Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 212, Venom’s comments, furious Pierce

Chapter 212, Venom’s comments, furious Pierce

Garriott opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but Holm didn't give him a chance and directly wrapped a tentacle around his mouth, making him unable to make any sound.

"Shh~ Remember to keep this secret for me."

As Holm spoke, thick black liquid surged through his body, and he turned into a complete state in an instant.

The long and narrow pale eyes exuded an evil and cold gaze, and the gaping mouth was full of sharp teeth. The blood-red tongue swung randomly around the mouth, covered with sticky saliva.

A hoarse and terrifying sound came from this terrifying big mouth, like the wail of an evil ghost coming from the abyss of hell.

"It's your honor to be my snack, old guy." Venom said in a hoarse voice.

After saying that, he opened his mouth wide and bit off Garriott's head in one bite.

"Don't leave any traces," Holm reminded Venom.

"Understood." Venom swallowed the head and opened its mouth again, swallowing all of Garriott in two or three mouthfuls.

"Huh~ Next, I should send the photos of this place to Pierce. I hope he can move faster and clean up this place before SHIELD realizes that something is wrong. Otherwise, if SHIELD notices that something is wrong first, it will be very fun. Big."

He didn't feel anything at first, after all, this was not the first time, but after listening to Venom's detailed comments and the images that involuntarily appeared in his mind, he couldn't help but feel nauseous.

"If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't leave traces, I wouldn't want to eat his lungs. They're so dark that they're worse than a failing kidney."

"He's a bit old after all. This old guy doesn't taste as sweet as he smells." Venom said as he slowly retracted into Holm's body, leaving only a head poking over his shoulders.

"Although ordinary chocolate tastes good, these snacks taste better after all, especially young snacks. Their brains are sweet and mellow, and their internal organs are relatively healthy. Unlike the old guy just now, his kidneys are a bit exhausted. ”

Listening to Venom's evaluation, Holm also touched its cold head and said, "Then I'll find a few unlucky guys to give you extra food later. Now is the time when those scum are infested."

Seeing that Holm seemed a little uncomfortable, Venom closed his mouth very wisely. After all, it was agreed that there would be snacks. It would be a big loss if Holm canceled the snacks because they were too disgusting.

"Really?! That's great!" Venom immediately became excited after hearing this.

A few seconds later, Garriott had disappeared, turning into pure energy and integrating into Venom's body.

Venom commented on Garriott who had just been swallowed by him, and had different comments on each of his internal organs.

"Stop, stop, stop talking. Once you've finished eating, don't dwell on it anymore. It's disgusting." Holm quickly stopped Venom and wanted to continue to comment on the details.

While muttering to himself, Holm took Garriott's cell phone to take a few photos of the scene, and then sent them to Pierce.

"Baron Strucker says hello!"

After sending the final text message to Pierce, Holm placed Garriott's phone back on the table. "Pierce won't be able to sleep well tonight. I hope his body can survive it." Holm thought in a wicked way as he left the villa lightly, cleaning up all traces of himself.

At the same time, Pierce, who was sitting in his study at home in his pajamas, had no time to pay attention to the ringing cell phone. He was frowning and communicating with the person opposite him on the landline phone.

"It seems that I underestimated this young Baron Strucker. I originally thought that he was just a mascot recommended by those old guys, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a tiger pretending to be a docile cat."

"In just one night, we wiped out all the forces of our spies and those old guys. This Baron Strucker is really not simple."

Pierce said to the person on the other side of the phone with a very ugly face.

The person on the other side of the microphone responded with lingering fear after hearing this: "This young Baron Trak was hiding very deeply. I never knew that he had hidden so much power, including the two very powerful aliens under him. A capable person.”

"If my people hadn't tried their best to protect me and allowed me to escape this time, I probably wouldn't have been able to escape from the castle, and I wouldn't even be able to tell you any news."

"Now that things have happened, do I still want to continue to lurk here?"

Hearing the question from the person opposite, Pierce thought in silence for a moment, and then replied: "You hide in Sokovia first. If you leave too, we will really become blind and deaf there. "

"I understand. I will hide it carefully and wait for your instructions again." The person on the other side responded without any hesitation.

After communicating the situation, Pierce hung up the phone and sat back in his chair, frowning and thinking.

He never expected that the situation would suddenly take a turn for the worse. According to his plan, after the situation in Sokovia stabilized, there would be an internal power struggle.

In this fight, he was confident enough to give his men the upper hand, and finally succeeded in controlling Sokovia.

Things were going smoothly, but he didn't expect that the young Baron Strucker would secretly hold back such a big surprise for him, causing all his previous plans to fall short, including the manpower. 90% lost.

"Damn it! If I had known better, I should have let the poisonous snakes get rid of this scourge earlier!" Pierce thought with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

After a while, he also remembered that his phone had rang a few times, so he picked it up from the table and opened it to read.

When he saw that the sender was Garriott, Pierce had a bad feeling in his heart, because Garriott would usually call him directly and would not engage in such things as sending messages.

Then when he opened the message and saw the photo and the last sentence sent inside, his eyes widened instantly, and then endless anger and humiliation rose in his heart.

"Bang!" The landline phone at hand was thrown away by him, and it fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

"Damn! Damn Straker!!!" Pierce shouted angrily while looking at the photos on his phone.

He never imagined that the young Baron Strucker couldn't help but clean up Sokovia's side, and even reached out to his side, directly eliminated his capable men, and even sent it to his mobile phone. .

How could this keep him from feeling humiliated! Don't feel angry!
(End of this chapter)

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