Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 84, Obadiah Stane, a nanny with confused self-positioning

Chapter 84, Obadiah Stanely, a nanny with confused self-positioning
Tony Stark got the chocolate as he wished. Although he said that he could buy it with money, Holm couldn't really care about one piece of chocolate, so he gave him two pieces.

For a person who has been eating sticky cookies for the past three months, these two pieces of chocolate can be regarded as the sweetest chocolate he has ever tasted in his life. Although what he desires most is cheeseburger, but now he can It’s not a bad idea to soothe your stomach with chocolate first.

Tony Stark quickly finished the chocolate. After eating, he continued to look out the window, and then suddenly asked Phil Coulson: "Ethan was imprisoned with me and died in the cave. You should have found the thin man inside."

Hearing Tony Stark's question, Philin Coulson also nodded and said: "His body has been put away, what are your plans?"

Tony Stark did not answer immediately when he heard this. Instead, he pondered for a moment and then said: "Did you know that there is a town called Gemilla here? What is it like there now?"

Gemila, after hearing this name, Philin Coulson also took out his mobile phone to check, then looked at Tony Stark's current appearance and paused and responded: "There is such a small town, but now That area is within the territory of terrorists, is he from Gemilla?"

Although he had some guesses when he learned that Ethan's family was dead, when this guess was confirmed, Tony Stark was still a little bit unspeakably sad.

He took a deep breath, and then continued to respond to Philin Colson: "He told me that his home is in Gemilla. I had thought about sending him back to his hometown before, but there were some guesses that I couldn't confirm. It’s confirmed now.”

"Can you guys save it for me for a while? I'll ask you to take over after I've arranged some things."

Philin Coulson did not refuse Tony Stark's request. After all, it was only a matter of a freezer. If it could bring the distance between the two parties closer, it would be a great deal.

After talking about this matter, Tony Stark returned to the state of looking out the window in a daze, but his face now looks much uglier than before. It seems that Ethan's matter has also affected him. It brought a lot of psychological impact.

Looking at Tony Stark's condition, Philin Coulson didn't say anything. He just looked at his phone, and then walked to Daisy and Holm again.

He raised his hand and turned on the music player next to him and played a song with a soothing rhythm. On the one hand, it was to relieve Tony Stark's emotions, and on the other hand, it was also to cover up what he was going to say next.

"The colleagues who were in charge of organizing just now sent me a report. Eighty percent of the weapons found in the terrorist bases just now are products of the Stark Group. What do you think?" Phil Coulson asked looking at Daisy and Holm.

Hearing the situation mentioned by Philin Coulson, Daisy opened her eyes wide and said in disbelief: "So the situation we discussed when we were joking before may be true?!"

In the past few days when they were searching for Tony Stark, they occasionally had some small talk about this matter. Once they talked about the strangeness of this kidnapping case, after all, they could kidnap Tony Stark under the protection of the military. Tucker, this task is very difficult, and there are several things that don't make sense.

The first is how these terrorists who were dealing with rocks in the ravines knew that Tony Stark would come here, and also knew the return time. The second thing is that even if they can know Tony's itinerary, how do they know the return time of the convoy, and accurately identify which car is sitting on Tony Stark, and carry out targeted attacks on him.

The last step was to examine the wreckage at the scene of the disappearance. As a result, many cannonballs and weapons unique to the Stark Group were found there. If the corpses of soldiers were not lying there in plain sight, they would have thought that the attackers were the military. .

This last doubt coincides with today's search results. These questions also point to a common possibility, that is, there is an insider in the Stark Group, and the level is not low, at least at a level that can resell weapons.

"I also think our suspicion should be confirmed. There is a mole within the Stark Group, and it should be a very high-level executive." Holm also responded to Phil Coulson after Daisy finished.

Seeing Phil Coulson nodding in approval, Holm also paused, then lowered his voice and continued: "Actually, I have a bolder guess. I think the senior executive is none other than Howard Stark. That partner, Obadiah Stany.”

Hom read the script in advance, so he boldly opened the microphone and gave the final correct answer.

After hearing Holm's guess, Daisy's eyes widened even more. Philin Coulson was also a little surprised, but overall he didn't seem very surprised.

"Isn't he already a shareholder of the Stark Group? And Tony Stark usually doesn't take care of things very much. He spends most of his time eating, drinking and having fun. In this case, Obadiah Stane can be regarded as controlling Stark. The group has been defeated." Daisy said with some confusion. She also did a lot of homework on the situation of Stark Group.

Holm saw Phil Coulson's reaction in his eyes. Looking at the other person's expression just now, he knew that Nick Fury and several other SHIELD executives had already had feelings for Obadiah Stane. Suspicious, saying that surveillance had not started before today.

Now is the time to show that not only is his force value high enough, but his brain can also keep up with the leader. Thinking of this, Holm responded to Daisy's question: "You also said it "can be considered" control. This It means you are not really in control.”

"He is now, at best, the controller, and at worst, the nanny. He is responsible for handling the group's affairs and taking care of the eldest child, Tony Stark."

"Maybe he looks very handsome, but as long as Tony Stark doesn't mind the trouble and is willing to start managing things, then he is just a useless old man."

"Anyone can be a nanny or a butler, but there is only one master of the Stark Group, and Tony Stark is its master."

"As a nanny, Obadiah Stane first served Howard Stark, and then served Tony Stark. Over the past few decades, he has also developed a feeling that the Stark Group can have all the achievements it has today. Relying on his illusion and his desire to become the master."

(End of this chapter)

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