Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 223, Internal factions, Pierce’s thoughts

Chapter 223, Internal factions, Pierce’s thoughts

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, Pierce introduced Holm with a smile: "This is Congressman Stern. If you usually pay attention to municipal affairs, you should be familiar with him."

"This is Agent Sitwell. Like you, he is also one of the agents lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., but he is mainly responsible for internal work." After introducing the middle-aged man, Pierce also pointed to the bald glasses next to him. The man said.

While listening to Pierce's introduction, Holm also smiled and greeted the two of them.

He has an impression of these two people. In previous Marvel movies, these two people have appeared many times as supporting characters.

Senator Stern mainly appeared in the Iron Man movies, always arguing with Tony Stark. He and Tony had contributed to many famous scenes at the hearing on the Iron Armor.

Agent Sitwell appeared in various series. What impressed Holm most about him was his bald head and the gold-rimmed glasses that seemed to be standard equipment for gentle scum.

Even until Pierce introduced his name just now, Holm didn't know what his name was. He only remembered his bald head and gold-rimmed glasses.

Compared with the people who just spontaneously flocked to Home, the people Pierce introduced to Home were the core of Hydra's core.

With his excellent communication skills, Holm soon became familiar with these people. From time to time, he could tell a cold joke and make everyone present laugh.

“But everyone’s opinions are not unified yet on who will take over as the new director after this.”

"As for Nick Fury, we have reached a consensus and will look for opportunities to remove him from the position of director of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the future."

After asking for a glass of wine from the bartender inside, Pierce also tasted the wine and said to Holm: "Coming here means you have come to the core circle, and there are some things you are qualified to know. and know.”

"I recommend you to be the candidate to succeed the new director. After all, your achievements are obvious to all. Whether it is within SHIELD or within Hydra, no one does not know your name."

"However, although your ability is outstanding, your qualifications are still a bit shallow compared to your ability. Therefore, some people do not think that the tasks you have completed in the past can outweigh your years of qualifications. They do not support my proposal. , but supports Agent Sitwell to become the new director, after all, his qualifications are far better than yours."

"Although I am the leader of Hydra, I cannot ignore the opinions of these veteran figures, so now the candidates for the new director within the organization are divided into two types."

It wasn't until another thirty or forty minutes passed that Holm and Pierce stood alone at the bar.

After talking about the current situation, Pierce also took a sip of the wine in his hand and looked at Holm quietly.

Although he didn't ask any questions, it was obvious that he was waiting for Holm to give him a reply. The specific kind of reply depended on Holm himself.

Holm also knew this, so under Pierce's gaze, he was silent for only two seconds before speaking: "I will definitely use more facts to prove myself, let other voices slowly disappear, so that you don't have to worry about me. Difficult. ""I can do what Agent Sitwell can do, and I can also do what Agent Sitwell can't do!"

"As long as you support me to replace Nick Fury as the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D., then I will definitely do it even if I try my best."

Listening to Holm's firm and powerful answer, Pierce also put down his glass, smiled and nodded with satisfaction and said: "Show your own abilities to your heart's content. Those who have objections will be shocked and speechless. of."

"Although Agent Sitwell maintains a good relationship with other people, his abilities are there. He is destined to not have the superb martial arts and skills like you."

He had just said that he could not ignore the opinions of those veteran figures, but now he was definitely saying that there was no way Agent Sitwell could compare to Holm.

It can be said that Pierce has never paid attention to other people's opinions. He just said that just to put some pressure on Holm, so that Holm can better stand on his side and correct his position. Let Home know how important his support is.

Holm also understood what Pierce meant, so he immediately expressed his firm belief and loyalty.

While expressing himself, Holm was also thinking secretly in his heart, and understood why Pierce had just introduced Representative Stern and Agent Sitwell to him.

He just thought that Pierce was helping him expand his network, but now he realized that he was actually helping him identify his opponents.

In the conversation just now, he had already sensed the unusual relationship between Representative Stern and Agent Sitwell. The two of them seemed obviously closer to each other than others.

Especially when leaving at the end, Holm also used his excellent hearing to hear the two of them talking quietly, and heard Senator Stern lamenting to Agent Sitwell how exciting the beautiful nurse she introduced to him last time was. and fascinated him.

At that time, Holm and Venom were still lamenting in their minds that Senator Stern was playing tricks. Although they were pot-bellied and looked like they were not very good at it, they did not expect that the addiction would be so strong and the interest would be so high.

Venom also complained to Home about how worthless Senator Stern was. Not only was the scent in his head not as strong as others, but even the organs in his body were not as healthy as others.

There is also Agent Sitwell, who looks gentle and harmless, but turns out to be a senior pimp. He said he did a good job as an in-house agent, but he turns out to be doing this kind of in-house job.

Thinking of this, and then thinking of the many people who supported Agent Sitwell that Pierce had just mentioned to him, he suddenly realized that he immediately understood that these people probably had many private transactions with Agent Sitwell.

Thinking of this, Holm couldn't help but sneer in his heart. Although Hydra has spread its tentacles across all levels of American politics, every department, and every aspect of American life, internal decay is still inevitable.

Perhaps this time Pierce promoted Holm to this position not only to solve the hidden danger of Nick Fury, but also to clearly divide the factions in the selection of candidates, so that he could know how many people dared to go against his wishes and how many People have been corrupted by fame, fortune and power.

(End of this chapter)

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