Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 252, Questioning Meeting

Chapter 252, Questioning Meeting

"Excessive? Didn't you already know this? Why continue to say such things here hypocritically." Nick Fury said coldly.

"If you really felt that it was too much, shouldn't you have stopped me earlier? Why wait until the dust has settled and the results have been obtained before you do something like this?"

"I thought I knew your eating habits very well, but when things happened, I found that I still underestimated you."

Listening to Nick Fury's words, Pierce also frowned slightly. Nick Fury actually knew that he had known it for a long time.

Pierce subconsciously raised his vigilance, but when he thought about it, listening to Nick Fury's other words, he also knew that he was too concerned.

Even if Nick Fury is given an extra brain, there is absolutely no way the other party will know that he is Hydra, and his words should not be directed at him.

I don’t know what Nick Fury is thinking, but it always feels like the two of them are talking on different channels.

Before Pierce could say anything more, it was already half past nine. Nick Fury stood up and straightened his windbreaker. He ignored Pierce next to him and walked straight into the conference room.

There was a large round table in the conference room, with a seat reserved for Nick Fury at one end and many people already sitting at the other end.

Most of them are middle-aged men and women with gray hair. Some are representatives of the military, some representatives of parliament, and some are secretaries to the president.

Looking at these somewhat familiar faces, Nick Fury's heart gradually sank, knowing that today's matter would probably not be easily solved.

Such a group of hungry wolves came to him. If he didn't pay some price, it would be impossible to feed them. It was very likely that he would have to help himself.

After Nick Fury sat down at the seat with his name tag, Pierce also opened the door and walked in, and sat down at the other end.

"Nick Fury, do you know why you are attending the inquiry meeting today?" A gray-haired old man opposite looked at Nick Fury with sharp eyes.

After hearing his question, Nick Fury also sat back in his chair and responded with a calm voice: "I don't know, I'm waiting for you to give me an answer."

"Really don't know? This is not in line with your usual behavior."

"I don't know. I'm waiting for you to give me a reply. If there are no problems, please speed up. I still have a lot of things to deal with." Nick Fury repeated what he just said again like a repeater. answer.

Hearing his answer, the gray-haired old man also sneered, knocked on the table and said: "Since your memory is not as good as an old man like me, let me remind you."

"Black-armored soldier plan, didn't you personally draw up the name of this plan? Do you remember it now?"

"Please give us an explanation for conducting such a dangerous experiment privately within SHIELD, and also explain to us in detail the origin of Experimental Subject No. 0."

The old man didn't go around any circles with Nick Fredo and just threw the problem in his face.

Hearing that the old man mentioned the black-armored soldier plan, Nick Fury's face darkened and his fists could not help but clenched.

Although he had expected this, he still felt uncomfortable for a while when he actually heard the words "black-armored soldier" coming from the mouths of the guys opposite. "Since you can ask questions like me, you should have grasped the entire situation, right?" Nick Fury replied in a cold and forceful tone.

But before he could finish his words, the old man opposite knocked on the table and interrupted him and continued: "Your escape will not solve any problems. This time is not like before. In the past, we would turn a blind eye to some of your actions." Close one eye and pretend you didn’t see it, but this time you did go too far.”

"SHIELD is an agency under the government. Everything it does should be for the benefit and security of the country. You are just a director. How dare you do such a thing? Why was such a dangerous experimental subject discovered? Not reporting it?”

"What right do you have to carry out experiments privately and mobilize the death row inmates and some soldiers in the prison?"

"Even the death row inmates in the prison have human rights before death, let alone our excellent soldiers. Why should they become victims of your experiments? What right do you have to do this?"

The old man's series of questions were righteous and resounding, and every question hit the point.

It can be said that one problem is a big mistake made by Nick Fury. According to the old man, he made countless unacceptable principled mistakes in this incident.

However, despite the old man's imposing manner, Nick Fury still looked at him with cold eyes, without any flinch or fear.

The old man's statement was useful for everyone else, but it had no effect on him, because he had a deep understanding of what this group of people actually looked like.

These are just a group of sanctimonious politicians. Although they say they are righteous, in fact they are not much better than him.

The reason why the old man said that the lives of death row prisoners were so important and also mentioned some outstanding soldiers was to use these two tools to make him stand on the moral high ground and at the same time conduct a top-down investigation of Nick Fury. of trial.

"Stop talking nonsense, state your conditions, say what you want, and skip the previous hypocritical steps. These tricks are of no use to me." Nick Fury said in a deep voice.

No matter how unhappy he felt, he knew he had to admit defeat this time.

He has already drawn his bottom line in his heart, that is, he must ensure that the black-armored soldiers play a role when alien civilization invades. Everything else can be discussed.

Nick Fury's naked words made many people look unhappy. Although what he said was true, politicians still need this fig leaf to achieve their goals.

However, only some people were unhappy. Veterans like Pierce and the old man who had experienced many battles were no longer irritated by such words. Their skin was already so thick that even bullets could not penetrate it.

So after Nick Fury expressed his dissatisfaction in a cold tone, the old man also opened the documents on the table, and then said to Nick Fury while reading.

"SHIELD's Black Soldier Project is suspended, and a special research team will be established by the government to take over."

"Experimental Subject No. 0 and the currently formed black-armored soldiers will be received by the government for unified command and deployment."

"Finally, remove Nick Fury from his position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

(End of this chapter)

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