I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 263: The high-ranking disciples show their arrogance, Su Yao stands up and denounces injusti

Chapter 263: The high-ranking disciples show their arrogance, Su Yao stands up and denounces injustice

Liu Bei was startled when he heard this. He really didn't come to pay homage on purpose.

As the first batch of King Qin's reinforcements to arrive, Liu Bei and his party were introduced here before they could figure out the situation.
Yes, he was introduced here by Su Yao's soldiers.

How did Liu Bei know?

This is all Su Yao's joke about Yun Chang coming yesterday.

He speaks without intention, but others listen with intention.

After hearing the chat between Liu Bei and Guan Yu, these soldiers asked a little and immediately brought the people over.

Just when Liu Bei's head was shut down by Su Yao's repeated punches, Su Yao had already spoken first:

"Now that the rebels are in rebellion and threatening His Majesty's safety, it is the right time for the country to employ people."

"Since Xuande claims to be the queen of Prince Jing of Zhongshan, he is of Han family lineage."

Such a person is actually here?

Guan Yu glared angrily, and Zhang Fei clenched his fists.

And beside that man, there were several soldiers in full armor, all of whom cast disdainful glances at Liu Bei.

Of course, there will be no less young masters like Mr. He from all walks of life who are purely here for gold plating.

"If you really have the ability, why would you use such a name that is difficult to verify and no one cares about to promote yourself?"

"Who are you?!"

When Liu Bei heard this, he suddenly became solemn, nodded and clasped his fists:
"What the Marquis of Guannei said is absolutely true. Although Bei is not talented, he is still willing to fight against thieves for the country. I am here just to protect His Majesty's safety and to fulfill the obligations of the clan!"

What Liu Bei didn't know was that due to Su Yao's activeness on the Bingzhou battlefield, the emperor made a fortune, and the size of this northern patrol ancestor worship team was also extremely luxurious and full of grace.

He naturally knew that the current chariot general He Miao was the biological brother of the current queen.

"Prince Jing of Zhongshan? A distant branch of the country who has long since been eliminated. How many people in the world have the nerve to put gold on his face and talk about scolding thieves for the country?"

"My general is the nephew of the great general He Jin and the son of the chariot general He Miao. He Yuan is also the son."

He Miao's son?

Su Yao laughed, but heard a person behind him snort:

"When the country is in trouble, that's when you should help."

Liu Bei was shocked when he heard this.

Not only were the guards included the Imperial Guards from the Fifth Academy of the Northern Army and Yulin Huben, but also the Bingzhou border troops brought by Su Yao. Now that King Qin's order was issued again, local loyal followers like Liu Bei also came in droves.

"Hmph, you're so arrogant!"

When Liu Bei heard this, he looked around and saw a young man with a brocade robe and jade belt and a sinister face laughing coldly.

Even He Jin, who commanded the world's troops and had all the power in the government and the public, was very partial to his nephew because his son died early.

But he saw a soldier beside the young man stepping forward with a halberd and shouted:

"When you see me, why don't you kneel down and salute!"

Before Liu Bei and others could react, Zou Jing had already winked at them, knelt down on one knee and saluted:
"The last general, Zou Jing, meets Mr. He!"

Afterwards, the generals from the fifth school of the Northern Army also knelt down and saluted, only Liu Bei and others were highlighted, which was very embarrassing.

Although the clan members of the Han Dynasty are said to be noble, it is indeed as Na He Yuan said. They are too far away.

There is no way he can stand on the stage next to these current nobles, let alone the nephew of a powerful minister like He Yuan. So Liu Bei had no choice but to grit his teeth and lead Guan and Zhang to hand over their hands as a gift.

Unexpectedly, He Yuan still snorted coldly, and the soldiers around him were even more reluctant:
"A white-haired person is still acting like this, it's really disrespectful!"

Liu Bei's expression changed slightly, but he still suppressed his anger and did not explode.

He knew that this was not the time for a dispute, and because of his humble status, he was indeed not qualified to compete with these powerful children.

If he didn't have the title of King Qin, he might not even be able to meet these people, and a small concierge could easily send him away.

At the thought of this, Liu Bei closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and tried his best to restrain himself.

Liu Bei is like this, so why not Guan Zhang?
Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were seen glaring angrily, especially Zhang Fei, who was shaking with anger. If Liu Bei hadn't held his arm tightly, he might have rushed forward.

At this moment, Su Yao coughed slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw him waving his hands and saying easily:
"Now that we are facing a formidable enemy, let us dispense with these false etiquettes."

"Although the three Liu Xuande brothers came from a humble background, as the first heroes to respond to King Qin's call, they are sincere and loyal."

"Why embarrass others with such trivial details."

Su Yao took two steps forward and stood in front of Liu Bei and the others. He turned to He Yuan and chuckled:
"If we really want to talk about etiquette - Mr. He, why don't you show me the courtesy?"


He Yuan frowned when he heard this, but the soldiers behind him all blushed with angry looks on their faces.

Who doesn't know that you, Su Yao, are the most ungrateful person in the world today, and you actually have the nerve to teach me a lesson?

But in the end, they didn't dare to attack.

Although they were quite dissatisfied with Su Yao, who came from a humble background but rose to great heights in one fell swoop, and attempted to marry a princess through the back door, competing for power with their family.

However, whether it is Su Yao's wonderful performance yesterday, the emperor's favor for him, or his current status in the military.
They really didn't dare to openly offend this person to death.

Of course, the most important thing is that what this guy said makes perfect sense.

Whether it is them or He Yuan, now, it can be said that they are all Su Yao's subordinates.

Yes, thanks to the unique system of appointing sons in the officialdom of the Han Dynasty.

In today's officialdom, as long as an elder in the family has served for three years with a salary of more than 2,000 shi, one of his descendants can be directly promoted to the rank of official.

Therefore, He Yuan, who was not very talented, also rose to the top with ease, and now he has reached the noble position of Huben Zhonglang. The soldiers behind him are also kind-hearted Huben Lang. This is also Lu Zhi's relationship with Huben. One of the main reasons why I am not confident about my riding ability.

And now, isn't it a coincidence? Su Yao is their immediate superior - General Hu Ben Zhonglang.

But to be honest, Su Yao didn't take these people very seriously.

The reason why Su Yao remembers him now is precisely because yesterday, when he led the Bingzhou knights and his subordinate Hu Benqi to attack, he discovered that he had such a large number of people under his command who were just waiting to die and not working. They touched the people for various reasons. The fish even refused to come out of the battle, leaving him quite speechless.

Su Yao, who had just woken up at that time, was too lazy to pay attention to them. Who would have thought that today these people would actually jump out of nowhere for some reason, which was quite interesting.

However, compared to Su Yao's open-mindedness and playfulness, Lu Bu's attitude around him seemed particularly rude.

He couldn't hear these people shouting about their origins right now.

I saw Lu Bu's Fang Tianji hanging on a pillar on the ground, staring and shouting:

"Why, you are not polite when meeting your superior. Is this how you parents educate your juniors?"

(End of this chapter)

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