Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 283, increase intensity

Chapter 283, increase intensity

"Natasha, you are mainly responsible for this matter. You will take charge of the search for the symbiote massacre." Holm looked at Natasha and said.

"I believe that what this guy is doing now is for a bigger plot later, so what you have to do is to find him at all costs, stop him, and even kill him if possible!"

"There can't be any more murder cases. His collection of human spines must be useful. For details on how to implement it effectively, you can contact the New York police. I will say hello to the government."

"I understand!" Natasha nodded and responded seriously.

After explaining the matter to Natasha, Holm also turned to look at Barton and said, "You and Natasha were partners before. Now this matter is also left to you two. You will assist her."

"The most important task in the bureau right now is this. As the two most capable and experienced agents, you must do this well."

"There is a guy named Rumlow in the special operations team who is very strong. I will give him separate training on symbiotes."

"A few days ago, I submitted a lot of weapons specifically designed to target symbiotes to the R&D center. Now they should be working on it in a hurry."

"In the follow-up operations, Rumlow will be your sharp knife. Once traces of massacre are discovered, he will be dispatched to deal with them."

"Other ordinary people can provide assistance and weapon support. After all, for the symbiote, there is no difference between these ordinary people and fodder."

Holm explained a lot to Natasha and Barton about the massacre. After all, the situation was getting more and more serious and he could no longer let it go.

In a dark basement in the suburbs of New York, a disheveled homeless man opened his dirty eyes in confusion.

He clearly remembered that he was lying on the street sleeping before, why did he suddenly wake up here.

There is basically no light in the basement, except for the top of the wall near the roadside that has caved in a little, allowing some sunlight from outside to filter in through the gap.

Through this faint ray of sunlight, the homeless man could roughly see that the place he was in was a dark basement.

"Could it be that I came here after being drunk? If so, I'm pretty lucky. I can find a basement like this and I won't have to be exposed to the wind and rain on the street every day."

The homeless man thought as he straightened his arms to push himself up, but his elbow suddenly touched something greasy, and he instantly lost his balance and rolled off the bed.

"Damn, what is that stuff? It's sticky and greasy. Did I just vomit on the bed? I just said why is this room so smelly?"

The homeless man thought as he slowly stood up from the ground and turned his head to look at the bed he had just fallen off.

The light coming from the gap in the wall was too dim. The homeless man tried to open his eyes wide and finally saw clearly what was carrying his body just now?
"Is this a human?!!! And there's blood?!!!"

After seeing clearly what the so-called "bed" was, the homeless man's eyes widened and he shouted in horror.

It turned out that the bed he called was actually a pile of corpses, and the slippery things that caused him to roll off were the half-coagulated blood on the corpses. After he figured out what these things were, the outlines and appearances of the corpses finally became clear in his eyes. He could clearly see the painful and twisted faces of these people, as well as their wide-open eyes and pale skin.


The tramp felt cold all over, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and only a warm liquid was slowly flowing out from his crotch.

Just when he was using his hands and feet to forcefully control his limp body and lie down to escape from this hell, he realized that the ground was also covered with sticky, wet, smelly and black blood.

These blood stains could not help but impact his psychology again, and also brought great obstacles to his escape.

He rolled on his hands and feet, trying to escape through the dimly visible door.

But before he could get close enough, the door there creaked and was pushed open from the outside.

I saw a tall, thin man with red curly hair walking in from the door. He was also carrying a woman with long hair on his shoulders.

The moment he saw the homeless man, the man was stunned, and then he grinned with a weird and perverted smile.

"Haha! I didn't expect that you woke up early. How do you feel? Are you satisfied with this place? This is the paradise that most inspires me to create!" Cletus Kasady said as he put the hair on his shoulders The woman threw it onto the pile of corpses where the homeless man had just been lying.

The hell-like environment around him and the strange and terrifying man in front of him made the homeless man completely collapse.

He looked at Cletus Kasady's perverted smile, and begged with a trembling and frightened voice: "Please let me go, I'm just a homeless man with nothing, don't kill me, please, Do not kill me."

Listening to the tramp's wailing and begging for mercy, Cletus Kasady also knelt down, gently stroked the tramp's dirty and knotted hair, and then said softly: "Be good, don't give up on yourself like this. You belittle yourself, you still have blood all over your body and a beating heart, how can you say you have nothing?"

"That's all that matters to me, it doesn't make any difference to me whether I'm a billionaire or a bum like you."

"Because I only care about whether the blood spurting out of your veins is bright red and strong and hot enough when my fingers slit your throat."

"Hey, don't be so afraid. You should feel honored. At least you created happiness for me, right?"

"You are part of the art I will make next. Part of your studies will be swallowed into my stomach and integrated with me. The other part will be spread by me on the ground and wall dust, creating a wonderful picture and becoming A timeless classic.”

"Do you know Leonardo da Vinci? Or Michelangelo? Forget it, you may not know this if I tell you, but it doesn't matter. You just need to know that although you will die, a part of you will always exist with my works. ”

"I will definitely make good use of your body, and then every part will play its due role." As he spoke, Cletus Kasady stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, looking very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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