I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 278 The Queen Mother let go and Dong Yong bowed his head, Su Yao visited the forbidden princ

Chapter 278 The Queen Mother let go and Dong Yong bowed his head, Su Yao visited the forbidden princess at night (4K2)

Just when He Jin and He Yuan were making arrangements, Dong Yong also found Empress Dowager Dong to complain.

However, Empress Dowager Dong's attitude was very subtle.

"What? Queen Mother, you want me to cooperate with that person named Su?"

Dong Yong's eyes widened and he clenched his fists in disbelief.

Dong Yong's words made the Queen Mother frown slightly. She looked at Dong Yong's excited look and knew in her heart the young man's hostility towards Su Yao.

The emperor intended to marry the princess to Su Yao, which was basically known to everyone in the palace.

Last night, he promised that boy to go and report his peace to Wan Nian. The meaning behind it is self-evident.

Although Empress Dowager Dong has not let go of this matter yet, looking at Su Yao's performance along the way, Empress Dowager Dong vaguely knows that her grandnephew may not be able to compete with him.

Therefore, Queen Mother Dong also felt a little guilty towards Dong Yong.

"Queen Mother, I understand what you mean. I will put aside my personal emotions and focus on the overall situation and will not interfere with Su Junhou's actions."

Dong Yong took a deep breath, trying to calm the turbulence in his heart, raised his head, and said in a deep voice:

"If Su Yao hadn't led his troops to turn the tide, we wouldn't have the time to talk about these things now."

As a member of the royal family, Wannian's marriage naturally cannot be based solely on personal emotions. "

After hearing what the Queen Mother said, Dong Yong murmured unwillingly.

She knew very well that Dong Yong had deep feelings for Wan Nian, and also understood the unwillingness and helplessness he felt at this moment.

"In these troubled times, strength is the only key, and the royal family needs such power to support its operations."

"Okay, Yong'er, the Aijia knows you can do it.

"However, I hope you can carefully consider your marriage for ten thousand years."

However, how could he let go of his emotions so easily?

Seeing the grandnephew's leaving figure, Empress Dowager Dong felt mixed emotions in her heart.

Queen Mother Dong’s words were full of seriousness and expectation:
"Your mission is to protect the safety of the royal family and ensure the smooth progress of the Northern Patrol, not to compete with Su Yao for jealousy."

She took a deep look at Dong Yong and sighed, with a hint of helplessness in her tone:
"Yong'er, I can understand your feelings, but royal marriage is never just a matter of two people."

But His Majesty values ​​him not only because of his talent and courage, but also because he can bring stability and strength to the royal family. "

The safety of the royal family and Xie'er's future are her top priorities.

The Queen Mother took a deep breath and said calmly: "Yong'er, you know that the Ai family has always valued you, but this matter is not a simple personal grudge."

“But marriage is not only about the happiness of two people, but also about the future of the royal family and the stability of the country.

"You were also a witness to the last battle. Those thieves were very close to me, and the flying arrows all hit the area around Luan Jia."

Dong Yong gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly, listening to the Queen Mother's words.

After hearing Dong Yong's words, Queen Mother Dong frowned even deeper.

As he spoke, Dong Yong lowered his head and tightened his fists three more points:

"Therefore, Yong'er, the Aijia hopes that you can temporarily put aside your personal emotions and focus on the overall situation."

Dong Yong bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

"The Ai family knows about Su Yao's origin and character.

Empress Dowager Dong said earnestly:

He lowered his head, and after a moment of silence, he slowly raised his head and said firmly:
"Queen Mother, I understand.

Otherwise, the Ai family would have agreed to him at that time. "

Seeing that Dong Yong finally figured it out, Queen Mother Dong felt relieved and nodded with a smile:

The Queen Mother continued: "Su Yao is worthy of Your Majesty's attention, and there is indeed a reason for him.

Although he is only two years older than you, he has shown extraordinary talent and courage in a short period of time.

Empress Dowager Dong paused and continued:
“As for the Wannian marriage, the Ai family will naturally consider it carefully.

Not to mention that this man came from a humble background and was already married to a Hun princess. Let’s just say that he was impulsive and ill-mannered. If he followed him for ten thousand years, he would probably shed tears every night. "

Yong Bi will do his best to protect the safety of His Majesty, the Queen Mother and others, and ensure the smooth progress of the Northern Patrol. "

"Your Majesty cares about him, so you don't necessarily have to grant him a marriage.

"You are the imperial grandmother of ten thousand years. You cannot push her into that pit of fire."

