Chapter 131 Mat Man

Aki Hayakawa is very skilled at getting up at home, having a cup of morning coffee, and then starting to do housework.

Then he skillfully started making lunch dishes.

Denci asked from the side, "What's for lunch?"


Hayakawa Qiu said calmly.

Just when comic fans thought it was a peaceful day.

But suddenly!
There was a very loud knock on the door. No, this was no longer a knock on the door, but a pounding on the door!
The door handle was smashed open instantly!

This moment shocked Hayakawa Akira and Denji.

They all thought it was a demon coming to cause trouble, and quickly became alert.

"Hey Hey hey!"

The door opened and it was...Pava and her cat.

She was holding her luggage and the cat was lying on her shoulder. She looked at Hayakawa Akira's house with a dissatisfied look on her face and said, "This room is really narrow!"

Hayakawa Akira and Denjito were both dumbfounded.

Then Machima called Hayakawa Qiu, "I want Qiu to make a room for Pava-chan to live in."

"I believe you can be a good collar for Denji and Pava."

Hayakawa Akito was numb, "Why do you keep sending harmful things to my house!"

But then, Machima said very calmly, "Because you are the person I trust most, Aqiu."

Hearing Machima's words, Hayakawa Qiu, who had always been very calm, blushed, "Okay... okay."

Miss Machima...said he was the person she trusted the most!

Hayakawa Qiu "likes" Makima. Of course he was very excited at this time, but he still pretended to be calm and agreed.

However, Pava's move into Hayakawa Qiu's house brought a lot of trouble.

such as……

Pava looked at the curry carefully made by Hayakawa Akira in front of him, "I hate vegetables!"

She threw out all the vegetables in the curry with her hands, making Qiu Hayakawa's house dirty.

"Don't throw vegetables!"

"What the hell! Don't you feel sorry for the farmer uncle?! Devil!"

One is a person who makes food, and the other is a person who has never had a full meal.

Both Hayakawa Akira and Denji expressed great anger!
And that's not all...


Pava looked at the toilet with a pile of paper overflowing in front of him, with a look of disdain on his face, "It's okay, whoever flushes it!"

"Rinse it for me!"


Hayakawa Akira and Denji form a united front.

Then comes...


Pava still looked the same, "It's okay, who can wash it?"

"Quick wash!"


"What's going on with these two people? Why are they so troublesome?"

However, facing the unhappy expressions of Hayakawa Akira and Denji, Pava hugged the cat and said, "Right, kitty~"


Hayakawa Akira and Denji's faces instantly became ferocious.

This is probably the first time that Hayakawa Akira and Denji can be so united and harmonious.

Because Pava, a troublesome person who is even more difficult to deal with than Denji, has come to the house.

If Hayakawa Akira's life style is orderly and kind, Denci is chaotic and kind.

That Pawa is definitely chaotic and evil, the kind of person that neither of them can accept.

Denji is a human being after all, while Pava is a demon of blood, and his previous life has always been like a wild animal.

Faced with Pava, a real troublemaker, Hayakawa Akira was much more pleased with him every time he watched the movie.

Anyway... the electricity is quite normal. He is a good boy who is not picky about food and will finish his food!

In this way, with the arrival of Pava, the troublesome day passed.

And at night...

Pava suddenly found Denci on his own initiative... Denci was cleaning Pava's "masterpiece" toilet.

"Hey, I'm talking about you!"

Pava's voice came from behind him.

Denji, who was cleaning the toilet, turned around and saw Pava standing in front of him. He immediately said angrily, "Hey! Stinky devil! Your excrement can't be brushed off standing on the toilet!"

However, at this time, Pava made a squeezing motion towards his "plump" bear.


Denji looked confused.

"Didn't we make an appointment? I want you to rub my chest."

"Knead it!"

This made Denji stunned for a moment. The bear looking at Pava couldn't move his eyes away at all, and his mouth opened wide.

Pava walked directly into the toilet and closed the toilet door.

This scene immediately made comic fans think about it...

"Is this a plot I can see?"

Fan Siwei, a high school student, blushed and touched his nose.

It seemed like he was trying to determine if there was any nosebleeds.

And just when comic fans are looking forward to the next plot...

Denci was also very excited. When Pava came and sat on the toilet behind him, he said:
"How is it? Are you happy?"

"Knead it, knead it~"

While talking, Pava reached out his hand to rub his "plump" bear very seductively.

Denci couldn't help it anymore, all he could see was Pava's "plump" bear. Finally, his legs gave out and he knelt down directly in front of Pava.

Let alone electricity, comic fans can’t stand it...

"But I have a condition."

Pava stretched out three fingers towards Denji and said, "The number of times you can rub your breasts is limited to three times."

But at this time, he was willing to do it once, let alone three times!

After Pava said why three times.

She closed her eyes, looking seductively letting Denci pick her.

Denci was full of expectation, almost like a pilgrim, and slowly stretched out his hands...

He was panting, very nervous.

After all...this is his ultimate dream in life!

Now he is almost successful!

And it’s such a “chubby” bear!
He pressed it directly with both hands, but just as Pava was cooperating with him...

A strange thing appeared at Denji's feet.

"This is……"

Denji picked up the semi-circular object from the ground, "What is it?"

Pava pulled out another pad with a proud look on his face and said, "Breast pad! This is a magical prop that can make bears bigger!"

When Denci heard this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Not only Denji, but also the manga fans who watched this scene were stunned for a moment...

Are these... fake breasts?
Denci was completely dumbfounded when he looked at Pava Bear, who was completely flat without the breast pads.

But in the end, under Pava's command, he mechanically completed the last two "breast expansion" movements like a zombie.

Pava said proudly, "How is it? Doesn't it feel good?"

"It's such a blessing to touch such a good thing. This way we don't owe each other anything!"

"The cat has been rescued, so there is no need to be a demon hunter anymore."

"But there is no way to escape from Makima, so I will help you with the work next."


Pava finally left here with the cat laughing wildly.

However, Denji just looked blank.

"There's so much to's really weird."

"That's it?"

He felt like he had been cheated. What if Pava wasn't a liar?
Chen Wenrui looked at this scene and laughed loudly, "Pava is also a 'mat' person!"

(End of this chapter)

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