Chapter 228 Going to court (additional update)
On the land in China, the sun was rising, and the golden sunlight poured on the golden roof of the palace, shining with dazzling brilliance.

In the palace with blue bricks and yellow tiles, there are towering ancient trees and the fragrance of flowers is astonishing. The tranquility and solemnity reveal the majesty and solemnity of the royal family, and also reveal the inheritance and heritage of Chinese civilization.

What is China?

Because of the great etiquette, it is called Xia; because of the beauty of the clothes, it is called Hua.

Since the Zhou Gong system of ritual music, the ritual hierarchy has been the most important part of the Chinese feudal system.

After the great ancestor Liu Bang unified the world, the Han Dynasty appointed Shusun Tong as a doctor, responsible for court rites and the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. He formulated a set of etiquette laws that were simple to understand and easy to implement. Later, successive emperors including Emperor Hui and Emperor Wu It has been perfected and has a complete set of etiquette standards for monarchs and ministers.

Although compared with the complicated etiquette of later dynasties such as the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the current etiquette system of the Han Dynasty is as simple and simple as a young man.

But it is by no means an understatement or a casual one.

It contains profound cultural connotations and rigorous logical systems. Without in-depth study and practice, it is difficult to truly grasp its essence.

Therefore, will Su Yao be disrespectful to you?

He thought that Wang Rou would end here, but Wang Rou paused and stamped her feet, revealing deep worry in her tone:

Regarding such words, Su Yao's ears were almost getting calluses these days, but he still nodded in agreement and showed respect.

But last night, it was supposed to be the time for Zhong Yao to explain the etiquette to him in detail, but he was skipped.

Looking at the nervous Zhong Yao and the indifferent Su Yao who woke up all the way, most of the other ministers present looked like they were watching a show and whispered:
"I didn't expect this country bumpkin to look a little bit human when he puts on clothes."

Wang Rou is the newly promoted Prime Minister of Hejian. He left the capital to take up his post after reporting his duties to His Majesty today. Seeing that his nephew who had helped him a lot was isolated, he naturally walked towards him and said with a little worry.
"My dear nephew, this capital is no better than our border. There are many rules here and all kinds of relationships are intertwined. You need to be careful and don't act as recklessly as you did in the past."

Not to mention Zhong Yao, the Huangmen servant, was worried, Su Yao's subordinates and family members were also worried.

"You are really making fun of big things. Do these barbarians from the border areas deserve to be dressed in royal robes and rank with me?"

However, when Su Yao approached, these officials changed their faces again and remained silent with sullen faces.

"You are bathed in monkeys and crowned with crowns, you are really bathed in monkeys and crowned with crowns!"

"Bah, do you really think you are a high official by wearing an official uniform?"

Just saying that he was suddenly promoted to the high position of Guannei Hou, but no one guided him on how to face the saints and how to perform court rituals, this really made people sweat.

"Didn't His Majesty say yesterday that there was still a reward? Let's see if he can still reward him after he is embarrassed for a while."

Only Wang Rou and Yuan Shao came forward.

But after looking at Su Yao's cold, unresponsive face, Zhong Yao felt that he had better make plans to apologize afterwards.
Zhong Yao was desperate.

The clicking footsteps broke the morning tranquility of the palace.

After all, let alone Su Yao's previous way of going his own way and doing whatever he wanted.

Then we can only leave it to fate.

'My dear nephew, if you really understand these truths, why did you do such a sensational and jealous thing as soon as you arrived in the capital yesterday? "

As for how much to remember, can it be understood and can it be done well?


Now, Zhong Yao, who came with Su Yao from outside the main hall, could only pick out the important points along the way, hoping that the Marquis of Guannei would remember them.

As soon as Su Yao finished speaking, the officials around him who had been watching with cold eyes started to cheer again:

"The Marquis of Guannei is really young and energetic."

"When I came to the capital, I didn't stay at the place arranged by the court. Instead, I went to the Zhen family mansion where only the orphan girl lived."

"You were so anxious that you jumped to the second floor as soon as you heard about it?"

"Threaten the guests of the host's house with a knife."

“In the end, I had to stay one night.”

"Oh my, how will the eldest daughter of the Zhen family get married from now on?"

"Or is it that the Marquis of Guannei plans to take this girl in?"

Su Yao raised his eyebrows when he heard this:
"These people are really well-informed."

What happened last night, because the city gate was sealed, Su Yao himself, the Marquis of Guannei, couldn't come back.

These people obviously knew about it before they came to the hall.

