I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 3: Repulse Lu Bu with 1 arrow

Chapter 3: Defeat Lu Bu with one arrow
"The Han people have produced such a monster. We must go back and report to King Xiutu!"

But... can I still go back?
The cavalry commander's personal soldiers galloped on the bumpy horses, but they did not feel the slightest peace of mind.

It was simply a nightmare. Although their hundred cavalry team suffered a lot of losses when they stormed Wubao, they still had dozens of comrades in arms.

Unexpectedly, he was completely destroyed by this man in a short period of time. No matter whether he surrendered or ran away, he could not escape the fate of being killed.

Just now, he saw the shaved demon who had stripped off their armor chasing another comrade on horseback, running all the way to kill him and seize the horse. What kind of monster is this?

It is not an exaggeration to say that a person can jump as fast as he flies and cannot catch up with a horse.

"I'm the only one left. (Xiongnu expletive)"

Desperate, so desperate.

Perhaps it was a perfect path, but at this moment, a group of soldiers on horseback and on foot appeared on the hillside not far ahead.

Are they their reinforcements? No, that's the Han army.

The Hanjia soldiers in red robes could not admit their mistake.

However, the appearance of his old rival at this moment made him relieved. Compared with the demon behind him who could only cut off heads without saying a word, the Han soldiers in front of him were so amiable.

So he raised his hands and shouted to the Han soldiers:

"Surrender! I want to surrender!"

"Hey! Do you still want to ADD? (Referring to extra actions that attract new enemies)"

Su Yao, who was chasing after him, immediately tightened his grip on the horse's belly and silently took out a bow.

Su Yao, who has always been dedicated to annihilating the party, cannot accept anything slipping through the net.

Just thinking about the number Escape 1 popping up after the battle is settled, it can really drive him to death as an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient.

So even though I don’t know what the hell that guy is shouting about, I’d rather die if he’s famous!
This mob must be dealt with before it triggers any troublesome events.

During the bumpy ride, Su Yao held his breath and concentrated, gradually entering the state of unity between man and horse, and fired his bow and arrow.

[Mounting and Shooting Unparalleled] is activated.

At this time, the fleeing cavalry commander's soldiers looked back as if they had a tacit understanding, with a bit of confusion on their faces.

What does this shaved devil want to do?
What does he think he is?
Even the most powerful vulture shooters in the royal court can only shoot twenty or thirty steps accurately on horseback.

But now the distance between the two riders is approximately 150 steps!
"Piercing through willows and shooting willows, you will always hit the mark!"

Just when he was about to run to where the Han soldiers were, the sound of death came from behind
call out--

Then there was a pop.

The horseman of the Hu soldiers fell off his horse and died. The arrow feathers that were halfway into his eyebrows were still trembling slightly...

The Han soldiers who had put up their posture were stunned for a moment, then stepped forward to confirm that the man was dead and reported to the superior officer.
"Captain Lu, this is God's blessing for me as a Han Han. The barbarians are actually fighting among themselves.

There is something about this arrow. It is really lucky to be able to hit it from such a distance. "

They were the reinforcements who came to support after seeing the beacon fire here.

Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the world has been in chaos.

Recently, even the usually submissive Xiongnu tribes have broken out in rebellion, causing trouble for Bingzhou and Xichui.

First, at the beginning of the year, the bandits raided Xihe and killed the county guard. A few days ago, they invaded Taiyuan and then killed Zhang Yi, the governor. For a while, these barbarians were incomparable in power, causing a war in Bingzhou and making people panic.

Thanks to his good fortune to follow Tuen Commander Lu, he survived that tragic defeat.

But now the leaderless Bingzhou no longer has the ability to organize a large-scale counterattack, and they have been reduced to a fire-fighting brigade, running wherever something goes wrong.

Although I have gained some credit and money, I am still worried every time I go on patrol, for fear that I will fall into the hands of the enemy's brigade and lose my life in vain.

After all, not everyone is called Lu Fengxian.

"." If his subordinates were feeling like they were on a roller coaster, then Lu Bu's heart was so high that he couldn't let go.

"Captain Lu?"

