Chapter 437 Beauty in tears
Too beautiful and spicy.
No, or should I say he is too handsome?
The moment they looked at each other, Nara Yanshi's heart was pounding and time seemed to have stopped completely.

How could there be such a man in the world?

Beautiful and majestic.

The voice and gaze were obviously cold, but somehow they were also extremely alluring.

What’s more important is that it is so powerful, yet it retains a touch of human tenderness.

Oh my God, how could such a person be her enemy?

No, it definitely doesn’t mean that Nara Yanshi has never seen a man in her life.

Rather, she thought that she had been married twice and had seen many men.

Especially after she became the chief of this tribe, countless chieftains and warriors flocked to her, demanding to be able to enter her tent and have a night of pleasure with her.

However, those men were either too old or too rough. In short, Nara Yanshi didn't like any of them and turned them all away.

Then her coldness attracted more enthusiasm.

No man has ever combined so many advantages like this Han general in front of him.

If there had been such a man in the tribe before, she would definitely have summoned him into the tent to try the pleasure of lovemaking.

However, I never thought that this meeting would make me a prisoner.
Wait, prisoners?
It was not until then that the girl woke up from her dream and remembered her current situation.

This hateful Han Chinese completely destroyed her plan. When she woke up from her coma, she was betrayed by her subordinates and was tied up and sent to her to beg for surrender.
Bitterness, humiliation, unwillingness, all kinds of complex emotions surged into her heart. Nara Yanshi actually cried in public, tears streaming down her cheeks, looking particularly desolate.

Su Yao frowned at this. Is this what Nara Yanshi, who was praised so highly by Lu Bu and Dian Wei, is like this?

No matter how you look at it, she's just a little girl.

To be honest, it would be a lie to say that Su Yao had no sympathy when seeing the beauty shedding tears.


"With the situation developing like this, and us going to fight, will Yanshi just cry here?"

Nara Yanshi's body trembled slightly when she heard this. She looked up at Su Yao and said with a sad face:
"You Han people all say that the hatred for killing one's father is irreconcilable. The governor killed my father and grandfather. What's wrong with my daughter taking revenge?"

"I just regret that our people were not united and our strength was not enough, and I believed the lies of Gongsun Zhao."

"Now, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. You can kill or chop me up as you please."

After saying this, Nara Yanshi closed her eyes.

Seeing Yanshi speak so resolutely, the Wuhuan leaders behind her were suddenly shocked and angry. They shouted and cursed, and the leader who was holding her kicked her, still not satisfied:

"You are such a stubborn witch!"

"My Lord Governor, it was she who bewitched us and made us enemies of the Han Dynasty!"

"Please be merciful and spare my life!"

Nara Yanshi staggered a few steps after being kicked by the leader, but this time she did not utter a groan. She just looked at Su Yao with gritted teeth.

In response to this, Su Yao, after watching this scene, took a step forward, walked up to the kneeling leaders, and snorted coldly:

"Don't you think it's a bit ridiculous to put all the responsibility on such a woman?"


The scar-faced warrior was shocked when he heard this, as he had never expected this development. Could it be that even after such a surrender, the governor was still not satisfied?
Sensing that something was wrong, the leaders began to defend themselves and shout:
"My Lord Governor!"

"You are wise!"

"It's not that we are shirking our responsibilities. Although Yanshi is a woman, she is the leader of our tribe. She is determined to rebel. What can we do about it?"

Before they could continue, Su Yao interrupted with a sneer:

"But as far as I know, before this woman married, your tribe had already rebelled once under the leadership of Su Puyan. What does the previous account have to do with her?"

"Besides, each of your tribes has its own leader, and you are not subordinate to each other. If it is beneficial, you will unite, and if it is not beneficial, you will disperse."

"If you didn't think it was profitable to follow her and rebel with Gongsun Zhao, and you couldn't bear it, how could you listen to a woman and make such a big mess?" "Now that things have failed and failed miserably, you put all the responsibility on this girl and clear yourself of the blame."

"Is this what you grassland men do?"

Su Yao's words pierced the air like a sharp sword and broke through the clouds like a beam of light, causing Nara Yanshi to suddenly open her eyes.

She looked at the man in front of her in disbelief. She never expected that this devil who was rumored to kill people without blinking an eye could speak so fair words at this time.

Seeing Yanshi's words, the Wuhuan leaders present looked embarrassed, some lowered their heads in silence, and some looked ashamed.

When the idea was first proposed in the last quarter, some proud people felt that it was not a very appropriate plan.

But in the end, the thought of saving his own life prevailed. He thought that the governor would not pursue anything too much after receiving such a great gift.

After all, the Han people have always been like this, they value reputation more than profit.

He offered surrender voluntarily and also gave up his wife, Yanshi. It saved everyone's face and it was all over with an explanation.

Who would have thought that this new governor was actually a young and inexperienced boy who kept pursuing their little ailments and was really too difficult to deal with.

Isn't he afraid of losing everything? !
However, this thought only lasted for a moment before disappearing without a trace.

Now that I am in this position, I am afraid that if I make the slightest move, my neck will be chopped off.
I am the meat on the chopping board. The chief who recognized the reality wailed:

"The governor is wise!"

"We know our guilt!"

"Please have mercy on me and spare my life!"

Seeing that these people were completely submissive, Su Yao nodded.

"Heaven is merciful and kind, and I am not a person who kills indiscriminately."

"If you want to survive, then show some real sincerity and make amends for your mistakes."

"In this way, since you surrendered sincerely, I can not only keep you alive, but based on your performance, you may even be able to live a better life in the future."

Upon hearing this, the Wuhuan leaders looked at each other, swallowed their saliva, and hurriedly responded:
"We surrender sincerely! Lord Governor, we surrender sincerely!"

"I don't know what the governor wants us to do, just tell us and we will do it!"

And Su Yao’s requirements were also very clear.

First of all, they must stop the hostilities and surrender, and return all the property, civilians and horses they have looted.

The next step is naturally to pay military compensation, hand over the leaders who led and participated in the atrocities such as the attack on the horse farm, and completely dissolve the tribal alliance.

Moreover, each tribe must accept redistribution and send hostages to Liaodong, as well as unconditionally accept conscription to provide manpower to assist in Liaodong's reconstruction and future operations.

After hearing this series of requests, the leaders of various tribes were trembling with fear.

This is obviously much stricter than the loose free-range system in the past, but they naturally have no ability to refuse.

"Your Excellency the Governor is right. We must do our best to atone for our sins, but..." The tribal leaders looked embarrassed.


Seeing Su Yao's unhappy expression, the chief immediately kowtowed and wailed:

"Horses! There are really no more horses!"

"That bastard was so quick that he came back to vent his anger on us after losing the battle."

"He took all our horses and valuables."

“It is really impossible to meet the requirements of the Celestial Empire now.”

"What?!" Su Yao was furious, "How dare you steal my horse?!"

(End of this chapter)

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