Chapter 140 Smoke (original)
Zhou Wenwei opened the next chapter and Himeno woke up Denji.

But... they haven't found a way to leave this floor yet.

On the contrary, this caused Arai and Xiaohong to have a mental breakdown. Only Hayakawa Akira still behaved quite reliably and was still looking for ways to leave.

can only say……

Is he worthy of being a senior?

"He is really a reliable senior."

Zhou Wenwei said with praise.

Hayakawa Akira was indeed too reliable, even though he had not dealt with Denji before.

But after these few words, his strong and reliable image has slowly been established in Zhou Wenwei's heart.


Zhou Wenwei suddenly realized something was wrong.

Mann from "Edgewalker"... seemed to have this image at the beginning?

At first, he didn't deal with the protagonist, but later he still acted as the protagonist's big brother figure as he grew up, showing that he was strong and reliable.

But in the end Mann was...

Although Hayakawa Akira's body shape and personality are not exactly the same as Mann's.

But this way of's really similar!

Zhou Wenwei was not allowed to think too much, after all, this guy Lin Qingshan had learned from the past!

At that time, his eldest brother Mann died, but he suffered for several days.

"Forget it...we'll see about it later."

Zhou Wenwei continued reading comics.

When Denji woke up and Himeno briefly explained the current situation, she suddenly lit up a cigarette.

"Oh, it's my last cigarette."

The cigarette butt was rising slowly, which suddenly reminded Zhou Wenwei.

In "Edgewalker", Lucy and Qiwei are also smokers.

In Lin Qingshan's works, the female characters seem to have the habit of smoking.

However, David does not smoke. This does not mean that Lin Qingshan is also a smoker.

It can only be said that Lin Qingshan likes to create female characters who like to smoke.

But it’s understandable. The nicotine in cigarettes has the effect of refreshing people, improving concentration, and enhancing mood.

It can also relieve stress and has always been a way for people with high stress to relieve stress.

As cyberpunks, Lucy and Qiwei are usually under a lot of pressure, so it is reasonable for them to naturally choose to smoke to relieve stress.

The same is true for Himeno. As a demon hunter for the police, she doesn't know when she will die fighting demons.

With such huge pressure, cigarettes and alcohol can relieve her stress.

Faced with Denji and Pava's confusion, Himeno even smiled and explained:

"It's nice to have something I can rely on. I really want to have something I can always rely on in this life."

"Are you smoking the same thing as that guy?"

Just then, Denji noticed this and asked.

"That must be it."

Himeno smiled and said, "I was the one who taught him how to smoke~"

Then there was another memory scene, which was... the memory scene of Hayakawa Akira following Himeno at the beginning.

Hayakawa Qiu leaned on the railing of the rooftop, Himeno picked up a cigarette and lit it.

"Qiu, don't you smoke?"

Jiye suddenly asked.

"Smoking corrodes human flesh."

Akira Hayakawa said, obviously he didn't like smoking at first.

Jiye advised, "If someone is smoking around you, you'd better smoke too."

"I'm not trying to be friends with anyone."

Seeing this, Jiye said, "Let me guess why you came to the police. Do you want to kill the gun demon?"

After hearing that his purpose was guessed, Hayakawa Qiu turned back to look at her.

However... this made Zhou Wenwei a little curious. Didn't Hayakawa Akira want to kill the Gun Demon because of Makima?
But now it seems that Hayakawa Akira joined the police because he wanted to kill the gun demon?

This has nothing to do with the reason why Hayakawa Akira was Denci's love rival that everyone guessed before?
Ji Ye then continued, "Most of the gloomy people who come to the police are like this. Only those who are in the police are allowed to hold the meat pieces of the broken gun." "Demon hunters don't live long in the first place, so you can suck it if you want." Suck it."

Jiye said again.

"I won't die so easily."

Hayakawa Qiu said stubbornly.

"I hope you will do what you say...It's really troublesome if your partner dies..."

Ji Ye finally said.

However, the scene changed again, and Himeno and Hayakawa Akira seemed to be patrolling on the streets.

At this moment, Himeno saw the figure of a woman in front of the street. She immediately said to Hayakawa Akira, "Aki, please step aside."

Then Hayakawa Akira saw the woman walking straight towards Himeno, and then slapped Himeno hard.

Afterwards, Hayakawa Akira asked in confusion, "What just happened?"

Jiye said slowly, it turned out that that was the girlfriend of her previous partner who had just died not long ago.

She hated Jiye because of her boyfriend's death, but it was the devil who really killed her boyfriend.

She didn't have the ability to seek revenge from the devil, so she could only vent her anger to Ji Ye.

Ji Ye is used to this situation and regards it as part of her job.

However, Hayakawa Akira was very unhappy about this, and then he followed the woman directly, and then slowly returned to Himeno.

"What did you do?"

Ji Ye asked in confusion.

"I put gum on the person who hit you!"

Hayakawa Akira said with a serious face.


Ji Ye was very surprised.

However, Hayakawa Akira continued to say seriously, "You have to fight back when you are bullied. It is obviously not your fault. This makes me very angry!"

"So I went to avenge you, she deserved it! She would never notice the gum on her clothes!"

These words, coupled with his childish behavior of sticking chewing gum on others to take revenge, actually made people laugh.

However, for Himeno...

Hayakawa Akira was seeking revenge for her, even though it was a childish act.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Jiye suddenly covered his stomach and laughed.

Zhou Wenwei knew... Ji Ye was tempted.

Yes, at this time, there is someone who is willing to stand up for you, even though his behavior is very childish.

But it's really... very exciting.

Could it be that... Himeno and Hayakawa Akira are a couple?
Next, Himeno and Hayakawa Akira went to the restaurant to prepare for dinner.

At this time, the relationship between the two has obviously become much closer, and Himeno is also praising Hayakawa Akira.

At this moment, she took out a cigarette and handed it to Hayakawa Akira.

"Give you one."

"The bones will be corroded. I won't smoke."

Hayakawa Qiu still said firmly.

"We will have to deal with each other for a long time in the future, can we have one~~~"

Jiye said coquettishly.

Looking at Himeno's close eyes, Hayakawa Akira had no choice but to take the cigarette, but he still spoke harshly.

"Then I'll take one..."

"But I will only smoke this one for the rest of my life..."

However, combined with the previous plot, Zhou Wenwei's words were obviously useless at the end.

 I really like the pairing of Himeno-senpai and Hayakawa Akira wwww, and the scene where Himeno-senpai sends the sword is also very interesting and it is a plot point, so I will foreshadow it.

  After laying the groundwork for this section, we will move on to the "Edge Walker" animation, game and "Fire Fist" parts tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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