Chapter 245: Falling into a trap (more updates)
"It's like throwing yourself into a trap." Xu Huang looked at Wang Fen's back, looked up and sighed.

Lu Bu also showed a meaningful smile: "It's actually Su Xiaozi's side. This Wang Fen really knows how to choose the direction."

Wang Fen was completely unaware of the discussions behind him. He only had the thought of escaping for his life.

Crossing the courtyard and passing through the unguarded gate, he emerged into the street.

However, the sight before him stopped him in his tracks.

What is that?

what happened?
The first thing that caught his eye was the miserable sight of the officials kneeling on the ground, trembling and crying.

Especially Xu You, who had sworn to him before, was holding his head in his hands, his face was ashen, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

What the hell?

No, far more than that
Wang Fen followed Xu You's gaze and looked towards the street.

His heartbeat slowed down for a moment, and he swallowed.

There were nearly a hundred corpses lying strewn across the once bustling street. It was a hellish scene that he had never seen before in his life!
Those people, those swordsmen and axemen that Xu You claimed had been ambushed in advance to ensure that everything was safe, were all dead!

In the middle of the street, a figure stood. He was holding a huge Mo Dao in his right hand and holding a head in his left hand. He was independent in the pool of blood and looked like a god of death.

Obviously, he was the culprit who caused this tragedy.

Wang Fen's vision suddenly went dark, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he felt chilled all over.

He thought his savior would be outside the gate, but he didn't expect greater despair.

It turned out that just as Lu Bu and Xu Huang were killing each other inside the mansion, Su Yao's battle outside had also come to an end.

Not only did the reinforcements from Zhou Jingqiji's mansion not show up, but it was also an unrealistic fantasy for him to expect those swordsmen and axemen to be able to withstand Su Yao.

"I can't stand it, I can't stand it at all!"

"Monster, this is not a human at all!"

"Run quickly, run quickly——"

Every time Su Yao swung his sword, several lives were lost.

In the face of this astonishing unparalleled power, these people were killed as easily as straw.

The three hundred people who came out of the ambush were immediately demoralized after witnessing the horrific massacre of dozens of people in the lead group, and fled in all directions.

When Zhou Jing saw that the situation was not good, he ran away, not caring about Xu You who was pinned to the ground.

At this moment, he also thought of Wang Fen's plan just now.

That is to move reinforcements outside the city!
The hundreds of people in the city were completely exhausted and could not bear to fight anymore.

Outside the city, they still have nearly ten thousand soldiers!
At that time, not only can he surround this place calmly, but he can also call in powerful crossbowmen to kill this madman with powerful bows and crossbows, which will definitely reverse the defeat!

However, how could Su Yao let him get his wish.

Su Yao glanced at Zhou Jing's fleeing back with a cold look, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He did not pursue immediately, but calmly lifted the Mo Dao and swung it lightly, cutting off the last Daoist who tried to resist.

Then, he slowly turned around and locked his eyes on Zhou Jing.

Although Zhou Jing had run some distance away, in Su Yao's eyes, he still couldn't escape from his grasp.

Su Yao took a step forward and chased after him seemingly unhurriedly.

His steps seemed normal, but each step could steadily shorten the distance between him and Zhou Jing.

And during the pursuit, Su Yao didn't forget to kill people and gain experience points from those around him who were frightened.

Zhou Jing looked back from time to time and Sayazi ran wildly, feeling terrified in his heart.

He knew that he was no match for Su Yao, but now he had no choice but to escape.

"Block him, block him!"

"Otherwise we will all die!"

Zhou Jing's words were ignored.

Even these swordsmen have discovered that the person targeted is Zhou Jing. As long as they get out of the way, they will not be killed so easily.

So, soon, no one was running around Zhou Jing. At this moment, Su Yao suddenly accelerated!

He flashed across the street like a red flash of lightning.

Zhou Jing's heart tightened and he speeded up, but Su Yao's speed was helpless.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yao was already behind Zhou Jing.

He raised Mo Dao high and struck Zhou Jing with thunderous force.

Zhou Jing felt the murderous aura behind him and turned around in horror, only to see a flash of cold light.

He subconsciously raised his knife to block, and then there was a crisp sound.

As Mo Dao fell, Zhou Jing's body and the knife in his hand were cut off at the same time!
Just hear a pop.

The hero's upper body fell heavily to the ground, but his lower body still ran forward a few steps under the influence of inertia before falling.


At this moment, Zhou Jing, who was facing the earth, was filled with regret.

Why, why on earth did he not leave in the first place to cause this trouble!

Xu You, Wang Fen, you are trying to kill me!

Seeing Zhou Jing lying in a pool of blood, eyes wide open and body still convulsing, Su Yao showed no mercy at all.

He grabbed Zhou Jing's hair, and with a flash of cold light, he cut off the hero's head and turned away, leaving only the headless corpse on the street and blood all over the ground.

"What, where are you going, Lord Governor?"

Su Yao raised his head and looked at the panicked Wang Fen who suddenly appeared, his tone full of joking.

Wang Fen had no way to escape. He could only bite the bullet and said in a trembling voice:
"You, how dare you do such a thing!

So-and-so is the governor of Jizhou. You are treason! "


Su Yao laughed when he heard this:

"Wang Shijun, you, Xu You and others have evil intentions, and you dare to accuse us of treason? What a big joke!"

Wang Fen's expression changed and he swallowed. He knew that his affair might have been exposed, but he still tried to remain calm:

"You...what evidence do you have?"


Su Yao sneered:
"Is it enough to assassinate the angel? The corpses in your area and the people in the city are all witnesses."

When Wang Fen heard this, the last line of defense in his heart collapsed. He didn't expect that the so-called evidence was actually delivered by himself?
When he thought that his painstaking plan had ended up like this, Wang Fen seemed to have lost all his strength at this moment and collapsed on the ground.

This once majestic governor was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, confused and allowed Su Yao and others to tie him up.

At this point, with Zhou Jing conferring the title, Wang Fen, Xu You and others being arrested, the plan to depose the emperor was completely shattered by Su Yao.

However, things will not end immediately.

Looking at the people on the street peeking their heads secretly from behind the doors, and Cheng Lian who came forward to ask him what to do when he came down, Su Yao thought about it and understood.

Not to mention Wang Fen's influence on the local area, this time he and his officials were all arrested, and how Gaoyi City dealt with itself was a question.

Just talking about the nearly 10,000 troops stationed outside the city, they just couldn't leave things alone.

If Su Yao just slaps his ass and walks away without handling it properly, it may cause even greater chaos.

So Su Yao came to the gate of the Governor's Mansion and said to Lu Bu and Xu Huang, who had just walked out and were also covered in blood:
"Brother Lu, Gongming, could you please take control of the Governor's Mansion, stabilize the order in the city, collect the names of all those who participated in the rebellion, and ensure the safety of the city."

Lu Bu and Xu Huang responded in unison and then split up to lead their men to control the situation in the city.

Su Yao himself had to go to comfort and deal with the nearly 10,000 troops outside the city.

Therefore, Su Yaoli ignored these people who were either ashen-faced or shouting and begging for mercy.

After Chenglian sent people to escort them into the dungeon of the governor's mansion, Su Yao immediately got on his horse, held the staff and rushed straight out of the city.

At this time, both the gate officials at the city gate and the generals in the camp outside the city were in chaos.
(End of this chapter)

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