Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 248, Rumlow and the Dark Red Monster

Chapter 248, Rumlow and the Dark Red Monster
On the roof of a building not far from the dilapidated neighborhood, Rumlow was squatting on the edge of the building, staring wide-eyed at the video taken and the only two pools of blood left on the ground.

He really didn't expect that he would take pictures of these things today. It turned out that those black-armored soldiers had not succeeded yet!

They don't know what they are doing, but they secrete that kind of blood-red scary monster, just like the ones that appeared on him before.

But compared to his, this dark red monster was obviously more evil and disgusting.

"I need to tell Agent Viper about these things. This is too unbelievable. Who would have thought that these black-armored soldiers are just pretending to be successful, but in fact they are still monsters."

"And they seem to be planning something. I don't know what they are doing."

While Rumlow was thinking in his mind, he sent all the videos on his phone and all the information he knew to Holm.

After he finished all this and was about to stand up and go back to the base, he suddenly heard a noise behind him.

Rumlow subconsciously moved away from the side in an instant, but the next second a dark red sharp tentacle pierced the place where he had just been standing, even piercing the cement on the edge of the building.

Looking along this dark red sharp tentacle, I saw that the vest boss who had just left the street had arrived on the roof of the building at some point and was staring at him with his eyes wide open. There was no trace of anything on his face. expression.

"You're quite cunning, I was almost fooled by your fake move." Rumlow looked at the vest boss who suddenly appeared behind him and said in a deep voice, preparing to launch a sneak attack on him.

"You smell delicious. Special food. I need it."

The man in the vest opened and closed his mouth, making a series of hoarse sounds that did not belong to him.

After hearing what he said, Rumlow also squinted his eyes and slowly raised his hands.

"It's not that easy to eat me. I'm not one of those ordinary guys."

As Rumlow spoke, some thick black liquid overflowed from his hands, wrapping his hands tightly inside.

He could feel how dangerous this dark red monster was to him. If he wanted to deal with this dark red monster, he would have to use all his strength.

After Holm gave him such power, he has never used it at full strength. After all, previous missions and opponents did not require him to do so.

But facing this dark red monster today, he had already been alerted. At the same time, his intuition also told him that this guy was not that easy to deal with, so he had to treat it with the most serious attitude.

Seeing the viscous black liquid appearing on Rumlow's hand, the vest boss's eyes flashed with desire. The corner of his mouth turned up in a very strange arc and said: "The smell of the same kind is sweet and necessary."

After saying that, he couldn't wait to rush towards Rumlow. The dark red viscous liquid condensed on the surface of his body and turned into sharp dark red tentacles, which stabbed towards Rumlow.

Seeing this, Rumlow waved his fist and knocked back all the sharp dark red tentacles. At the same time, he also used his flexible body skills to move behind the vest boss in an instant, and wiped the thick black liquid from his hand. The glove turned into a sharp dagger, directly piercing the body of the vest boss from the back of the heart.

"Pfft!" As Rumlow twisted his arm, the sharp dagger made two more turns in the body of the vest boss, turning his heart into a pile of rotten flesh.

After feeling this situation, Rumlow also took out his hand, looked at the blood spewing out on the ground and said softly: "You underestimate me, I am much stronger than you think."

Just as he finished speaking, the man in the vest suddenly twisted his neck 180 degrees and looked directly at him. At the same time, a sharp dark red tentacle shot out of the vest boss's mouth and stabbed directly towards Rumlow's neck.

Rumlow realized something was wrong when the vest boss turned his head, so the unexpected attack from the vest boss was also dodged.

However, the distance between them was widened again because of this attack. Rumlow took a few steps back and then shook his hand, throwing all the blood on his hands to the ground.

"Click! Click!"

The vest boss's head didn't move, but his body also rotated 180 degrees.

The vest on his chest had a big hole and was stained with some blood, which was caused by Rumlow's attack.

Under the tattered vest, the wound that looked so terrifying just now, and even the heart had been shattered, was rapidly healing at a perverted speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is really a real monster." Rumlow said in a deep voice while looking at the vest boss's almost healed chest.

It seemed that what he just said was a bit too early. This monster misjudged his strength, and he also did not expect this monster's strength.

"It seems I need to really get serious." Rumlow lowered his hands, and thick black liquid poured out of his body, wrapping his arms into two sharp blades.

At the same time, opposite him, a lot of viscous dark red liquid also poured out of the body of the vest boss.

These dark red liquids wrapped the body of the vest boss, and wrapped his head into the terrifying and ferocious appearance just now, with sharp teeth and a scarlet tongue.

Because these dark red viscous liquids did not cover the entire body, and some parts looked like normal people, the current boss in the vest looked like he had eaten some poison or been exposed to radiation. , like a partially mutated monster, weird and disgusting, just looking at it makes one's hair stand on end.

"Roar!" Before Langmulo could say anything harsh, the vest boss once again rushed towards him, waving the weapon that had transformed into dark red claws.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The sonic boom when the claws cut through the air was intertwined with the sound of Rumlow's blade and claws clashing together, constantly ringing in the silent night sky.

I don't know how long it took before the sounds gradually stopped. At this time, Rumlow's body was covered in blood, and the sharp blades transformed from his hands were also covered in blood.

Opposite him, the vest boss was now shirtless. He had countless horrific wounds on his body, which were slowly healing. All the blood on Rumlow and the knife came from him.

Rumlow took a deep breath and was about to continue swinging the blade to completely eliminate this red monster.

As a result, the vest boss took a step back and fell down the stairs.

(End of this chapter)

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