Chapter 456 Time is money
Hearing these unprecedented requests from Su Yao, Wuluga's brows were twisted into eight petals.

However, although he is the son of the tribal chief, his vision is obviously not enough to allow him to see Su Yao's plans for the future.

Or even if he could see it, there was nothing he could do.

So after hesitating for a moment, he agreed to Su Yao's conditions.

After all, this is the only way for the Duowu tribe to obtain assistance from the Han army at present, and it is also the key for them to regain their footing.

So much so that when Su Yao later proposed the disposal of prisoners of war and spoils of war, he didn't care much.

After some discussion, the decision to declare war and the post-war plans were finalized, and everyone's focus then shifted to how to fight.

In this regard, the counselors worked together, and first Wei Ming stroked his beard and said:

"Ming Linda Ye and his son have monopolized the military and political affairs of Goguryeo for decades. They are so powerful that their roots are deep. If we want to overthrow them, we will probably not be able to just send troops to invade the border and show off our military might by reprimanding and punishing them as we did in the past."


Qian Zhao continued:
"They have offended too many people on their way to power, and they have always been very clear about one thing - retreat means death."

"Moreover, it is not just a matter of death. His small family and power will definitely be liquidated."

"Therefore, if you decide to intervene, this war will probably not end before reaching the capital of Goguryeo."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Tian Chou frowned and said:
"I used to travel to Xuantu with my father, and I heard people there say that Goguryeo had been established for more than 200 years, and although there had been several rebellions, its king had never been under siege."

"The main reason for this is that the Goguryeo people are skilled in construction. There are many castles in the country. In front of the capital, there are more than ten fortresses of various sizes facing the Han Dynasty."

"Among them, Zuoyuan City is the most strategically located. It is backed by a large river and swamp. In the past, Geng Lin, the governor of Xuantu, sighed at the sight of this city and returned empty-handed."

"If this city is not destroyed, then it will be impossible to approach the royal city."

"But Zuoyuan is not an isolated city. It is a whole that relies on the more than ten fortresses around it."

"Therefore, if you want to defeat Goguryeo, you must first destroy its fortresses."

"What the field official said is correct."

Wuluga was surprised. He didn't expect that someone in Liaodong knew them so clearly:

"The Zuoyuan fortress complex is a masterpiece created by Ming Lindafu."

"It was after he built these forts and relied on them to defeat the attack of Governor Xuantu that he became so famous that he could no longer conceal his ambitions. On the one hand, he resolutely stopped paying tribute, and on the other hand, he increased his annexation of surrounding tribes to expand the strength of his own tribe."

"But the original fortress complex is by no means the biggest difficulty."

"The real fortress of Goguryeo is the twin defenses of the inner city of the capital and the mountain city of Maru."

"The two cities depend on each other and cooperate with each other. They are the only twin capitals in the world!"

"The Twin Capitals?"

Su Yao was somewhat interested in this statement, but the focus at the moment was not there:
"Let's not talk about the last royal city. Since you are here to seek external help, do you have any method to conquer this group of fortresses?"

A defense group consisting of more than a dozen fortresses?
The technology points added by the Goguryeo people are a bit biased.

Su Yao recalled that he had never conquered so many castles since the server was launched.

This time they are all piled up in this small area. It would be really uncomfortable to bite them one by one.

"For example, are there any secret passages that only you Goguryeo people know about that can be bypassed, or does your tribe have an insider in Zuoyuan City who can open the door?"


Wuluga, who was getting more and more excited just now, was suddenly speechless: "You said these are not there."

Wuluga looked embarrassed and quickly explained:
"Our tribe can open up our territory so that your army can pass through without any problems."

"But the Zuoyuan Fortress, which guards the royal city, is Ming Lindafu's most important legacy. He used it to stop the Han army and to isolate other tribes of Goguryeo. Therefore, he strictly guarded against our tribesmen, and we have no way to stop them."

As soon as Wuluga finished speaking, Tian Chou snorted coldly:

"In this case, aren't you going to use the blood of our Han officers and soldiers to pave the way for your ambitions?"

If we send an army on a long expedition to conquer such a large group of fortresses and fail to conquer them quickly, the loss of personnel and consumption of supplies will be enormous.

This is probably an unbearable burden for Liaodong today.

"Don't worry, everyone."

Wuluga hurriedly said:

"Although we don't have a direct shortcut or an insider, the Zuoyuan Fortress Group has always been a thorn in our side, so we still know some of its weaknesses."

"First, although these castles are strong, the connection between them is not as close as it seems. They rely heavily on fast-reacting cavalry units to support each other. But this also means that if we can quickly cut off their connection and defeat them one by one, we can greatly weaken their overall defense."

Wuluga sighed as he spoke:
"Nowadays, most of our people make a living by farming. Our cavalry alone is no match for the elite cavalry under Ming Lindaye."

"But the governor is different."

Wuluga said with a little flattery:

"The might of the Han cavalry is known to everyone in the world."

"As long as the governor can lead a strong cavalry to defeat the enemy in the first battle, establish the advantage in the field battle, and prevent the enemy's troops from moving out."

"The dozen or so forts in Minglin Daye are like prisons waiting to be killed."

"This is the kingly way of attacking." Qian Zhao nodded.

Divide and surround, then defeat them one by one, this is basically the way to deal with a group of fortresses.

The most crucial point is to establish absolute field combat advantage.

Frankly speaking, if it were before, with only Su Junhou's few hundred cavalry, it would be quite difficult to achieve absolute control advantage, Qian Zhao thought.

But, I guess this is fate.

Marquis Su had just settled Liaodong and recruited a large number of Xianbei and Wuhuan cavalrymen.

This makes the strategy completely feasible.

Just imagine, when those thousands of cavalrymen galloped between fortresses, the defenders in the castle must have been trembling with fear.

If we are lucky, we can suppress the enemy with a strong army and force Ming Lindaye to send out its main force to support us. Then we can fight a great annihilation battle in the field and the overall situation will be decided.

So, when Qian Zhao proposed this plan, everyone nodded in agreement.

However, some people agree and some people disagree.
"Is this your plan?"

Su Yao frowned:
"What if Ming Lindaye decides to be a coward?"

"Don't we still have to eat them one by one?"

"Isn't there a more efficient way to crush them in one fell swoop?"

"Time is money, my friend!"

(End of this chapter)

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