I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 220 This is the so-called promotion and wealth

Chapter 220 This is the so-called promotion and wealth
"The eldest son of the Sima family in Hanoi, Sima Lang."

"The second son of the Wei family in Hedong, Wei Zhongdao."

"The eldest daughter of the Wuji Zhen family in Zhongshan, Zhen Jiang."

At the dock ferry, under the hot summer sunshine, Su Yao just met Lu Bu and others. After understanding the general situation, Wang Ling came to report the three people's greetings.

Of course, in fact, there are far more than just these three families sending greetings here, there are also many high-ranking officials in the capital.

However, only three families received Su Yao's attention at this moment.

Although the last battle event was skipped by Lu Bu with an instant kill, it was a pity that there was no bloodshed.

But the names of these three people immediately attracted Su Yao's attention.

It is indeed an important place close to Kyoto.

Characters with names and surnames appeared all of a sudden, and they were basically people who Su Yao knew the situation without looking up.

Wei Zhongdao said that although he himself has no achievements, his wife Cai Wenji has made his presence felt. As long as there are players who are interested in Cai Wenji, there are basically no players who don't know about her evil and sick husband.

The leader was naturally the Marquis of Guan Nei, who was sitting high on the throne, brazenly holding a beautiful maid in his arms and enjoying the compliments of others on horses and so on.

Su Yao looked at the pure and lustful beauty in Hanfu who bowed and saluted. The eye-catching headlight hanging on her waist made her heart heat up, so much so that the person sitting in his arms Hong'er covered her mouth and let out a soft sigh, then moved her position nervously with a red face.

The generosity of the Wuji Zhen family, together with the appearance of their eldest daughter Zhen Jiang, who brought disaster to the country, deeply shocked the children of all the aristocratic families in the hall.

"Brother Wei, I am referring to their meeting gift."

But Zhen Ji at this moment is probably not even a lolita, she is still a young girl?
This must be Zhen Ji's sister.

Damn it, Marquis Guannei? !

"Oh no."

"Wuji Zhenjiang, I have met the Marquis of Guannei."

Wei Zhongdao withdrew his gaze and said in his heart, "See no evil, see no evil." He picked up the food sent by the maid and replied in a deep voice:
"What Brother Sima said is absolutely true. This great gift of twenty carts has surpassed everyone present here."

"Yes, it is such a disaster for the country. I wonder which kid will get the advantage in the end."

"The Zhen family has also spent a lot of money."

But when it comes to the Wuji Zhen family in Zhongshan, the biggest celebrity is Zhen Ji, who is known as the Goddess of Luo.

Originally, these aristocratic families were still trying to save face and sent invitations to invite Governor Su to their door.

Sima Lang, one of the Sima Bada, the old turtle Sima Yi's eldest brother.

The hot gaze caused a blush to appear on Zhen Jiang's face. She bowed and quickly stepped back. However, her turbulent appearance attracted the attention of all the men in the hall.

In the evening, people from all walks of life gathered together in the lobby of the inn rented by Zhen next to the pier.

The gift of twenty carts was the meeting gift that Zhen Jiang had promised when he saluted just now.

Not only did Sima Fang and Wei Zhongdao, who had just received the gift first, instantly fall off the top of the list, but it also made those who had not yet received the gift think about whether to add more belongings?

And finally, Su Yao didn't recognize Zhen Jiang's name.

However, in terms of the shock they received today, this Zhen Jiang could only take second place.

However, when they received the reply from Wang Ling asking them to come to the inn to get together, everyone looked shocked when they looked at the golden seal of the Marquis of Guan Nei on the post.

The golden seal!
According to their previous information, this Governor Su was just a subordinate of General Zhonglang.

He has no background and no qualifications, he is just a frontier savage.

They can't even be considered human beings, they are just sheep being shepherded by people like them.

It can be said that this kind of guy, in normal times, has absolutely no human rights in the officialdom.

Maybe it has something to do with the Taiyuan Wang family, but to the Central Plains nobles like them, the Taiyuan Wang family is just a small tribe in the frontier, and they just made two thousand dan.

Even the ancestor of the declining Wuji Zhen family worshiped the great Sima during the reign of Wang Mang, and spent two thousand years in his lifetime.

