I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 419: The Han Dynasty's Eastward Movement

Chapter 419: The Han Dynasty's Eastward Movement

However, facing the rebuke, Liu Zheng ignored it and said to Su Yao:
"Your Excellency has a sincere heart for the people, but in my opinion, I am afraid that you are doing it in the wrong way."

"What did you say?"

This time, it was Qian Zhao's turn to be surprised.

He didn't expect that the strategy he and his group had discussed for a long time would be questioned as soon as it was implemented.

Lian Su Yao frowned slightly and said in a deep voice:
"This Liu Caoyuan, why do you say that?"

Liu Zheng straightened his back and said in a firm tone:

"Your Excellency has reduced taxes and levies, built water conservancy projects, and developed agriculture. These actions seem to benefit the country and the people. However, the situation in Liaodong is complicated and cannot be changed overnight.

Right now, although the people are suffering, the treasury is empty. Without sufficient financial resources, how can these grand plans be supported?
Light taxes and levies can certainly win the hearts of the people, but in the long run, how can the county government afford to continue? If there is a war or natural disaster, how should it respond? "

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the hall began to talk about it. Some nodded in agreement, while others looked doubtful.

Su Yao was delighted. He didn't expect that this ordinary-looking guy could see this level. He seemed to have some ability.

But, this is naturally not a problem.

Without Su Yao's reply, Qian Zhao stepped forward and refuted:

"What Liu Caoyuan said is certainly true, but you only see the trees and not the forest. It is a little early to speak now."

Qian Zhao had raised the issue of the contradiction between light taxes and levies and vigorous development at the time, and they naturally had a solution:
"Reducing taxes and levies is only the first step, which aims to restore people's livelihood, stabilize people's hearts and minds, and lay a solid foundation for subsequent development."

Qian Zhao paused and continued:

"As for the financial resources issue that you are worried about, we have already made plans."

“Firstly, by auctioning off prisoners of war and selling captured materials, we can temporarily alleviate the urgent need.

Secondly, encouraging farmers to resume farming, checking the land area, opening up trade routes, expanding financial resources, and restoring tribute can all increase income in the long run.

Moreover, with the support of the elite soldiers and generals led by the lord, the county soldiers here can turn swords into plows, streamline the military and government, disband redundant soldiers, and resume production. This is also an important means of saving expenses.

In addition, the Lord will rectify the administration of officials, eliminate corruption, and ensure that every penny is spent wisely. "

"With so many measures in place, Liaodong will surely be in turmoil. Liu Caoyuan has nothing to worry about."

When Liu Zheng heard this, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He really didn't expect that these people had so many plans for the future.

However, he still did not change his opinion.

"If that's the case, there's no need to promote agricultural technology, build water conservancy projects, etc."

"What's the reason for this?"

Qian Zhao Qi Jie Dao:
"Don't tell me you have perfect water conservancy and excellent agricultural technology here."

"From what we saw when we came here, your great land is completely abandoned. Not only are there swamps everywhere that have not been cultivated, but there are also no water conservancy projects to facilitate the people. Not to mention the cultivated land in the Central Plains, even the land development in Youzhou is far better than yours."

"What Gongcao said is indeed true."

Liu Zheng nodded, feeling quite gratified by the preliminary investigation of these people, but.
"It's really not necessary."


Then, Liu Zheng explained his point of view.

What Qian Zhao said is absolutely true.

The land in Liaodong is flat and mostly undeveloped virgin land. The people's farm tools and agricultural skills vary greatly and are mostly primitive.

But everything has a cause.

"The land is vast and the population is sparse, why bother with war???"

"In Liaodong, there are abundant rivers and fertile fields. Even refugees from the inland areas can get hundreds of acres of land per household. Even if they till the land every year, they still cannot take care of all the good farmland."

"In such a situation, Gongcao still wants to organize precious manpower to reclaim those swamps and wastelands and build water conservancy projects?" "Isn't this putting the cart before the horse and seeking the faraway?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Liu Zheng's tone.

These people have good intentions and abilities, but they simply do not consider local realities.



The awkward silence was like a gust of wind, blowing through everyone's hearts.

Qian Zhao was speechless and Su Yao just blinked.

Su Yao looked at the former Gongcao Tian Shao and asked about his situation, and got the same answer.

That’s right, the land is vast and the population is sparse, there are more fields than people, and that’s how it should be.

This is simply a thinking trap.

Although they all complained about the vast land and sparse population here when they came, Su Yao even kidnapped a large number of people to come and open up the wasteland.

However, everyone's understanding of this place is at best similar to their understanding of the border areas within Youzhou Pass or the frontier areas of Bingzhou.

But this is the black soil of Liaodong.

Not to mention the reality that Northeast China's grain production accounts for a quarter of the country's total grain production today, during the Sui and Tang dynasties alone, Liaodong supported a population of three to five million.

And how many people are there in Liaodong of the Han Dynasty today?

There are 64,158 registered households and a population of over 300,000.

This was the population number before the war. The population today can only be less, not more.

At that time, the population of Liaodong did not even reach one-tenth of the land's carrying capacity!

This is the reality now.

The Malthusian trap and the contradiction between people and land that occurred when the Central Plains dynasty collapsed do not exist here at all.

Even for the local wealthy and powerful families, enclosing land is of no use and they are desperate for manpower.

As for the common people, as long as the local government does not make trouble and allows them to stay at home, an adult man can support a family of five including a cat and a dog by simply fishing and paddling!
What is this? This is the Han Chinese people’s “Eastward Movement” and the great development of Northeast China.

If Sima Yi had not forcibly interrupted this process and moved all the Han people back to the interior, the Northeast would have been ruled by the Han people hundreds of years ago. How could a monster like Goguryeo have been born in later generations and exhausted the Sui Dynasty?

Therefore, under such circumstances, the people have no motivation to cultivate the land intensively, and there is no way to promote agricultural technology.

As for water conservancy development?
Even when Goguryeo was supporting three million people, they didn’t care so much!
Although Qian Zhao didn't know what happened in later generations, he was not completely ignorant of farming. After listening to Liu Zheng's story, he finally came to his senses and looked confused.

Well, he had just come here and got the new appointment with great enthusiasm. Just when he was preparing to make a big move, he suddenly realized that doing nothing and ruling by inaction was the best option. He couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Su Yao shook his head and smiled:

"Well, at least on the other hand, this can greatly save our manpower, which is also a good thing. As long as we upgrade the farm tools for the people as needed, we can shift our focus to other projects."

After that, Su Yao asked Liu Zheng and others:

"What about Liaodong's specialties? How is the trade going? Do you know these situations?"

Upon hearing this, Qian Zhao immediately cheered himself up. There was not much room for maneuver in farming, but he thought that there would be no more setbacks on the road of business development.

He looked at Liu Zheng who was speaking out, but saw him smiling bitterly and shaking his head:
"Your Excellency, I have a clear view. Liao horses, sable furs and northern pearls are the three treasures of Liaodong. They were also the most beloved commodities of merchants from the Central Plains and Hebei in the past."

"However, it is extremely difficult to obtain these three items in Liaodong at this time of year."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Lord to make a profit by trading and selling specialty products."

(End of this chapter)

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