Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 255, Colson’s determination

Chapter 255, Colson’s determination

"Roar!" With the roars one after another, these black-armored soldiers no longer behaved like normal people. They grinned their mouths and jumped towards the weapons on the ceiling with some crazy roars.

Under their counterattack, some flamethrowers were broken into pieces by their claws and tentacles, but more of them were activated in time, spraying out surging flames and wrapping these black-armored soldiers.

Colson and several other men also saw this scene through the monitor. Looking at the black-armored soldiers who no longer looked human and their constant roars, Colson couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Sure enough, as Nick Fury said, there is really something wrong with these black-armored soldiers.

On the phone just now, Nick Fury had told Coulson his thoughts and admitted his mistake.

He knew that he had no way to stop these government politicians who were obsessed with profit and could not see the danger, so he had to find another way to contact Colson to let him be there. Before the handover is completed, all the black-armored soldiers and all sample data must be destroyed.

After listening to Nefery's story, Colson also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he did not hesitate at all. He immediately stabilized the government staff temporarily, and then brought people here to clean up the remaining experimental product.

In the camp, the originally clean and tidy place has now become a new purgatory on earth, filled with howls of symbiotic monsters everywhere. They are beating the walls crazily, attacking the special alloy steel plates, trying to escape from inside.

But the raging fire did not give them a chance, and during their struggle, the super sonic device on the ceiling was slowly activated.

"Don't wait too long, move faster, start the sonic device quickly, these symbionts can't leave any traces, and we can't let them continue to live."

While they were making intensive arrangements to eliminate all the black-armored soldiers in the camp, the government workers outside finally noticed something was wrong.

"Did you hear anything?!" The leading man with glasses suddenly stood up and said to the colleagues next to him.

Several people nearby also looked at each other when they heard this, listened carefully, and then said: "There seemed to be a little sound, like someone screaming, just like the sounds in those horror movies, and it was quite scary. "

"Are the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents here watching horror movies? It's still working hours."

Just when they were complaining that the staff of SHIELD fished during working hours, which was so enviable and so deserving of condemnation, the man with glasses was already frowning and his expression changed again and again.

"Damn it! Something is wrong! They are destroying the information and those black-armored soldiers!"

"Quick! Follow me! They must be stopped! If they are allowed to finish processing all the black-armored soldiers and information, then our mission will be a complete failure!"

The man with glasses stood up as he spoke, and rushed in the direction that Colson and the others had just left. Several of his colleagues followed him closely, with equally ugly expressions on their faces.

"Hey, what do you want to do?! It's not time yet, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s territory!" Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents hurriedly stood up to stop them when they saw the men with eyes rushing in.

"Go away! You are hindering me from performing my mission now. If you say one more word, you will be court-martialed!" the man with glasses yelled sternly.

At the same time, some staff he brought over also gathered around and helped him stop the SHIELD agents. With the cover of these people, the bespectacled man and several of his colleagues quickly broke out of the encirclement and rushed towards the depths of the base.

As they went deeper, the roars and shouts became clearer and clearer. Finally, after going around several passages, they finally arrived at the black-armored soldier camp surrounded by steel plates and saw the operations not far away. between.

Through the glass in the middle of the operation room door, they also saw Coulson and the others inside.

Coulson and others also saw them, but they did not stop what they were doing, but instead increased their intensity.

"Buzz!" A burst of heart-wrenching sound waves began to be emitted from the super sonic device on the ceiling of the camp. In an instant, all the black-armored soldiers were pressed to the ground by the sound waves and started wailing.

The viscous black liquid surged on their bodies in an attempt to escape, but once it left their bodies there was only thick alloy steel plates, which would only make them die faster.

"Open the door! You damn guys! S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mad dogs!"

"Agent Coulson! What you are doing now is provoking the country and the government. I guarantee that you will be sent to a military court and shot!!!"

The man with glasses was banging on the door of the operation room frantically. While cursing, he kept banging on the door, trying to force it open.

Coulson inside, after hearing the bespectacled man's crazy curses and warnings, just turned around and smiled disdainfully, then raised his hand and gave him a middle finger, showing contempt and ridicule.

"Sir, the vital signs of all the black-armored soldiers in the camp are declining rapidly. These symbiotes will die soon, as well as the soldiers who are their hosts." The SHIELD agent next to him looked at the screen. Data said to Coulson.

Coulson also sighed deeply when he heard this, pursed his lips and said a little heavily: "Write down all their information, give their families double pensions, and at the same time add S.H.I.E.L.D. Subsidies.”

For these sacrificed soldiers, Coulson had no better way to compensate them.

Thinking about it now, after these symbiotes parasitized into their bodies and established a symbiotic relationship with them, these soldiers may have been brain dead, and subsequent actions were completely controlled by these symbiotes.

It's a pity that they have just woken up now and failed to discover these problems early, correct the mistakes, and stop the experiment.

Many people died in the Black Armor Soldier Project this time. Some were criminals who should have died, and some were excellent soldiers. These lives will be counted on Nick Fury, and he is directly responsible for this project. On the person's head.

Carrying so many innocent souls who died in vain, they are destined to go to hell to atone for their sins.

But the matter has come to this, and Coulson cannot turn back time and let everything go back to before it happened. He can only try his best to make up for his mistakes, just like what he is doing now, eliminate these black-armored soldiers and put them to death. All data is cleaned and destroyed to prevent the gaffe from getting worse.

"Turn on the power of the sonic launcher and the flame launcher to the maximum! Make sure they completely lose their vital signs." Coulson said while looking at the black-armored soldiers and symbionts who had little movement and movement in the surveillance screen.

(End of this chapter)

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