Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 120 Animation Production

Chapter 120 Animation Production (Second update!)
"Teacher Aoyama."

Ayumi Ito shouted, "Are you ready?"

She looked at the closed door in front of her, feeling a little anxious. Today she had an appointment with an animation production company.

Ever since Lin Qingshan almost forgot about the Rookie Grand Prix award ceremony last time, Ayumi Ito chose to come and remind Lin Qingshan in person every time something happened.

Moreover, she was going to accompany Lin Qingshan this time.

So it’s okay to give it a heads up.

But Ito Ayumi really didn’t expect...

Lin Qingshan seemed to have really forgotten about this matter today.

You see, I haven’t even come out yet to set off.

"It's almost ready. Just wait for me. Wait for me for a while."

Lin Qingshan's somewhat panicked voice came from the door, which further confirmed Ito Ayumi's thoughts.

But she had no choice but to continue sitting on the sofa angrily and wait.

However, Pochita seemed to feel Ito Ayumi's anger at this time, so he came to Ito Ayumi in a very humane manner.

"Wang Wang~"

It obediently rubbed its head against Ito Ayumi's slender and round calf.

Ito Ayumi suddenly became less angry. She smiled and touched Pochita's head and said, "Humph~ It's better to have lovely Pochita-chan, cute and sensible~"

But at this time, Lin Qingshan was in the room...

He stared at the virtual page in front of him that only he could see, and kept shouting:

"The system has been hacked! Get out of here right away!"

"Hurry! Let's do something, Lao Deng!"

"Give me diamonds... no, you can also give me platinum!"


That's right, Lin Qingshan will be drawing a lottery in the system...

Just now Ayumi Ito told him that he remembered about animation production.

In fact, the animation production of "Edge Walker" shouldn't be a big problem, as long as the other party completely reproduces the comics he adapted from the original animation, plus hundreds of millions of details.

Then you can directly reproduce the "Edge Walker" animation from the previous life.

But... there is another place that actually requires Lin Qingshan to pay special attention to.

Just the music aspect.

The widowhood ditty must be inserted into the animation, otherwise it won’t have that flavor.

But although he can hum, he can't write music scores.

So he wanted System Lao Deng to give him the abilities related to music creation, and then write a score.

However, the system mall currently does not have this ability.

Therefore, Lin Qingshan could only tragically start the 500 lottery draw.

However, he has not forgotten the system boss's last hang on him, and the scene of the drill popping up.

Therefore, this time he still held the idea that the system veteran would help and started the system lottery.


"[My appearance is ordinary (Platinum)]"

"[Emperor Engine (Gold)]"

"[King of Counters (Gold)]"

"[I'm just a middle-aged man with an aging face (Platinum)]"

"[You must reason with me (gold)]"

"[The whole world is learning abstract words (Diamond)]"

"[Guide to traveling through ancient times (Platinum)]"

"[Hairspray Hand (Silver)]"


"Ahhhhh! The system is old!"

Lin Qingshan gritted his teeth, "It's the thirty-eighth lottery draw! Are you kidding me?"

Thirty-eight draws, each with 500 points, and he lost nearly points. However, I still haven’t drawn the music ability...

Lin Qingshan's heart was bleeding. Although he now had another 70,000 points, he didn't waste it like this.

"The lottery has nothing to do with the system, host please keep up the good work."

The system responded coldly.

Lin Qingshan gritted his teeth and said that giving up was impossible now.

He didn't believe it. After so many draws, he still couldn't draw a single ability related to music.

"At worst, I'll be drawn fifty times. If I log in fifty times, you have to give me a guarantee, right?!"

Lin Qingshan said, and then...

The fiftieth time...

The page clearly displays:

"[Legendary Musician (Diamond)]"

Lin Qingshan's eyes were full of excitement, and finally...

at this time……

"Teacher Aoyama!"

He immediately responded, "Hey! I'll come right away!"


In a high-end office building in the Magic City, on the sixth floor.

At the front desk when you come in, there is a signboard with the four characters "Trigger Animation".

People who are not very familiar with anime may not be familiar with this name.

But for those who have been paying attention to animation all year round, and even those in the ACG cultural industry, I believe this name is familiar to them.

Although it was founded less than ten years ago, the animation produced in these years is definitely of superior quality and its sales are extremely good.

Therefore, based on this record alone, Trigger Company has become one of the top ten animation production companies in the Republic and one of the leaders in the animation industry.

It has also reached a cooperation with Manjie Culture Company. Every year, many comic works under Manjie Culture pass through their hands for animation.

The sixth floor of this office building is the office location of the animation production department, the core department of Trigger Animation.

But at this moment, they looked very nervous and were walking back and forth.

This made people in other departments of Trigger Animation a little curious when they saw it.

"Eh? Xiuyan, are you going to hold an important meeting today? Why do you look so nervous?"

One of the employees pulled a female employee from the animation production department out of curiosity and asked.

"It's because the comic teacher from "Edgewalker" is coming today."

The female employee said helplessly, "The comic teacher of "Edge Walker" will be the animation supervisor of this "Edge Walker" animation. This is also his first time coming to our company, so Mr. Zeng pays special attention to it this time."


The employee suddenly understood.

He is also a fan of the "Edgewalker" comic. After all, "Edgewalker" is really good-looking.

It’s really good-looking, the subject matter is really new, and the setting is really fresh.

Likewise, knives are real knives.

However, "Edgewalker" is indeed very influential, and the comic itself has a huge popularity base.

Once the animation is successfully produced, it will definitely bring huge profits.

Of course, if the animation production is not satisfactory, there will be criticism from comic fans.

But in general, the benefits of a work that has huge popularity far outweigh the risks.

Moreover, in animation production, it is almost rare that when the original work is extremely excellent, it will be made into a piece of history.

However, there are still very few such stories where the plot is directly changed, and the original heroine is even cast as a passerby, and the female counterpart is replaced as the heroine. This kind of situation also exists.

Generally speaking, if the original work is not extensively modified, such problems will not occur.

"Stop talking. The teacher is coming soon. I'll go to work first."

The female employee shook her head and left directly.

Then within half an hour, two figures appeared in this office building.

(End of this chapter)

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