The Hedong Wei family is even more glorious, starting from General Wei Qing and continuing to this day. As for the Sima family in Hanoi, that is even more incredible. It can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!
His ancestor, Sima Yan, was granted the title of king by Xiang Yu in Hanoi during the Chu-Han war, and later surrendered to Liu Bang. He has lived here for generations and produced several high-ranking officials worth two thousand shi in the Later Han Dynasty.

Today, his father Sima Fang is still serving as the Luoyang magistrate, responsible for the local administration of the capital.

Therefore, these three families can be said to be the most advanced families here.

And when they faced the golden seal, they were all dumbfounded.

Especially after reading the explanation of the Commander-in-Chief of Guan Nei, I was even more confused by this outrageous reality.

Why? !
From the Later Han Dynasty to the present, it has become the norm for aristocratic families to control the path of advancement. How can anyone who is not from a noble family rise to the top in one step?
Even if you are from a wealthy family like them, if you want to be promoted to two thousand dan, you have to go through a process, okay? You have to go to the public transportation department to be a sergeant and have a few years of experience.

You are just a weak young man, but in one breath, even the official in the public transportation department jumped, and you were granted the title of Marquis with two thousand dan? !
Are there any rules?

Isn't it just a rebellion?

Didn't Zhu Jun fight against the rebellion?
Didn’t Gongsun Zan defeat the rebellion?

Didn't Dong Zhuo quell the rebellion?
Which one skipped the process and got promoted so much?
For example, the fourth and third son of the Yuan family, the young master Yuan Benchu, had not been working diligently for more than ten years, and it was not until five years after he was established that he was promoted to two thousand dan by virtue of his business trip.

Even if He Jin, the jade-faced pig-killer, sent his sister to Ye Ting and had a prince, his relative would just go around the bus station obediently and become an official first.

How could this pheasant from the frontier, who was so rootless and not even a scholar, be able to be promoted to such a high level and skip all the procedures?
You know, this is not a false position assigned to those barbarian chiefs, but a serious military attaché of the central government!

He has the qualifications to lead an independent army and go to all directions at any time!

Two thousand stones were given to the Marquis of Guannei, and a fake gold seal and purple ribbon were also given.

After the shock, they all understood immediately.

This is definitely not what the big guys at Shangshutai meant.

There is only one possibility for such an extraordinary performance.
——Jane is in the heart of the emperor.

The brother in front of me is a man of heaven and he is the role appointed by His Majesty.

In this way, it is not incomprehensible that while the rebellion in the border areas was suppressed, His Majesty also staged a triumphant victory and sacrificed all the prisoners.

In this case, they are naturally embarrassed not to make any statement.

Although he was probably the most popular celebrity at the moment, although they disdained his origins, they could only hold their noses to express their goodwill and had no choice but to make acquaintance with him.

Ever since, the current heated gift-giving process has begun.

Then what was unexpected was that Zhen Jiang actually gave such a big gift in one go.

This makes the members of these aristocratic families confused. Why?

Not to mention the problem that this barbarian from the frontier was not worthy to be ranked with the classics scholars like them.

Let's just say that this sudden rise of two thousand stones was just based on the emperor's temporary favor. It can be said that it rises as fast as it falls. It may fall like a comet at any time, and it is not worth such a large investment at all.

Now Zhen Jiang's move has embarrassed them all.
Not to mention the thoughts of the aristocratic family, Su Yao over there was really happy to see the money coming in!
If it weren't for the Xianbei princess Xiaochun next to me who has been busy with the war recently and neglected her training, she has always had a cold face and looked at herself like she was looking at garbage, fearing that her favorability would be too high.

Su Yao really wanted to take a bite of the little Hong'er in her arms right now to express her joy.

He finally realized the benefits of being a high official!
How many years of salary were earned in one go before receiving the imperial salary!
As expected, a man cannot be rich without external wealth, and a horse cannot be fat without night grass.

With this wave, he finally no longer has to feel anxious watching his wife's dowry decrease rapidly.

Financial problems have been greatly alleviated!

What? Do you think giving gifts and bribes is corruption?
No, no, no, giving gifts to show off your wealth, etc., at this time, those are all fair and square things.

It cannot be considered corruption at all, let alone be shamed.

In fact, for some high-ranking officials, you are not qualified enough and they will not accept your gifts.

This is the national condition of the Han Dynasty and must be tasted!

Otherwise, why is there an idiom about getting promoted and getting rich?

(End of this chapter)

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