Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 143 Invitation from a friend

Chapter 143 Invitation from a friend (please vote for me!!)
However, except for Lin Pinzhang...

"Teacher Aoyama."

Ayumi Ito suddenly said without leaving any trace at the dinner table, "Would you like to travel with me to my hometown this year, and by the way... celebrate the New Year together?"


Lin Qingshan was a little unexpected.

Ayumi Ito looked directly into Lin Qingshan's eyes and said with some seriousness, "Teacher also spent the New Year alone last year, right? It's not good for Teacher to spend such an important festival alone."

"And didn't the teacher say before that he wanted to travel to Japan? It just happened that he could travel to Japan with me."

She felt that Lin Qingshan was so pitiful when he spent the New Year alone last year.

After all, the Chinese New Year is a festive day for family reunion for the Republic.

Lin Qingshan alone... would seem a bit miserable to outsiders.

So she tried to ask Lin Qingshan if he wanted to celebrate the New Year at her house this year. Although there were not many people in their family, only his parents and brother, his parents and brother were very enthusiastic.

She also asked her family, and no one at home had any objections to her bringing a friend home for the New Year.

Even very enthusiastic.

However, Lin Qingshan scratched his face and said, "Actually, this year my... uncle asked me to go to their house to celebrate the New Year."

Hearing this, Ayumi Ito was stunned for a moment. She didn't know that Lin Pinzhang came to see Lin Qingshan that day.

She always thought that Lin Qingshan was a loner who lived alone.

"All right……"

Ayumi Ito lowered her head again and continued eating with some disappointment.

"Haha, I may not have much time this year. Let's wait until next year or the year after that."

Lin Qingshan quickly said with a smile, "I'm going to travel then! I'm going to Japan, Europe, and the Americas!"

"OK then."

Ayumi Ito then smiled at Lin Qingshan, "It's also a good thing for Mr. Qingshan to travel outside."

He did have such thoughts.

After all, he has earned enough money, why shouldn't he enjoy it?
However... he still hopes to continue to let those excellent works from his previous life appear in this world.

Let more people in this world see those excellent works from previous lives!
Apart from these, Lin Qingshan seems to have nothing else for the time being.

In fact, if there was no invitation from Lin Pinzhang this year, it would be okay for him and Ayumi Ito to travel to Japan.

But the uncle's invitation, as Lin Qingshan occupying the body of the original owner, to be honest, it is really difficult to refuse...

However, Ito Ayumi's invitation also surprised Lin Qingshan.

He actually invited him to travel to Japan to celebrate the New Year...

But this can be considered a kindness from Ayumi Ito.

After all, he only has two friends in this world, one is Ayumi Ito and the other is Gu Qianli.

Gu Qianli probably wouldn't invite him to his home for the New Year or anything like that.


It’s ten days before New Year’s Eve.

"Qingshan, do you want to go home with me to celebrate the New Year?"

Gu Qianli mustered up his courage and said to Lin Qingshan who was taking Pochita out for a walk.


Lin Qingshan suddenly stood still and blinked.

He suddenly stopped, causing Pochita, who was trotting in front at a neither slow nor fast speed, to be strangled by Destiny's neck and stuck in place.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Pochita turned back to Lin Qingshan and shouted dissatisfied.

"Sorry, Pochita."

Lin Qingshan apologized quickly, then looked at Gu Qianli and asked, "Qianli, you just... I must have heard correctly, did you ask me to go back to your house for the New Year?"

Gu Qianli's ears were flushed, just like the evening clouds on the horizon at this moment.

She bit her lip, but still looked at Lin Qingshan and said, "Yes... It's not good for Qingshan to celebrate the New Year alone at home. The New Year should be a little more lively."

"But don't worry, I don't have many people in my family, just my parents. And my parents are relatively quiet people, so you can rest assured." Lin Qingshan scratched his face with his fingers, " uncle asked me to go to their house to celebrate the New Year this year..."

" that so?"

Gu Qianli looked a little disappointed.

But soon she smiled at Lin Qingshan and said, "Then Qingshan, just go and celebrate the New Year with your family! This is also good!"

Lin Qingshan smiled and nodded, "Yeah, yeah! But if there is another chance in the future, I will go to your house with Qianli to celebrate the New Year!"

When Gu Qianli heard this, his eyelashes were slightly blown by the wind, and then his eyes were filled with smiles.


The New Year is getting closer and closer, and holidays have begun one after another in various parts of the Republic.

Because it is a parallel world, the people of the Republic in this world are treated very well.

Except for hospitals, computer room server administrators, highways, high-speed rail and other jobs where it is indeed unavoidable to go to work even during the New Year.

It's impossible to work until New Year's Eve.

Even those important positions that require work are required to pay at least five times the overtime pay during this period.

All we can say is that there are gaps between parallel worlds!
Ayumi Ito and Gu Qianli also returned home in the past few days, and they said goodbye to Lin Qingshan before leaving.

Lin Qingshan, on the other hand, is not in a hurry. He plans to stay at Lin Pinzhang's house for three or four days on the 28th of the Lunar New Year.


"elder brother!"

Lin Youan stood at the door of Lin Qingshan's apartment with a smile on his face.

"Ah? You'an... why are you here."

Lin Qingshan asked curiously.

The relationship between him and Lin Youan has become pretty good during this period.

After all, he is a food partner who often goes out for dinner, and Lin Youan is indeed a sweet-tongued kid.

After Lin Qingshan went back and forth, he finally recognized this cheap brother.

"Stop talking, you have been refusing to come to my house earlier, and my dad is getting anxious."

Lin Younian pretended to be crying and said, "So you gave me another death order and asked me to bring the driver to pick you up."

"Ah this..."

Lin Qingshan rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly.

"Okay, no time to explain."

Lin Youan quickly pulled Lin Qingshan and said, "Brother, get in the car quickly, let's go home and celebrate the New Year together!"

"and many more!"

Lin Qingshan quickly grabbed Lin Youan and said, "I haven't packed my luggage yet, and there's Pochita... we can't leave it at home like this."

This past, he was away from home for about a week.

Pochta stayed at home and was not allowed to starve to death.

After all, it is not like Lushui, the kitten in Lin Qingshan's previous life. He is as light as a swallow and is very smart and can find food by himself.

"Wow wow wow!"

At this time, Lin Youan saw Pochita behind Lin Qingshan.

"By the way, I forgot, brother, you also have a dog."

He patted his head and said.

"Well, brother, hurry up and get ready. We'll take Pochita directly home for the New Year!"

Lin Qingshan suddenly had no choice but to nod.

Then he went back to the room to pack his luggage, took Pochita's bag of dog food and the dog's kennel, and planned to move to the elevator and go downstairs.

However, when Lin Youan saw this, he clapped his hands, and two sturdy men immediately appeared and came directly to Lin Qingshan, helping him pick up his luggage and Pochita's luggage.

Finally they quickly went downstairs.

 The boss told me that I know there are benefits if you can reach 1000 monthly tickets, so I am asking for a monthly ticket here!
  If I can get 1000 monthly votes this month, I will add five more chapters next month based on the original!
  So please everyone! Give me a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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