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Growing up in Jiuyuan, a border county where the Han people lived, Lu Bu was proficient in bow and horse since he was a child, and was good at martial arts. He was very proud of his martial arts, and was unrivaled in his battles in Bingzhou.

Precisely because of this, this arrow shocked him far more than these soldiers. What if this arrow was achieved by sheer luck? People who believe it are as stupid as shit.

Of course he can hit the target at a distance of about 150 steps, but it is absolutely impossible to say that anyone can hit the target with a mounted shot.

And even if it hits, most of its power will be lost at such a distance.

An arrow technique that maintains such powerful power when riding at a distance like this...

Is this really something a human can do?

Lu Bu asked himself that he absolutely couldn't do it.

For the first time on his journey to martial arts, he felt a feeling called powerlessness.

Is it true that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world?
Lu Bu stared closely at Su Yao in his field of vision. Seeing that this man neither stepped forward nor left after killing someone, he stood on the spot leisurely, as if waiting for everyone to pay their respects.

This situation made Lu Bu's face turn red and white.

How could a Xiu Tu bitch be so ruthless?
Do you think there is no one in my Han family? !

After being shocked, powerless, ashamed and angry, Lu Bu regained his fierce fighting spirit.

He picked up the halberd in his hand, rode forward on horseback, and ordered his men:
"Hu people are always capricious. You are here to draw your bows and stay alert. I will go and meet this guy first."

Then why is Su Yao standing where he is?

He didn't have those messy thoughts at all, he was just struggling with one thing.

"Fuck, why are these guards still guarding the corpse? It's my trophy."

In the early days of the game setting in the world of Dynasty Three Kingdoms, the Han Empire still maintained a considerable degree of control. The guards who were spread all over the place for illegal activities such as murder and theft were like fathers to the players.

Players usually want to do something disgraceful, and they have to avoid them, otherwise they will be thrown into jail, or become a red name and be attacked by the whole server, which is not worth the gain.

"Ordinarily, what I killed was a barbarian monster. Why did I come out with the guards..."

But the way the guard inspected the body was exactly the same as in the game when he was discovered after killing someone.

Considering his own existence as a bug, he didn't delve into the guards' abnormality.

So when he saw Lu Bu coming forward with his halberd from a distance and shouting something at him, he made a choice that all players would make.
As long as the crime is not caught and recognized, it will not be recorded and it will be out of the hate zone.

It just so happens that the corpses in the village haven't been picked up yet. After killing the monsters in the novice level this time, go back and see if there are any tasks to hand over.

In addition, we need to find ways to solve the voice problem.

So he left very decisively.

This time Lu Bu was in trouble again.

Being preconceived, he would not think that Hu Qi was a coward at all.

Instead, my first thought was whether there might be some trick.

If I don't move, you won't move. If I move, you'll run away, right?

Could it be that this barbarian is trying to lure me into a trap? Are there any traps ahead? Are they planning to surround and kill me?
In normal times, Lu Bu would not have so many thoughts. He is skilled in bow and horse, unparalleled in martial arts, and has the blessing of the magic weapon Fang Tian Hua Ji. Where in the world can he go?

But after he had just suffered a defeat with the governor, and was shocked by the barbarian's incredible riding and shooting skills, Lu Bu's courage was indeed weakened a little.

He is not stupid. His military career of more than ten years has already developed his keen battlefield sense and survival knowledge. This is also the capital that allows him to survive until now after the Bingzhou chaos.

From the horseshoe marks on the road, he could tell the scale of the Hu cavalry attacking the village, so he felt confident to bring only a dozen of his men to intercept and rescue them.

This is based on the past understanding of Hu Qi's combat power. For these Hu'er with poor equipment and lax discipline, it is easy for one man to defeat three Hu's, not to mention that he is still there.

But now, the scale of this combat power seems to be different from what he thought.

While thinking about it, Lu Bu walked slower and slower, gradually watching Su Yao disappear on the horizon.

He is here to make meritorious deeds, not to die.

Opportunities are everywhere in Bingzhou now, why bother struggling here.

Lu Bu, who turned his horse around, gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Hu'er, next time I see you I will kill you with a halberd!"

(End of this chapter)

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