Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 129 Trailer: The Knife Man Incident

Chapter 129 Trailer: The Knife Man Incident

David's voice actor is currently one of the most popular male voice actors in the animation industry of the Republic.

In addition to being a voice actor, he is also a two-dimensional singer.

Therefore, the David he matched had a young and gentle voice.

This last conversation made Fan Siwei and all the comic fans burst into tears.

"I go!"

Fan Siwei thought about the ending of "Edge Walker" again, and his whole body felt bad.

And the comments from comic fans are that they can't stand this tear-jerking line at all.

"You and I have no grievances, why do you do this to me?"

"Isn't it just a comic? [expression_sunglasses]"

"I told you not to wear sunglasses! Take off your sunglasses!"

"Lift...the curtain!"


"Qiao Xian was really good at dubbing David. I burst into tears. I couldn't hold back when I heard this voice."


However, at this point, the scene is not over yet.

The screen lit up later, showing Lucy standing on the surface of the moon wearing a space suit.



David actually appeared in front of Lucy!
The little David, who once had no prosthetic body transformation, looked back at Lucy happily, then raised his arms and smiled at her.

In the picture, Lucy looked at David, who was smiling brightly in the sunshine, and also showed a happy smile.

But then...

At this moment the narration finally sounded:
""Edgewalker"! Awesome production in progress!"

Instantly...killed the tear ducts of comic fans.

Fans who have read the comics did not even need to see the scene of David disappearing at the end to cry.

This scene was so cruel that Gu Qianli couldn't help but choke up after watching the trailer.

It can be said that the most interesting part of the trailer is this plot.

In fact, this final plot was not produced by Trigger Animation at the beginning.

But after Lin Qingshan knew that he wanted to release a preview trailer to promote it.

He took the initiative to propose that the production team of Trigger Club produce the final half of the plot first and add it to the advance trailer.

The final scene of David disappearing was not produced, and there was still a trace of suspense.

Could it be that David is not dead and he and Lucy really went to the moon?
At the same time... it also lures viewers who have not watched "Edge Walker" to come and watch the "Edge Walker" animation.

As for those comic fans who have watched it, will it be revealed that the real plot of this scene is actually a tragedy...

You can rest assured, it is a fine tradition of mankind to persuade people to fall into traps.

If you don’t believe me, read the comment section——

"I heard that "Edgewalker" is very sad?"

A newbie came in by mistake and asked in the comment area.

Someone immediately replied below, "No! The plot of "Edge Walker" is very interesting! It's very exciting!"

"Yes! It's very exciting. Believe me, the protagonist goes from being a poor boy with nothing to finally becoming stronger and reaching the pinnacle of life!"

"Yes, he also met a beautiful and affectionate wife, a friendly and reliable elder brother, a gentle and considerate sister-in-law, and a very cute loli girl who has a crush on him!"

"Don't you see how exciting this trailer is? So go watch "Edgewalker"! It will definitely make you so excited that you will stop crying!"


Then this newbie got really curious and read the "Edgewalker" comics.

However, after reading it, his face was dull and loveless, "Is this what you call so cool?"

Children have been stabbed into cyberpsychosis. Do you think this is a cool comic? ? ?
This cartoonist named Qingshan... really cuts people to death...

But he turned around and said to another passerby who had not read "Edge Walker", "I highly recommend "Edge Walker"! The most enjoyable comic this year!"

...At the same time, in addition to this trailer, "Edge Walker" also released two different versions of the theme song.

A ditty that is naturally about widowhood - "I Really Want To Stay At Your House", which cannot be the theme song in the Republic.

But there is no such restriction in foreign versions.

And it can’t just be used as the theme song, but it can be used as an interlude, so in the final part of the animation where David dies and travels to the moon, this song is still the background music.

However, now comic fans really don’t feel anything when listening to this song.

Just like when I listened to this song on the game radio in my previous life, no one felt it, and it wasn't even good.

But after watching the animation...

I really cried when I heard this song in the game!
"This okay."

"Why not a Chinese song? The key is that the English song is not good either."

"The previous one, this is the foreign version of the theme song, and it's not bad."

"I prefer the Chinese version of the theme song."

"Chinese theme song YYDS! Go listen to it!"

Soon, comic fans put aside the song "I Really Want To Stay At Your House" and turned their attention to the Chinese theme song on the other side - "If the Voice Can't Remember".

This song was sung directly by Qiao Xian, David's voice actor.

After all, in addition to being a voice actor, he also works part-time as a singer, which is also the case with most voice actors in the industry.

"If you can remember my voice...

I feel anxious, happy and bitter when I read your name..."


"Day after day, year after year...

Every time I turn around it’s like meeting me for the first time…”


"There were lights urging me to leave...

There is a fire in my heart that lights up this mourning...

There is a window left in my heart...

The moonlight makes the shadows grow long..."


"The garden of the heart is deserted

Countdown to warmth

I swear to always be greedy and cling to straw.
The moonlight cools the tears
Love and hate are on opposite sides, we are all bruised

The dream is safe and sound, and I will never forget it without thinking about it..."


"The young man who left...

The words are as clear as the face when you are in the dust..."

After listening to this song "If the Voice Can't Remember", combined with the meaning of the lyrics, let's think about the plot of "Edgewalker"...

Suddenly, comic fans burst into tears again.

This lyrics is really about the relationship between David and Lucy. The moonlight, forgetfulness without thinking, and the departed young man who is dusty and dusty can be seen clearly...

It really feels like the tragic feeling of two people separated in life and death in Su Shi's "Jiang Chengzi".

And isn’t that what David and Lucy are like?

It is even exactly the same as the situation between Su Shi and his deceased wife, so there is no problem in adapting the lyrics.

This song was heard by Lin Qingshan when he watched a clip of David and Lucy in "Edgewalker" in his previous life, and the song "If the Voice Can't Be Remembered" is really nice.

So he used it.

Looking at it now, it is indeed very tear-jerking and has caused a wave of enthusiasm for the "Edgewalker" animation!

"Edgewalker" and "If the Voice Can't Remember" are once again on the hot searches on the Chinese Internet!
After some people listened to "If the Voice Can't Remember", they immediately jumped into "Edgewalker" out of curiosity...

(End of this chapter)

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