Go ahead, do your job well, and don't let down the expectations of the Aijia. "

Dong Yong's heart bleeds as he listened to the Queen Mother's words. He understood the meaning of the Queen Mother's words and knew the responsibility he shouldered.

During the crisis, his performance with the Bingzhou knights under his command was obvious to all, and their loyalty to the royal family was unquestionable.


This northern tour is not only important to His Majesty, but also to Liu Xie and our Dong family, and there is no room for failure. "

However, as a thoughtful and long-term visionary queen mother, she considered more than just Dong Yong's personal emotions.

If possible, she really wanted to fulfill the relationship between Dong Yong and Wan Nian and bring the two families closer together.

However, who knew that things would develop like this, the sudden crisis, and the young man who wanted to steal love.
Empress Dowager Dong shook her head slightly and turned her gaze to the window.

She looked through the gate of the royal palace and saw Princess Wannian and Prince Liu Xie. The two petite figures were kneeling on the ground, praying devoutly to their ancestors to protect the emperor's health.

Seeing this scene, Empress Dowager Dong sighed again.

Her son's physical condition worried her. I'm afraid the princess's marriage should not be delayed for too long. After all, she had to make a decision.

Empress Dowager Dong understood that royal marriage was never a simple personal choice, but involved the interests and stability of the entire country.

As a member of the royal family, Wannian's marriage was no exception.

Compared with the already close Dong family, it is natural for the emperor to want to find another foreign aid for Xie'er. Whether as a mother or a grandmother, she should support it.

However, Empress Dowager Dong couldn't help but feel a little worried about Wan Nian.

She now knows Su Yao's talents and strength, but she also knows his impulsiveness and changeability.

How much respect can such a bold man have for a married princess?

If Wan Nian really marries Su Yao, whether he will be happy or not is indeed unknown.

It was far better to marry Dong Yong, who knew everything about her, who was her childhood sweetheart and who had a deep and deep love for her.

But Queen Mother Dong also understood that this was the reality that her granddaughter had to face as a member of the royal family.

Such is the world. A woman from an ordinary family cannot decide on her own marriage, let alone a princess of the royal family.

Personal happiness and feelings are fragile in the face of interests. How many people in the world can marry true love, or marry their sweetheart? However, Empress Dowager Dong did not know that at the same time she was feeling sorry for her love with her granddaughter.
Over there, Princess Wannian was kneeling on the ground to pray. As the sun gradually went to the west, her heart was in a state of confusion.

This is not only because of his father's illness, but also because of Su Yao's words when we parted last night.

"Will he come to see me again today?"

Night falls.

The commotion of the Huben Army during the day apparently did not affect the lives of the residents in the city.

Pingyuan City gradually became quiet, and the autumn wind blew, adding a touch of coolness to this autumn night.

Princess Wannian sat in front of the window of the palace's bedroom, looking at the moonlight outside the window, wrapping the robe around her shoulders, feeling unable to calm down.

The whole day today, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something. She was always looking forward to something, but also afraid of something.

Time passed little by little, the lights in the palace gradually went out, and the princess lay on the bed tossing and turning.

Worries about her father's health and hesitation about her future fate were intertwined, making her unable to calm down for a long time.

She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down, but Su Yao couldn't help but appear in her mind.

He was truly a brave, strange, and interesting man who not only saved her and her father's lives, but also allowed her to experience emotions she had never experienced before.

However, their encounters always seem to be full of twists and turns.

Princess Wannian couldn't help but sigh, her heart filled with helplessness.

The princess actually understood that although the man promised to come see her at any time when he was leaving, she was a princess, and the two had different identities. Without the father's words, he would not have been able to come over so easily.

Last time, he had made great achievements and his father allowed him to see him.

Now, only one day has passed, and my father has fallen ill again. There is no way he can come to see me.

But even though she knew this was the case, she still couldn't help but look forward to it.

She didn't know what she was waiting for, let alone why she had such deep emotions for this man who suddenly broke into her life, so much so that she still missed him when her father fell ill.

However, Princess Wannian understood that this inexplicable feeling made her irresistible and unable to get rid of it.

As soon as she thought of this, the princess buried her head in the soft silk pillow.

At this moment, Princess Wannian suddenly heard a slight noise coming from outside the window.

The princess was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of inexplicable anticipation and nervousness surged in her heart. She sat up from the bed suddenly, took small steps, and ran to the bedside, propped up the window, and looked out through the gap. .

