Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 239, an experiment that progresses rapidly.

Chapter 239, an experiment that progresses rapidly.

On the Arctic ice sheet, in the S.H.I.E.L.D. experimental area, Coulson was listening to the experimenter's report with a slightly surprised face.

"We continued to make the third improvement based on the data collected after the last black-armored soldier operation."

"After this targeted improvement, we have greatly reduced the violence and aggression of the black symbiote, and it can even be said to have been directly removed."

"The black symbiote that has passed the fourth improvement has integrated very well with the experimental body. It has been 4 hours, but there is still no abnormality."

"After the experiment, their various abilities are more powerful than before, and no matter how they use their abilities, they will not be affected by chaos and evil, showing the trend of gradually going crazy during the last experiment."

The professionals reported the results of this experiment to Coulson with excitement. The fourth improvement experiment was really beyond their expectations. They did not expect that the progress would be so fast and the experiment would be so smooth.

Judging from the current situation, their black-armored soldier plan should be successful, and these black symbionts can fight with. Excellent soldiers fuse together to become more powerful black-armored soldiers.

Each of these black-armored soldiers is like Captain America, even much stronger than Captain America. After all, Captain America does not have the comprehensive qualities of the black-armored soldiers in all aspects, nor their strong self-healing ability. In addition to fighting, Experience, the black-armored soldier crushes Captain America in every aspect.

"You're doing a great job. Send me the compiled report and I'll report the good news to the director." Coulson said to the experimenter while holding his ID badge and preparing to go to Nick Fury. His office reported the matter to him personally.

When Bromlow saw Colson hurriedly walking out of the core area, he knew that the long-awaited opportunity had finally arrived.

Although the news of the success of the fourth improved experiment is still strictly confidential, because there are now undercover Hydra agents among the experimenters, Rumlow knows the news of the success of the experiment even earlier than Coulson.

The undercover experimenters had quietly installed some of the unreported black symbionts into several small sealed instruments, just waiting for a suitable opportunity to hand them over to Rumlow.

Taking advantage of Colson's departure, Rumlow also used patrols to transfer these sealed instruments from the undercover experimenters.

After he transferred these sealed instruments, he put them together with today's garbage. Although the core practice area is very confidential, the daily garbage still needs to be transported out. He has replaced all of his own people on this road. After these sealed instruments are shipped out, they will be immediately sent to Hydra's laboratory for research.

Originally, he thought that after these black symbiotes were transported to Hydra's laboratory, they would need a series of research experiments before they could start trying to fuse with soldiers, but he did not expect that SHIELD was progressing so fast and had already completed the perfect fusion. Taste.

Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. has a finished product, it means that Hydra also has a finished product. I believe that the Viper agents will be very satisfied, and the top management of Hydra will also be very satisfied.

When this is completed, his achievements should be enough to make him move forward a lot. After all, this black symbiote can create an entire powerful army.

For Hydra, an entire symbiote army can already make them several times more powerful.

While Rumlow quietly transported the black symbiote out, Coulson had also arrived in Nick Fury's office.

"Boss, the plan of the black-armored soldiers was successful. After special improvements based on the data collected last time, the violent attributes of the black symbiote have been completely eliminated, and it can be perfectly integrated with the soldiers." Coulson reported the experiment Sent to Nick Fury, and explained the detailed situation to him at the same time.

Seeing the plan report of the black-armored soldier and the situation reported by Coulson, Nick Fury's dark and serious face also showed a smile for a long time.

"Well done, what a surprise." Nick Fury said to Coulson as he sat back in his chair.

"The success of the Black Armor Soldier Project means that we will soon have a powerful special army."

"This reminds me of the super soldier project during World War II. At that time, we also wanted to create an army of super soldiers where everyone was like Captain America, but in the end we only got one Captain America."

"But it doesn't matter. Now we are about to realize this dream, and this army will be more powerful than the previous super soldier army. With this army, the earth will not have to be afraid of any dangers and invasions."

It can be seen that Nick Fury is indeed very happy. He would not have said so many words in the past.

Listening to Nick Fury's words, Coulson also raised his lips and smiled: "If aliens really invade the earth now, they will be the ones to be nervous. Now that we have such powerful soldiers, Match those weapons."

S.H.I.E.L.D. has been secretly studying the Cosmic Cube. This was an unexpected gain when Howard Stark salvaged Captain America. This gain allowed them to possess more advanced weapons than the Nazi German Hydra forces.

With the advancement of weapons, coupled with the success of the black-armored soldier plan, theoretically speaking, the earth now does have the ability to defend itself.

Even if an alien invasion does occur, the earth will have enough strength to fight back and defend itself.

Listening to Coulson's words, Nick Fury nodded first, then shook his head and continued: "Although the black-armored soldier plan was successful, it was not enough."

"The Black Armored Soldiers Legion is just the beginning. We still need individuals strong enough to lead this army, just like Holm."

"But I always feel a little uneasy about him. Although I can't explain why, I always trust my intuition."

"So this army cannot be led by him. It is best to create an individual as powerful as him, but at the same time still subject to our constraints."

"Although the black-armored soldier project is successful, the research on the black symbiote cannot stop. On the contrary, we need to study more deeply."

Hearing Nick Fury's words, Coulson nodded, then turned and left the office, continuing to return to the core experimental area to preside over work.

In the office, Nick Fury looked at the report in his hand and the black symbiote dragon outside the floor-to-ceiling window. His eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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