowned and gritted her teeth. She also held his hand with some distress and prayed softly.

Finally, after a few more minutes, Pietro's broken leg had completely grown out, and the tremors in his body gradually subsided.

"It's almost over. He's a little tired now, so he might sleep for a while, you."

While Holm was talking, Wanda had already thrown herself into his arms, hugged him tightly, and said with a trembling voice: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Thank you, thank you!"

Hearing Wanda begin to sob uncontrollably again, Holm patted her back gently and said, "It's okay now, don't be afraid."

"Yeah." Wanda nodded against his chest, trying to control her emotions.

While they were hugging, Pietro, who was lying on the table, gradually woke up from his drowsiness.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the dazzling white light and the familiar ceiling of the laboratory.

When he turned his head slightly and looked to the side where the sound was coming from, he found that his sister was sobbing softly in the arms of what looked like an armed member of the base.

"What are you doing? What's happening now?"

Pietro looked at the two people next to him who didn't notice that he had woken up, and asked in a dry voice.

(End of this chapter)

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