I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 276 He Jin intervenes, and the road to a strong army becomes turbulent again

Chapter 276 He Jin intervenes, and the road to a strong army becomes turbulent again

The arrival of He Jin, Lu Zhi, Yuan Shu and others undoubtedly brought new variables to this tense confrontation.

Inside and outside the camp, everyone's eyes turned to the two senior officials, whether they were the soldiers of the Huben Army and the Bingzhou Army, or the Northern Army and the Yulin Army.

General He Jin is the commander-in-chief of the world's soldiers and horses, ranking above the three princes. He is the only top dignitary today who can compete with the Shichangshi group.

And Bei Zhonglang General Lu Zhi was not only the minister of China and the DPRK, but also personally informed of the secrets. He also personally received the emperor's order this time. The governor-general of 7,000 elite Northern troops was the de facto commander of this northern tour.

As for Yuan Shu and others, let’s not talk about them for now.

In short, now so many people came together and made a grand appearance, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

He Jin's face was gloomy, and his eyes swept over the scene. At this glance, he was shocked and angry!
He Jin was furious.

Why can't this Su Junhou make people calm down for a moment?

I'll just let you rest for a while, and you can still do something? !
Just when he was discussing state affairs with Lu Zhi and other important officials in the DPRK, he suddenly received an urgent report - there were loud shouts in the Huben barracks, and there was a danger of bombing the camp. He was so frightened that he hurried to check.

He Jin stared at Su Yao without thinking and said:
"Even if there is a mutiny, it must be Su Junhou's excessive behavior that provoked the mutiny!"

Who is this Su Junhou!
That's really unreasonable to steal three points, and it's even more unreasonable.

There is nothing wrong with what I did today. "

What a shocking accusation this is. Is this kid just talking out of his head?
"It's ridiculous. The Huben Army is His Majesty's personal army. They are all first-class loyal and brave men. How could they mutiny?"

Unexpectedly, he saw his nephew lying on the ground, with his hands tied and pressed to the ground by several strong men from Bingzhou. He was bleeding profusely. The appearance was very horrifying.

Compared with Su Junhou's sudden polite gesture, He Jin was shocked by the word mutiny.

However, Mr. He and others resisted orders in the camp, spread dissatisfaction, incited the soldiers, shaken the morale of the army, evaded fighting, and resisted the superior officials.

Su Yao had already expected He Jin's reaction. He said calmly:

"General, the last general's actions are all to improve military discipline and protect His Majesty.

Such behavior is obvious to the whole army. As the commander-in-chief, it is the duty of the general to maintain military discipline.

They say that when beating a dog, it depends on the owner. What do you mean, Su Yao? !

Listen, what is this?
Resist orders, spread dissatisfaction, incite soldiers and so on, the little words are coming out one after another.
For a moment, He Jin seemed to be back in the morning, when he saw Su Yao fighting with the generals alone in the council hall, making everyone blush and have thick necks.

He Jin's face turned blue and white, obviously very angry at Su Yao's words.

Mr. He and others incited mutiny in the army, which had a bad impact and would have to be severely punished in the end. "

He Jin stepped forward quickly and shouted: "Su Yao, how dare you be so presumptuous! Treat your colleagues like this!"

Su Yao, on the other hand, was neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed his hands and said:

He Jin's expression became increasingly ugly as he listened to Su Yao's words. He stared at Su Yao with wide eyes. He had a severe headache and his nose was almost crooked with anger.

"Inciting mutiny?!"

This made him furious.

"General, the last general is ordered by the general to perform rest and recuperation tasks in order to improve morale and actively prepare for war.

He looked around and saw that the eyes of many soldiers were focused on him and Su Yao, and he felt even more embarrassed.

While He Jin was speechless and thinking about how to break the situation, Lu Zhi was secretly amused in his heart and shook his head slightly.

Everyone is well aware of the situation and chronic diseases of the Tiger and Ben Army. A mutiny is impossible, but it is simply not normal to despise superior officers and defy military orders.

In the past, the previous Huben lieutenant generals also tried to win over these noble disciples, and everyone was polite.

Be in harmony with the light and govern by doing nothing, which is the compromise strategy that the tiger generals of the past dynasties had to adopt if they wanted to secure their position.

However, this young Su Junhou actually chose a completely different path.

No one has ever dared to openly rectify military discipline and challenge the authority of these noble sons like him.

Is this what His Majesty meant? Lu Zhi wasn't sure, but looking at the young Su Junhou in front of him, Lu Zhi felt a little more admiration and appreciation in his heart.

It has to be said that in the experience of working together since the Northern Patrol, Lu Zhi discovered that this young man was completely different from his initial impression of a border barbarian.

This Su Junhou is simply the embodiment of contradiction.

Although he was born in a neighboring county, it seems that he is not a reckless man who only knows how to fight.

Not only is he proficient in the art of war on the battlefield, he is also able to seize fleeting achievements and defeat the enemy every time.

Moreover, he also showed extraordinary wisdom and eloquence in the court.

His Luoyang elegant speech was fluent and easy, and his words were sharp when debating. He always hit the point, making it impossible to refute.

What's even more rare is that although he is among the powerful, he never flatters and always sticks to his principles.

What appears to be this person's bold behavior is actually a manifestation of the extraordinary power behind it.

Behind his eccentric and rude behavior and free and easy spontaneity is his firm will and determination not to give up until he achieves his goals.

Especially what this boy said when he resigned from His Majesty for the reward, "It is not my intention to be granted the title of Marquis, but I hope that Kyushu will be peaceful" is even more eye-catching and admirable.

In this troubled and troubled world, His Majesty reused this person. Could it be that he really made a rare move?
Lu Zhi, who is in the center, is naturally very aware of the current situation in the world.

The emperor is weak, the court is corrupt, there are powerful enemies outside and there are endless rebellions, there are ten ministers and other treacherous ministers who are disrupting the government, there are constant party disputes, and the government orders are ineffective.

Many local officials now have their own agendas, despise the central government, and have two ambitions.

Under such a situation, the future of the country can be said to be in jeopardy and the society is shaken.

This made Lu Zhi, who had made it his mission to help the country and save the world since he was a child, was heartbroken, but he was helpless.

He has taught so many students, but there are only a few who can truly have the courage to do things and let him see the light to solve the chaos in the world.

However, Su Junhou, who was promoted by His Majesty this time, now gave him a glimmer of hope.

He saw a young man who was completely different from the people of his time. Not only did he have the courage to challenge the old order, but he also had the courage to fight against those powerful people.

What's more valuable is that he still has the ability to practice his ideals and will.

This is a great surprise for Lu Zhi, who has passed his famous years and deeply feels that time has not waited for us. He has a long-lost excitement and expectation.

At this moment, Lu Zhi saw further than the emperor. He believed that the world's diseases could not be achieved in a day, and it would not be possible to calm down the troubled times and rectify the country in a day.

Therefore, compared to those who are over half a century old like myself, the future stage will definitely belong to these heroic teenagers.

So, just when He Jin regained his composure and once again confronted Su Yao about the mutiny, Lu Zhi stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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