If these NPCs are not cheating and sharing information, then it can only be...
Looking at Yuan Shao over there, Su Yao raised his eyebrows instantly when he thought of last night's incident, full of fighting spirit.

However, who would have known that Yuan Shao was...
"The Marquis of Guannei scared Ziyuan so much last night." Yuan Shao shook his head and handed over his hands:

"Zi Yuan thought for a long time and couldn't figure out where he offended the Marquis of Guan Nei. However, no matter what, he specifically asked Yuan to come and apologize to the Marquis of Guan Nei on his behalf."

"I hope that the Lord Guan Neihou will be in large numbers and will not take into account the faults of his villain."

"Huh?" Su Yao was surprised, "That's it?"

"What?" Yuan Shao was confused.

Su Yao looked at Yuan Shao and couldn't tell what he meant.

There was no hostility at all, his posture was normal, and he even had a smile on his face?
But this matter spread to him overnight, and the city was full of uproar:
"I thought you were going to threaten or say harsh words today?"

If you don’t come out and dance, how can I slap you in the face?
No, it’s about me. How should the subsequent events unfold?

Faced with Su Yao's quick words, Yuan Shao was really choked up. He paused and then said:

"No matter how big the matter is, if there is a misunderstanding, it will be over after it is solved. It won't be a problem, it won't be a problem."

Yuan Shao is not mentally ill, and Xu You's situation has been told to him.

The two briefly discussed it and found out that the Marquis of Guan Nei fell in love with this girl. There were some scandals about the two of them when Meng Jin was crossing.

There was no big grudge, so why should he go against this energetic and well-connected boy just because of this?
Isn't that just causing trouble for yourself? It's not like that, it's not like that.

Ever since, Yuan Shao readily agreed to Su Yao's request that Xu You stop harassing Zhen Jiang.

This made Su Yao feel like he had hit cotton with his fist.

The scene of a fierce fight with the Yuan family in the court was far from what he had imagined.

Looking around again, Su Yao felt that the plot of the court was boring and wondered if he could skip it quickly.

As if to respond to his thoughts, after the emperor arrived with a sharp sound, Su Yao's first morning meeting finally began.

He took off his shoes with everyone outside the hall, handed over his sword, and stepped into the hall step by step.

But basically, this great dynasty has nothing to do with him.

The first is that Su Yao has no interest in the major national affairs discussed by these people - either there is a disaster here, there is a call for help over there, or a project in a certain place needs to be repaired, etc.

Basically it's all about money, money, money.

The second thing is that he, the Cavalry Commander, is a noble errand. If the emperor does not send him a mission, then he should be at home fighting cocks, walking birds, and hugging women, without going to court at all.

So Su Yao mingled with the group of military attaches wearing bright red court uniforms on the right side.

After the emperor knelt down and took his seat, he also knelt down and sat down. Following the crowd, he did what others were doing, which was quite a bit of an indiscretion.

However, this scene that he found boring made others full of questions, especially Wang Rou and Yuan Shao, who knew his true nature, and were greatly surprised.

The Guan Neihou turned out to be so honest this time, and although these etiquette movements seemed a bit clumsy, there were no mistakes at all.

So much so that all the officials, big and small, who were waiting to see Su Yao make a fool of themselves, gritted their teeth.

Even the emperor glanced at him frequently.

Regardless of whether it was Yuan Shao, Wang Rou, or Jian Shuo, in addition to highly praising his combat effectiveness, they all said that Su Yao was independent, went his own way, and behaved like a street urchin.

He is a complete sweetheart.

Therefore, Liu Hong was also mentally prepared.

"It seems that the Marquis of Guannei has put a lot of effort into etiquette this time."

During the break between topics, Liu Hong finally couldn't help but praise.

As the only person present who had gone to court, Su Yao, the Marquis of Guannei, was stunned for a moment, straightened his expression, stood up, saluted, and replied in standard Luoyang elegance:

"Your Majesty, I commend you. This is a good teaching from Mr. Zhong and Wang Guoxiang."

Such an appropriate reply made Zhong Yao and Wang Rou, who were kneeling in the civil service area on the left, shed tears.

Heaven, earth!
Grow up, kids grow up!
My hard work has paid off!

Su Yao rolled his eyes quietly in his heart.

I just pursue efficiency, and I'm not an actor. I'll waste time by looking for trouble for myself.

This capital is all green, and there are no special tasks to complete. The speed is faster than the events in the court meeting and the capital. Pushing the main plot is the key.

Hmm. If there is another reason, it is probably because Su Yao couldn't bear the girl's tears before going to bed last night.
(End of this chapter)

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