The night was as dark as ink, and under the bright moonlight, outside the window was a quiet courtyard, with several tall sycamore trees swaying gently in the breeze, making rustling sounds.

This sound, accompanied by the scraping of armor and whispers from the soldiers not far away, added a bit of vitality to the quiet night.

The princess' eyes searched the courtyard from time to time. However, except for the hazy moonlight, the shadows of the trees in the breeze, and the occasional soldier who flashed by, she naturally did not find the long-awaited figure.

How many times has this happened?
Princess Wannian laughed to herself, feeling a faint sense of loss in her heart.

She sighed softly, put down the window, and turned back.

At the same time, suddenly, there were two faint rattling sounds from the window.

The little princess who had turned around suddenly had her heart beat faster. She turned around suddenly and saw the window being gently pushed open. A familiar yet unfamiliar handsome face quietly appeared in the moonlight. It was the man she had been waiting for.

Su Yao was dressed in black and almost blended into the deep night, but his eyes were as bright as stars, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth were filled with confidence and a hint of cynicism.

He looked at the princess in the room with her hands covering her mouth, and chuckled:
"Your Highness, did you miss me?"

When Princess Wannian heard Su Yao's unbridled and direct question, her fair and tender cheeks suddenly turned red like a steam engine, and the top of her head seemed to be still smoking.

She lowered her head slightly and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito:
"You, how can you ask that..."

Su Yao looked at Princess Wannian's shy look, and couldn't help but feel a warm current in her heart, and couldn't help teasing her:
"If Your Highness the Princess doesn't want to, I'll leave right now and won't disturb Her Highness's purity again."

Su Yao paused deliberately and blinked.

When Princess Wannian heard this, she was shocked. She quickly raised her head, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and she hurriedly said:

"No, that's not the case..."

Although her voice was still small, there was a hint of urgency and reluctance in her tone.

Seeing this, Su Yao's smile became even stronger. He even put his elbows on the window frame and said unhurriedly:
"Then I wonder if Your Highness can let me enter the house to talk to you. I don't want to be taken to the prison."

Princess Wannian felt panicked again when she heard Su Yao's words.

She understood that although Su Yao's words were a joke, they brought her back to reality for a moment.

As a princess, her every move is strictly monitored and restricted, and Su Yao's appearance undoubtedly brings great disturbances to her life.

This time, this man came to visit so late at night, and it was obviously impossible for him to have any instructions from his father.

If someone discovered it, the consequences would be disastrous. She was worried and conflicted in her heart. She was afraid that Su Yao would be discovered, but she also longed to stay with him for a while longer.

This complex emotion made her feel helpless and her heart beat faster.

Listening to the clicking sound of the guard's armor not far away, the little princess's rationality told her that she must let this man leave immediately.

But after a moment, she gritted her teeth and made a bold decision.

The princess walked to the bed and gently blew out the bedside lamp, plunging the entire bedroom into darkness. Then, she quickly walked to the door, opened the door and whispered:

"You... come in quickly, be careful not to be discovered."

Su Yao felt happy when he heard Princess Wannian's soft call. He glanced at the corner on the left where the footsteps came from, gently closed the window, then entered the bedroom in a flash, and closed the door gently. Came to the door and made no sound.

In the dark room, the breathing of the two people was intertwined and seemed a little rapid.

In the darkness, the faint moonlight shone on the window paper, and Su Yao could clearly see the little princess wearing only a scarlet dress nervously clenching her hands and her body trembling slightly.

At this time, he put away the cynical smile on his face, he gently approached and said softly:
"Your Highness, I've frightened you."

Hearing Su Yao's gentle words, the tension in her heart eased slightly. She tried to calm herself down, but her hands still trembled involuntarily.

"You are too bold"

"In case of discovery"

Princess Wannian's soft voice contained a hint of resentment, but her eyes shone with a complex light, which contained both surprise at Su Yao's late-night visit and worries about the uncertainty of the future.

In response, Su Yao smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and gently took the little princess's trembling hands:
"You're waiting for me, how could I not come?"

The moment Su Yao touched her hands, Princess Wannian seemed to be electrocuted and tried to pull her hand away, but Su Yao held it tightly, giving her no chance to escape.

"Who...who is waiting for you!"

Princess Wannian let out a coquettish cry and stamped her feet:
"I'm just worried about my father's condition."

When Su Yao heard this, a smile flashed in his eyes, he paused and asked:
"How is His Majesty's condition now? I have always kept it in mind."

(End of this chapter)

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