I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 464 Offensive and defensive transition

Chapter 464 Offensive and defensive transition
"One person destroys the city?!"

"Who exactly is this governor of yours?!"

After entering the village gate, Wuruga looked at the surrendered soldiers kneeling on both sides and was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time.


Hou Cheng laughed three times:

"How can I, the Champion Marquis of the Han Dynasty, be a person who gets the title for nothing?"

"Marquis of Champion?" Wuruga murmured to himself, his eyes full of shock and awe.

He had never imagined that this young governor of Liaodong had such extraordinary martial arts and courage.

This smooth and flowing process of beheading generals and capturing cities is simply a legendary heroic feat.

"Your Excellency is so young, yet within a year he was awarded the title of Champion Marquis for his military exploits."

"Some say he is the reincarnation of the Overlord, others say he is a star that has descended to earth."

"But no matter what, being able to fight alongside my lord must be something that you, a barbarian, can brag about for the rest of your life."

Song Xian added on the side, with a hint of pride in his tone.

After hearing this, Wuluga was speechless for a long time. He swallowed hard and nodded, feeling both relieved and a little uneasy.

Fortunately, the reinforcements were strong, and their dream of overthrowing Ming Lindaye was more likely to come true.

The uneasiness is that the ally is too strong and the role played by the party can be ignored.
As the saying goes, it is easy to invite a god but difficult to send him away.

If the next battles continue like this, he will have to worry about the future status and distribution of benefits.

But on second thought, their tribe and the treacherous prime minister Ming Lindaye were mortal enemies. Now it was a rare opportunity to fight side by side with such a powerful ally. How could they miss this chance because of worries that had not yet happened?
So, when they passed through the kneeling soldiers and came before Su Yao, Wuluga bowed his head and kowtowed:
"Your Excellency's martial arts and courage are unparalleled in the world. You are truly a hero of the time!"

"All of us, the Duowu tribe, are willing to follow you till death, eliminate the treacherous prime minister, and support the country!"

Su Yao blinked his eyes and coughed lightly at Wuruga who suddenly showed his loyalty:

"Well, Chief Wuruga, you are too polite. We are fighting for a common goal. Only by working together can we defeat the enemy."

After saying this, Su Yao looked at the trembling surrendered soldiers again, nodded and said:
"Now that these people have surrendered, it will be up to you to control them."

"The most urgent task is to dig the dam as soon as possible. The soldiers downstream are probably getting impatient."

"Yes!" Wuluga responded quickly, and then commanded his own Goguryeo hunters to lead the surrendered soldiers to the dam and prepare to start excavation work.

At this moment, he was suddenly stunned, looking at the tower on the other side of the embankment, and exclaimed:

"It's bad, my lord!"

"They, they lit a fire!"

Light a fire? Of course it was a beacon fire.

It turns out that not all the Goguryeo warriors here are cowardly and useless.

Just when Kokelil and others on the left bank collapsed, the sentries on the embankment on the right bank remained loyal to their duty and lit the beacon to sound the alarm.

And with the signal of the beacon fire, reinforcements from the nearby enemy forces will soon arrive.

"It doesn't matter."

Su Yao waved his hand:

"Hurry up and break the dike. Song Xianhoucheng and his men will follow me to the other side to guard the dike. We will never let anyone come over!"

Su Yao deliberately did not kill all these miscellaneous soldiers because he naturally took into consideration that labor would be needed to work after the dam broke.

After all, there was no gunpowder technology at the time, and breaking the dam to release the flood was a physically demanding job that required a large number of people to operate.

So, after sending out Goguryeo hunters and captured laborers, Su Yao sent another twenty personal soldiers to assist in breaking the dam, and the remaining dozens of people all stood on the wall on the right bank.

Now the roles are reversed and it is their turn to be on defense.

They must hold this place before the dam is breached and not let the Goguryeo people destroy their work.

As for the time limit, according to the system's prompt, based on the existing manpower, even if the excavation site is optimized, it will take three days.

Therefore, after confirming the situation, Su Yao immediately interrogated the two low-ranking officers who surrendered:
"Who are the nearest reinforcements that can arrive here? How many people are there?"

"How many troops can come within three days?" "Reporting to the general, we are in the rear, and there are not many troops that can come to support us."

"The fastest reinforcements that can arrive are from several nearby outposts, which number no more than a hundred people in total."

"But within three days, there is a garrison of 800 people in the town in the southeast. I don't know how many can be sent."

The surrendering junior officer replied tremblingly.

"Is that all? Are there any others?"

As Song Xian spoke, he grabbed the collar of the Goguryeo officer and lifted him up, saying:
"Do you know the price of lying about military intelligence?"

"Hey General, I'm definitely not lying!"

"Don't you think this many people are not enough?"

"We are in the rear area!"

"Who could have thought that our rear area would be lost in an instant?"

"With just the two hundred of us guarding here, Mo Lizhi thinks we are too many."

This Goguryeo officer did not lie.

After the two were confirmed, everyone finally had an understanding of the enemy they would face next.

"It's impossible for all the guards in their town to come to support."

"The enemy soldiers we will face this time will probably be around five or six hundred at most."

“This is not easy to do.”

At the pre-war meeting with only a few people on his side, Song Xian finally revealed his concerns.

After all, although they are the defending party now, they do not have the city walls to use like Goguryeo did when it defended them.

The right bank of the dam, perhaps because it faces the rear of their country, has no wall and only one sentry tower that can accommodate a dozen people.

If these five or six hundred enemies gathered together, there would undoubtedly be a very brutal battle.

"Hey, Old Song, why are you scared again?"

Hou Cheng patted Song Xian's shoulder fiercely:

"How many battles have we fought with you, Lord? In which one did we not win with fewer troops?"

"We have a few hundred people and we dare to charge at the army of tens of thousands."

"Now we have nearly a hundred warriors, and we can't defeat five or six hundred people. Why should we be afraid?"

"If the enemy comes, we will stop him with our generals; if the water comes, we will block it with earth!"

——"No, no!"

Song Xian pushed Hou Cheng's hand away, took a step back and said seriously:

"In the past, when we, the cavalry, charged into battle, we only had to follow behind you and move forward courageously."

"But today we have to defend the dike, and we only have the ten or so horses we captured."

"How can we compare them?"

Hou Cheng was immediately speechless.

Thinking about the situation that more than 80 soldiers of theirs would have no choice but to form a battle formation on the flat ground in front of the dam and fight against the enemy army, his face suddenly turned unsightly.

Such a passive battle is truly unprecedented.


Hou Cheng clapped his fist and said:
"If we could have more Malays, we wouldn't have to worry about discussing anything with this mob of less than a thousand people!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Su Yao continued:
"If it's a horse, maybe we can find a way."


Everyone let out a cry of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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