Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 117 New serialization

Chapter 117 New serialization (ninth update! Please order first!!)

Although "Edge Walker" has concluded its final chapter, its subsequent popularity and trend still show little sign of fading.

And this is also because the character of Lin Qingshan, the comic book author of "Edge Walker", became popular during the book signing and the "Subway Judge" incident after the book signing.

In the comics industry, it is very common for a work to become famous, but the cartoonist himself is not particularly famous.

Some cartoonists even have popular works, but they themselves have no popularity or fame at all.

In short, it is very common for cartoonists to be less famous than their works themselves.

But "Edge Walker" is different from Lin Qingshan. Now Lin Qingshan is really almost as famous as "Edge Walker".

A flying video, a video of a book signing on the road, and a subway judge video, plus the neurotic plot arrangement of "Edge Walker".

Lin Qingshan was completely labeled as a mental patient and a mad genius. He was also nicknamed "Cyber ​​Madman" because of the setting of "Edge Walker".

At this time, Lin Qingshan's new comic work "Chainsaw Man" almost seamlessly connected with "Edge Walker" and was serialized on "Comic World Gogo".

And because of the popularity of "Edgewalker", the first episode of "Chainsaw Man" was on the cover of a magazine.

It also says "Chainsaw Man, the new work of comic new talent Aoyama, is coming again! Serialized!"

Gu Qianli was holding this issue of "Comic Magazine Gogo", even though Lin Qingshan had started drawing the manuscript of "Chainsaw Man" very early.

But this was her first time watching "Chainsaw Man".

On the cover of the magazine, a humanoid monster whose head and hands were made of chainsaws stood out as if it was stepping on the corpses of countless enemies.

Is this... the protagonist of Aoyama's new comic?

A trace of curiosity flashed in Gu Qianli's eyes, and then she opened the page of the serial "Chainsaw Man".

However, the comic plot opens with a lightning strike.

A young boy with a yellow hedgehog head wearing an eye patch said while walking on the spacious road:
"Chopping some wood, I can earn 3000 yuan a month~"

"The kidneys sold before were worth 6 yuan."

"The right eye is 20,000 yuan."

"One egg was much was it sold for? It seems like less than ten thousand yuan."

"And then I still owe others 182 million."

Lightning struck at the opening, did the protagonist of "Chainsaw Man" have such a miserable start?
He just sold his body organs to pay off his debts, and even his kidneys were okay, but his right eye and one of his eggs were sold. What the hell is this?

Then Gu Qianli saw that there was another orange puppy with a small chainsaw on its head in the comic.


"I know, I know~ Pochita, let's do it quickly!"

The yellow-haired boy said to the puppy named Pochita.

"Huh? Pochta? Pochta?"

Gu Qianli was confused.

Lin Qingshan is... including Pochita?

Then the protagonist named Denji... was drawn by Lin Qingshan based on himself?

So since Lin Qingshan has drawn both Pochita and himself, will it be...

Draw her in too?
So what is her role in this comic?

will be……

Gu Qianli blushed. Could it be that she would be the heroine?
The heroine in Aoyama manga?

She continued reading with some anticipation, and then she understood the world view of "Chainsaw Man".

This is a world where demons exist, but there are no angels or God to save them.

Humans must rely on the power of demons to fight against them.

And Pochita is one of these demons that should be considered "weaker".

Denji, the male protagonist of this manga, is also the beginning of a real collapse of heaven.

In fact, everyone thinks that David in "Edgewalker" is miserable enough. He is a single-parent family, supported only by his mother Gloria, who works for the municipal corpse truck. The mother died later, leaving only David.

But I didn't expect that the male protagonist Denji drawn by Lin Qingshan this time would be even worse.

Not only did he have no father and mother, he also had to pay off the huge debt left by his father by working for an unscrupulous gangster.

Not to mention working hard and fighting demons, he also had to sell his organs to pay off his debts, and his food and accommodation were miserable.

Your biggest dream is to eat bread with jam every day?
And... dreaming of being with a woman before death...

cough cough.

Putting that aside, Denji is real...

Tragic, too tragic.

Fortunately, Denji also raised a devil puppy-Pochita to depend on him.

It is precisely because of Pochita that he has the ability to fight weaker demons.

It's just that... he still doesn't live like a human being.

The gangsters only exploited him mercilessly, and even those scumbags teased him and made him swallow cigarette butts on the spot, which he did without fail.

Just for the ten dollars given by the other party so that Denji and Pochita can buy a few more slices of bread this week...

Denci, on the other hand, had no dignity and obeyed like a dog.

But even if he obeyed the gangster's words, he would not resist.

Denci was still betrayed by the gang boss, who called Denci to a warehouse in the middle of the night.

Then he and Pochita were stabbed through a sneak attack by a zombie demon controlling puppets, and a large wave of puppets came up behind them and cut them into pieces directly for Denji.

Denji hugged Pochita and wanted to escape from here.

At the same time, he roared unwillingly in his heart, "I am satisfied with just imagining an ordinary life in my dream..."

“But is even this little wish an extravagance?!”

But his roar could not save him and Pochita. In extreme pain, Denji was killed and dismembered.

Then it was thrown into the trash can like garbage.

But Pochita, who had also been dismembered, suddenly moved in the trash bin.

At the same time, memories of Denci and Pochita's past suddenly intervened at this time.

"Pochita... maybe one day I will die while fighting the devil..."

"In that case, my only concern will be you, Pochita."

"You could starve to death or be hunted by other demon hunters."

"I heard... that some demons can possess the bodies of dead people."

"If Pochita can do this, I will give up my body to Pochita."

"As long as I die, those gangsters will stop chasing me, and then you can leave here..."

"You will live an ordinary life and die an ordinary life."

"My dream comes true because of you."

Denji hugged Pochita and said expectantly.


Another dream...

Fans of "Edgewalker" are completely familiar with the word dream, and it can even be said that they have traumatic stress.

Gu Qianli felt even more uncomfortable.

However, Pochita did not take possession of Denci's body as Denci said, but chose to sacrifice himself to save Denci.

(End of this chapter)

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