Chapter 487: Incomparable?

Guan Yu and Zhao Yun each led their troops north, while Su Yao stayed at the foot of Marundu Mountain City, preparing to launch a final attack on this sturdy fortress.

"Brother Lu, Ziyi and other brothers, please help me overcome difficulties and take this city as soon as possible."

"This Wandu Mountain City is the heart of Goguryeo. As long as we take this city, the remaining small fry, no matter how many there are, are just chickens and dogs. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"We take the order!"

Lu Bu, Taishi Ci and others responded in unison, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

They knew very well that if everything went well for their brothers heading north, then this would probably be the last battle of their trip to Liaodong.

As the saying goes, a journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. The closer we get to the final moment, the more we cannot relax.

"But I don't know how you plan to attack this city?"

Lu Bu, the chief military officer under Su Yao, asked the question that everyone was wondering at this moment.

After all, the Wandu mountain city was built on the mountain, with dangerous terrain, tall and strong city walls, easy to defend and difficult to attack, far superior to the small cities and fortresses they had attacked before.

What’s even more terrible is that not only are the guards on high alert, but there are also giant crossbows installed on the top of the city walls.

Even with Lord Su's extraordinary skills, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to cross the city easily.

However, Su Yao smiled gently:
“There is no unbreakable fortress in the world, as long as you find the right method.”

After saying that, Su Yao waved his hand and called everyone over. They sat around a high-definition map that he had taken out from somewhere and began to discuss the specific arrangements.

"Look, everyone. There are steep cliffs on the east and west sides of this Wandu Mountain City. Only the northern side facing us is relatively flat and can be used for fighting."

"Goguryeo built high walls and deployed heavy troops on this side. This was the focus of their defense."

Su Yao pointed at the map and said:

"Here, they can calmly take advantage of the terrain, use their numbers to defeat the fewer, and use crossbows to cover the enemy, greatly weakening the attacker's manpower."

"If this is a conventional frontal attack, then every step forward would come at a huge cost."

"Therefore, the front is definitely not the focus of our attack."

"You have really confused us, my lord."

Taishi Ci was confused when he heard this:
"It's very clear on your map. There's only one side of this Marudu Mountain City that can be used for battle. If we don't attack head-on, can we fly over and attack from the back?"

Taishi Ci was confused, but Lu Bu understood something. He looked at Su Yao with doubt in his eyes:
"Could it be that you are thinking..."

Su Yao sneered:
"The mountains of Bingzhou can't stop us, so how can Wandu Mountain compare to Huangluling? You think you can stop my army with it? You're dreaming!"

"Wait wait wait wait—"

Lu Bu hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him:

"Lord Su, this is totally different!"

Lu Bu knew Su Yao's ability, and therefore he was even more worried:

"There are only 200 people in Huanglubao. It's dangerous for you to kill them by yourself."

"Now there are 3,000 defenders in Marudu Mountain City!"

"If they come to their senses and suppress us with powerful crossbows, and if we add the giant crossbows on the city wall, we won't be able to respond. If anything goes wrong, we'll be in a dead end and lose everything if we're not careful."

"Lord Su, you must not take risks lightly. Let's take a long-term view."

"Long-term plan?"

Su Yao raised his eyebrows:
"Opportunities are rare, Brother Lu."

"The enemy won't wait for us to make long-term plans before training and mobilizing the army."

“Time won’t wait for us to take a long-term view and not move forward with development.”

"Every day we lose now may cost us more in the future."

Su Yao pointed at the Marudu Mountain City with a firm determination:
"War and fighting, how can there be a perfect plan without taking any risks?"

“As long as the benefits outweigh the risks, it’s worth a try.”

"Besides, I am not alone, am I?" "I have the most powerful partner in the world to help me."

"Or does Brother Lu mean that he doesn't intend to support me anymore?"

When Lu Bu heard this, his face changed and he felt numb all over.

He now had some understanding of how Zhang Yang felt about being with him.

What the hell.

In the past, he was the one who took the lead in taking risks, and Zhang Yang would pull him from behind and tell him to be careful.

Now that I'm fighting side by side with this Su kid, the situation is reversed and I seem to be a conservative.

"Okay, okay, I can't argue with you."

"If there is anything you need from me, please let me know."

Su Yao chuckled:
"That's all."

"Since they think this mountain range is their barrier, I will use it to my advantage."

"Let's see who owns this Wandu Mountain!"

Marudu Mountain City, City Defense Office.

The garrison commander, military supervisor, and generals of all ranks gathered together.

The one sitting at the top was naturally Hengnaga, the chieftain of the Hengna tribe, who advocated war.

He served as the garrison commander of the mountain city of Marudu, and together with Ming Lindaye Youzi, who served as the military supervisor, he was tasked with resisting the invasion of the Han army.

After the three-day period, two days passed in a flash.

After seeing the Han army split up and march north, their slightly nervous mood eased a lot.

But naturally they would not relax their vigilance against the Han army.

As soon as all the generals gathered, Hengnajia asked:
"What did the Han army do today?"

"Ben Hengnaga."

The city gate captain Momoko replied:

"The Han army has not made any unusual moves. They have been cutting down trees and building siege equipment like crazy these past two days."

“Still building it?”

Military Supervisor Ming Lin Youdi frowned upon hearing this and said nervously:
"It seems that these Han troops are still determined to do evil. In the next few days, they may launch a fierce attack. We must not be careless."

"Don't worry, military supervisor. How can attacking a city be that easy?"

Heng Najia stroked his beard and said confidently:

"The Han Chinese military strategy says that the way to use troops is to surround them if they are ten in number, attack them if they are five in number, and divide them if they are twice as many."

"Now that Mo Lizhi has used his tricks to divert nearly half of the Han army's strength, the remaining people are only slightly more numerous than our defenders."

Hengnajia stretched out his little finger and chuckled:
"These people can only launch two rounds of tentative attacks. It is wishful thinking to want to capture our Marudu Mountain City!"

"Heng Naga is proficient in Chinese studies. I admire him."

Minglin Youdi was still worried:
"But I heard that the new Han governor is no ordinary person. I don't know which cave demon he came from."

"It leaps and runs as fast as the wind, and has immense strength. A spear it throws can pierce through a dozen people at once."

"If this kind of evildoer leads a sneak attack, I wonder if Heng Naga has any way to deal with it?"

Hengnajia frowned at first, then raised his hand and pressed it twice, chuckling:

"The military supervisor is worrying too much."

"Since I am leading the troops to fight, I naturally have a perfect way to deal with it."

"It's fine if that brat who thinks he's brave doesn't come, but if he dares to come, I will make sure he never comes back!"

(End of this chapter)

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