Chapter 482: Bad News Keeps Coming
"You, what did you say?!"

"The old general is dead???"

"That bastard actually wants us to open the city and surrender?!"

The royal palace of Goguryeo's inner city.

When Ming Lindaye first heard the bad news, he stood there in a daze.

His face was as pale as paper, and he clenched and unclenched his hands, clenched and unclenched them again, not daring to believe that this was reality.

That's Qiannaga!
There was no one in the entire Goguryeo who was better at fighting than him.

At the moment before, Ming Lindaye was worried that the old general would take the opportunity to go out and cause trouble, leaving him in the capital to set up his own faction.

Now, hearing the messenger tell him tearfully that Qiannaga was dead, Ming Lindaye was in a trance for a while.

"How can this be?"

"This is impossible!"

"How long has it been since?"

"Didn't he take my two thousand cavalrymen to Stone City?"

"That place is far away from the front line. It's impossible for anyone to threaten their safety."


Ming Lindaye pointed at the messenger kneeling on the ground and shouted angrily:
"If you dare to lie about military intelligence, do you believe that I will destroy your three clans?!"

The messenger was so frightened that he trembled all over, his face turned pale, and he kowtowed and explained:

"Mo Lizhi, everything I said is true. I dare not lie."

"Not only was the old general's body brought back, but hundreds of defeated soldiers also carried the coffin all the way to the mountain city of Marudu."

"All of this was witnessed by the people in every village and stronghold along the way, and the news has spread everywhere."

"The body will probably arrive at the royal city tomorrow."

When Ming Lindaye heard this, he felt dizzy and an indescribable despair surged in his heart.

The death of Ryunaga not only meant the loss of an important minister and general, but also symbolized a major military setback for Goguryeo.

The strength of the Han army far exceeded his expectations.

"Damn Han people!"

"They deserve to die!"

He cursed through gritted teeth, his hands clenched into fists, his nails almost digging into his palms without him realizing it.

There was deathly silence in the hall, with only the sound of his heavy breathing and the soldiers' constant kowtows intertwined.

"Pass the order down, impose martial law throughout the city, strengthen the city defense, especially the Marudu Mountain City, we must not lose it!"

"In the inner city, the whole city is in mourning for the old general!"

"Finally, call all the important officials and have them come to the palace to discuss matters immediately!"

As Ming Lindaye's order was issued, the Goguryeo royal city suddenly fell into mourning.

The streets of Guonei City were hung with white cloth, and people came out of their homes to observe a moment of silence for the old general who had made great contributions to Goguryeo.

Inside the palace, important officials came hurriedly, with different expressions on their faces, feeling uneasy and alert.

Everyone knew that with the death of Ryunaga, the situation was already precarious. Goguryeo, which had been established for hundreds of years, had reached its most dangerous moment!
Even Old Wang, who had been seriously ill and had not attended court for a long time, came to the scene after a long absence.

Ming Lindaye was standing beside the throne, scanning every minister present with a sharp gaze:
"My fellow officers, Goguryeo is now facing a life-or-death situation. If you have any good ideas, please tell us quickly!"

However, there was silence in the hall. The ministers looked at each other, but no one dared to speak easily.

The strength of the Han army was obvious to all. Zuyuan fell, and Zhuan Naga was killed on the battlefield. The Han people had never been defeated since they started their rebellion. They really could not think of any effective countermeasures to resist this arrogant enemy.

In the end, under Ming Lindaye's urging, all these people said was some nonsense about strengthening the city defense and summoning the tribe soldiers, which was of little help to the current emergency situation. Despair and frustration enveloped everyone's heart.

At this moment, the chief of the Guanna tribe, Guannajia, slowly stood up. His voice was weak but very firm:

"Master Molizhi, I have something to say, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Tell me!" Ming Lindaye urged impatiently.

"I think that Goguryeo is no longer able to confront the Han army head-on. It is better to avoid the enemy for the time being and seek an opportunity for peace talks."

Guan Naga said slowly:
"At the same time, you can send envoys to neighboring tribes such as Buyeo and Woju to request reinforcements to fight against the Han enemies together."

As soon as these words were spoken, there was a lot of discussion in the hall.

The talk of asking for help is simply nonsense. Not to mention the problem that distant water cannot quench immediate thirst, just look at the surrounding forces, all of them have been beaten up by Goguryeo in recent years, and have ceded land and made concessions.

Now, Goguryeo is in dire straits. If these people don't come up and give us a kick, it's already a slow reaction on their part. How can we expect them to send troops to help and resist the Han Dynasty?

That is absolutely impossible.

This idea of ​​seeking peace does have some meaning.

"Since the Han army has returned the body and sent a letter asking us to surrender, it is clear that this is not a fight to the death."

Someone agreed:
"In this case, while we still have energy left, seeking an opportunity to negotiate peace is indeed an option."


Someone immediately objected:

"We, Goguryeo, have been established for hundreds of years, and our power is spread across the northeast. Which of the Buyeo, Okju, and Samhan tribes are not afraid of us?"

"Now that our capital is still under defense, yet you are talking nonsense about seeking peace, wouldn't that make Goguryeo lose face and become a laughing stock in the world?"

"When the time comes, everyone will push the wall down, and I'm afraid my tribe won't be able to stay in this northeastern land."

The person who opposed was the chief of the Hengna tribe - Hengnaga, who, like Guannaga who had just spoken, was one of the five tribes of Goguryeo.

As soon as this person spoke, the whole audience fell silent.

Originally, the Hengna tribe in the east lived on the coast of the eastern sea, had little contact with other tribes, had little power, and seldom expressed their opinions.

This became even more obvious after Ming Limdafu rose to power and the Jinnah tribe monopolized the power of Goguryeo.

If the Guanaga and Channa tribes in the south are closely related, the Hengna tribe in the east is completely invisible and hidden in the political arena.

However, what is unexpected is that now, with the fall of the Stone City in the north, the death of Zhuannajia, and most of the territory of the entire Zhuanna tribe falling into the hands of the Han people, this smallest force among the five tribes has unexpectedly begun to express its opinions in front of the powerful Ming Lindaye.

However, Hengnaga's pro-war tendency surprised Ming Lindaye.

After all, Heng's tribe was basically excluded from power after he came to power.

Therefore, Ming Lindaye looked at Hengnaga with a look of surprise and doubt.

I only heard Heng Naga continue:

"I have read the Book of Han, and the Book of Poetry says, 'Brothers quarrel outside the wall to defend against insults.'"

"Although I don't like you, Goguryeo is our common home."

"Since I founded my country, the Han people have often tried to exploit and control us."

"Don't invite wolves into your house. This is the way to your own destruction."

"If you surrender, it will be like asking for death."

"Don't do such a foolish thing."

After saying this, Hengnagar expressed his troops’ willingness to give their full support and contribute manpower and manpower to defend the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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