I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 469: Water Dragon Shows Its Power

Chapter 469: Water Dragon Shows Its Power
So, Yizhi Dama immediately bowed his head respectfully and replied in a deep voice.

"General, you are so kind. I am deeply grateful for your kindness."

"I am willing to lead the people to surrender, and everything will be arranged by the general!"

Hearing this, Su Yao smiled slightly and nodded with satisfaction.

"Good, you made a wise choice."

Su Yao patted Yi Zhidama's shoulder:

"From now on, you are mine."

"I will give you a new identity and mission, and you need to fully cooperate with my actions."

"I understand." Yizhi Dama responded quickly.

Although he didn't know what the mission was, he was very clear that his choice this time would definitely change his destiny.

Su Yao continued to command the soldiers to speed up the excavation progress.

It is now two days later than the initially estimated time. I guess Guan Yu and the others are getting impatient waiting.

Finally, as time went by and new labor was added, thanks to the efforts of Wuruga, the captured laborers and the Han army, a large gap was gradually dug out in a corner of the dam.

First, the faint sound of water began to come from the damp gap, like the low gasp of nature.

As the excavation deepened, the gap gradually widened, and the power of the water began to emerge. A thin stream suddenly burst out from it, like a water gun.

Wuruga and the captured laborers watched this scene nervously, knowing that the collapse of the dam was imminent.

"Quick, retreat quickly!"

Su Yao waved his hand and shouted:

"Everyone get ashore!"

There is no need to dig anymore.

The majestic force of nature will accomplish everything smoothly.

As people moved in a hurry, small streams appeared on the gap, and soon they gathered into trickles, and then turned into a raging torrent.

At this time, the crowd had finally evacuated to their places, and everyone was nervously watching the increasing amount of water in front of them.

Suddenly, the water flow at the gap intensified, as if a giant beast that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke free and rushed downstream with a roar.

The roar of water was deafening, interweaving with the tense breathing of the soldiers. The collapse of the dam was so swift and unstoppable that the gap expanded into a roaring river in just a few minutes.

The muddy flood water, mixed with mud, sand and gravel, rushed downstream with overwhelming force.

Wherever the flood passed, everything in its way was ruthlessly swallowed up.

They rushed out of the original river channel so quickly that the trees on both sides were uprooted. Not only were the houses destroyed and the roads flooded, but the entire area seemed to have turned into a vast ocean.

Amid the roar of raging waves, the torrent surged down and disappeared beyond Su Yao's sight.

Downstream, over the distant Zuoyuan City, dark clouds were rolling and rain was falling.

Ming Lin Youji and his cronies were currently sitting around the wine table in the City Defense Mansion, mocking the Han army's weakness, and were completely unaware of the threat behind them.

"These Han dogs are nothing more than that."

"They looked so aggressive before, but when you came, they all became cowards and stopped even building siege weapons."

"In my opinion, these people can only hold out for a few more days before they retreat on their own."

"You have accomplished another great feat!"

Minglin Youji listened to his subordinates' compliments and a smug smile appeared on his lips. He raised his glass and drank with everyone, enjoying the joy of victory.

"These Han people are arrogant and conceited. They always bring shame upon themselves but never learn from their mistakes."

"Can they easily bully our great Goguryeo?"

"This free credit really makes me laugh."

Minglin Youji's laughter echoed in the hall. As the soldiers toasted each other and smiled happily, a guard suddenly stumbled into the hall and shouted in panic:

"No, no!"

"Flood. The flood is coming!"

His words stunned everyone, and even the dance and music stopped. Minglin Youji frowned and scolded the guard unhappily, "What flood?"

"I am sitting in a city that is located on a high ground. Even if it rains a lot recently, why should I worry about floods?"

"It's true, General."

The guard pointed outside the door and almost cried:
“I’ve never seen water that big.”

"Maybe the dam broke?"

"Now the flood is as violent as a wild beast. It has not only rushed out of the river channel and submerged the village, but has also overflowed under our city walls!"

When Minglin Youji heard this, his pupils shook violently, his face changed suddenly, and the wine cup in his hand fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

He stood up suddenly and stared at the guard who reported the news, trying to find a trace of comfort or misunderstanding in the other's eyes, but all he saw was endless fear.

The fear instantly infected him.

Zuoyuan is not only the highest fortress here, but in order to defend against the Han army, he also had 2,000 soldiers stationed in a camp outside the city out of the 5,000-strong army. They form a support structure with the Zuoyuan city and also communicate with other fortresses.

If the flood reached the city, what would happen to the other forts below? What about his army stationed outside the city?

The horrible prospect almost made him black out, but he managed to keep himself steady and said in a hoarse voice:
"Hurry... take me to see it!"

Minglin Youji, surrounded by his personal guards, hurriedly ran towards the city wall.

What we saw along the way was that the soldiers were in panic, the people were fleeing in all directions, and the entire city was in chaos.

When he climbed up the city wall, the scene in front of him made Ming Lin Youji feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

In the distance, a muddy torrent was seen roaring towards Zuoyuan City like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins.

The flood has overflowed the surrounding low-lying areas and merged with the moat, and is constantly approaching the city.

"Close the door quickly!"

"Get the sandbags!"

"Screen the city gate tightly!"

Escape was no longer possible.

Now the only way to overcome this disaster is to rely on the city walls and keep the flood out.

"Then, what about the army outside the city?"

The confidant pointed to the south of the city, and Minglin Youji looked in that direction, only to see that the outpost camp was in even greater chaos.

Although the terrain where they were stationed was not low, it was not as high as Zuoyuan City.

Moreover, the campsite with only simple wooden wall fences was simply unable to cope with the impending flood peak.

Right before the eyes of everyone on the wall, the soldiers in the camp cried and shouted as they gathered together, watching the water beneath their feet rise higher and higher, covering their toes and knees.

As one person was washed away, like dominoes being knocked over, one person after another was carried away by the flowing water.

The wise men held on to the wood in the camp and floated away downstream.

The frightened people hugged each other and disappeared into the water with a gurgling sound.


Minglin Youji gritted his teeth:

"Everyone protect the city. No flood can enter the city at any cost!"

"As ordered!"

With the cover-up of the army outside the city being buried in the flood, the Goguryeo soldiers and civilians in the city were united as one, and everyone joined the flood-fighting army to defend the city and their homes.

They worked together to close the city gates despite the rising water, and brought in various heavy sandbags and wooden boards to reinforce them layer by layer in case the flood broke through the city gates.

While they were busy, no one noticed that the Han army camp on the southwest high ground that had been confronting them before also began to get busy.
"Assemble the entire army!"

"Lord Su succeeded!"

Guan Yu raised his Green Dragon Crescent Blade and shouted:
"With the help of the water dragon, it's time for us to make achievements!"

(End of this chapter)

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