Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 123 Gods and Demons

Chapter 123 Gods and Demons (fifth update!)
At the same time, the first chapter of Yang Shuzhun's new work "Gods" was quietly serialized in Manga Magazine.

But the first episode... first showed a dream that seemed to be a strange conversation between ancient brothers.

"Brother... when you raise the battle flag and devour the world, will you eat me?"

In the opening scene of the comic, a young boy with a delicate appearance said to his brother in front of him.

"Yes, then you will join me and rule the world!"

The man said softly in the comic.

Then the plot unfolded again, as if this was just a man's dream.

Then the scene shifted to a senior high school student named..."Yang Mingfei".

This character named Yang Mingfei seems to be the protagonist of "Gods".

But... to say that he is the protagonist is a bit too bad. From the plot of the comic, it can be seen that Yang Mingfei has poor grades and a miserable family background.

Although his parents are still alive, they live abroad all year round, so they directly put Yang Mingfei in the house of his uncle and aunt.

This freeing has lasted for more than ten years.

And he also looks like a child, without any self-confidence, and his whole person is submissive, and his grades are somewhat unlikely to go to college...

His biggest specialty is playing a game called "Star". Other than that, he loves to complain. He will make bad remarks from time to time, and his usual behavior is extremely bad.

Shai Zai also has a crush on a goddess in his class. The goddess is pure and beautiful, has good academic performance, and has a gentle personality.

He also has a good attitude towards Yang Mingfei, so Shai Zai particularly likes the goddess.

It’s just that when everyone looks at it... why does this goddess’ tea smell like tea?
And the goddess should have no interest in the protagonist Yang Mingfei... It feels like... Yang Mingfei is just an errand dog?

This... is a bit miserable.

But the protagonist is the protagonist, and then suddenly a private aristocratic university from the United States-Casal College came to enroll students in Shao Zai's middle school.

It happened that this college did not recruit a group of students with quite good academic performance, family background and abilities. Instead, it chose Yang Mingfei, a loser.

At the same time, there is a beautiful senior sister named Chen Nuonuo, so she pays special attention to Yang Mingfei.

However, this did make some comic fans who took on the role of Shai Zai a little bit happy.

Next, the goddess that Shai Zai had a crush on was confessed to by a rich second-generation classmate in his class in full public view.

But at this time, the beautiful senior sister Chen Noonuo appeared in time, gave Shai Zai enough face, and then drove Shai Zai away in a luxury car.

Yang Mingfei took off!

Everyone can still see this cool plot.

But after reading this first episode, everyone still feels baffled.

After all, I can’t tell anything about the setting. It feels like a reverse version of a Mary Sue romance comic with a male and female protagonist.

But this is a work serialized in "Comic World Gogo", so it cannot be a sweet pet comic about everyday love.

Probably because the first episode has not been revealed yet due to length reasons, the strange beginning, the mysterious Casal Academy, and senior sister Chen Noonuo's remarks all indicate that there are still many settings in "Protoss" that have not yet been revealed.

But even if it’s not taken out, the boredom and inexplicability of the first episode are true.

This is also everyone’s impression of the first episode of “Gods”.

However, one person didn't think so.

Lin Qingshan looked at the storyline in front of him and blinked.

Isn't this... the famous juvenile fantasy masterpiece on the Chinese website in the previous life?

It's just that the name is...not the familiar one, but "God Clan"...

But even though the name has been changed, this is the beginning, this protagonist, and this plot direction!

Even if the name is changed to Demon, he will recognize it! "After all, it's a parallel world, so it's normal."

Lin Qingshan looked at the magazine in front of him and said, "But I hope that this world's... "Gods" will have a good ending..."

He was also a fan of the book in his previous life, and he still hopes for a good ending in its follow-up.

But it's a pity...

He could only hope that in this parallel world, this story would have a good ending.


Soon, this week’s comic book popularity ranking also appeared.

"Chainsaw Man" is even more popular this time, and the fight between Denji and Akira Hayakawa makes people laugh.

Comments under forums and posts are:
"It's crazy. What the hell is it that you only hit Kun when you hit people? It makes my balls hurt just to look at you."

"It's so funny. Teacher Qingshan's mental state is as stable as ever. This is really funny."

"I didn't expect that my love rival would show up so soon and start fighting as soon as they met."

"Hahahahaha indeed Denji is right. When fighting with men, just aim specifically at Kun."

"Got it, David from "Edgewalker" should aim for Adam Hammer's crotch and hit hard, so that he can defeat Adam Hammer! ()"

"David punched him, and when--he found Adam's heavy hammer's iron crotch prosthetic body."

"What are you thinking about? Adam Heavy Hammer still has some brains, so he can just rinse them off. There is no longer Kunba and Dandan."

"Nice hitting style, giving me Kunba phantom pain."


Therefore, "Chainsaw Man" was very popular this time, and with the popularity of "Edgewalker", it rushed to the fifth position.

As for the corners that no one cares about...

"Teacher Itchy Mouse, this time "Protoss" is ranked 21st in popularity."

The new editor - Goodian said on the phone.

After ending the serialization of "Psychic Warlock", Yang Shuzhun also replaced the original editor Xu Zhexuan with an older editor with more experience.

Among them, the veteran editor also contributed a lot to the subsequent setting and creation of "Protoss".

There are only 21 works serialized in this issue of the comic magazine, which proves that "Gods" is the last one in popularity after it was serialized for the first time.

After all...the first episode of "Gods" basically didn't talk about any setting.

Moreover, when Yang Shuzhun himself is not very popular, he also does not have much fan support.

Naturally, it ranks last in popularity.

"First from the bottom?"

Yang Shuzhun's eyes were disappointed, and he doubted himself a little.

However, Goodian comforted him and said, "Teacher Itchy Rat, "Protoss" is serialized for the first time this week. This kind of popularity is normal. This time, you are the only new serialized work."

"But I believe in you, and I also believe in "Protoss". The subsequent settings and plot will definitely shine."

"Please don't be discouraged. You have to believe that you and "Protoss" are the best!"

After Gu'an comforted him, Yang Shuzhun took a deep breath.

Yes...if he believes in himself, he will definitely succeed!
One day, he will let everyone look up to him!
"Okay, I understand, I will continue to work hard!"

Yang Shuzhun regained his composure and said.

 There are three more chapters and I will post the QAQ tonight
(End of this chapter)

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