Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 158 The meaning of everything

Chapter 158 The meaning of everything
"No... Mom and Dad, you have misunderstood..."

Fan Siwei quickly explained, "I just...have some thoughts on these recently."

He didn't say that he got the idea after watching "Fist of Fire", otherwise Fan Ma might have entered his room and thrown away all the single volumes of "Fist of Fire".

However, his words did not make Fan's father and Fan's mother feel relieved.

"Siwei, do you want to go traveling soon?"

Father Fan also changed his previous seriousness, smiled at Fan Siwei as gently as possible, and said, "We, father and son, take a leave and take you to travel to relax..."

He is such a son. Even if he takes half a month's leave from the company, he still has to make sure that Fan Siwei doesn't do anything stupid!

Fan Siwei shook his head with a confused expression, "School has just started and there are still many classes to attend..."

"Class is not important!"

Dad Fan quickly said, "Siwei, let's go traveling with dad for a while. You can learn at any time. There are not many opportunities to travel."

"I'm also asking for leave. Let's go out and have fun as a family!"

Fan Ma also said at this time.

Just kidding, now they are afraid of something happening to Fan Siwei.

work? Is it important to have Fan Siwei at work?
Not to mention asking for leave, even resigning, they didn't hesitate.

"But I still want to know, what is the meaning of living?"

Fan Siwei still asked, "Are you living in response to other people's expectations?"

When Father Fan heard this, he sighed inwardly, and he understood.

This is the knot in Fan Siwei's heart. If it is not resolved, it will only make his knot grow bigger and bigger.

In the end, his mind was completely blocked there.

"No, living is to live for the sake of living."

Dad Fan said firmly, "Dad, when I was in college, the first book I read was called "Alive"."

Fan Siwei was thoughtful. He had heard of the book "Alive", but he had never really read it.

""Alive" is a very tragic story. Maybe you young people don't like to read this kind of novel now."

Father Fan said, "The protagonist Fugui was originally a rich man, but he lost all his family property through eating, drinking and gambling and became a tenant farmer. When he was young, he was caught as a young man and worked as a handyman. Finally, by the time he reached middle age, his daughter He also became deaf-mute, and his son died due to excessive blood draw, so he was given a white-haired man to give to a black-haired man..."

"Look, how miserable he is, because he can only watch all this happen, and has no way to resist or change it."

"But when he got old, his wife, who had always been close to him, died of illness, his daughter also died in childbirth, and his son-in-law was crushed to death by a concrete slab... He was left with a grandson who was his last hope, but he died of eating beans. "

"At the end of Fugui's life, only an old cow was left to accompany him on the dirt road in the countryside."

"How pale it is when the sun sets behind them!"

"When I finished reading this novel, I just felt so miserable. It was so miserable."

Father Fan said solemnly, "From the prosperity and excitement at the beginning, to the misery and hardship later, in the end Fugui had nothing, but he was still alive."

"Just like what you said, Siwei, this world is a huge lie."

"Everyone works hard to live for the illusory happiness, looking forward to the time when happiness finally comes."

"But how many people really wait for that happiness to come?"

"Fugui was already very happy when he was young. He was a rich man and an uninhibited playboy. However, from his wealth to his subsequent bankruptcy and the death of his family members, the happiest time for him was not when he squandered his wealth."

"It was when he went through hardships. At that time, he believed that his wife was the best wife in the world, and his children were the best children in the world, as well as his son-in-law, grandson, and his son-in-law, who was also called 'Fugui' The old scalpers, and those friends..." "I have read this sentence in another prose "Wisteria Falls", and I still remember it..."

"Flowers and people will encounter all kinds of misfortunes, but the long river of life is endless."

"It is precisely because of this that choosing to live is the best thing."

"Because you can feel everything in this world while you are alive. If you lose your life, you will feel nothing."

"Your thinking represents your existence."

"We don't sing about suffering. If we want to sing about it, we can praise the branches and buds that grow brilliantly and bloom dazzlingly in the mud. What we sing about is the unyielding nature of life itself!"

"Only if life itself continues, will there be infinite possibilities, and you can see this colorful world!"

"So... no matter what, stay alive!"

"Just like a poem I like very much - you don't want to plant flowers, you said, I don't want to see them wither a little bit. Yes, in order to avoid the end, you avoid everything starting."

"Yes, you can't refuse to start just because you don't want to see the flowers wither...Similarly! You can't refuse the beginning of everything just because living is too painful."

What Dad Fan said deeply made Fan Siwei think deeply.

He suddenly realized, isn't Agni the same?
Even with great pain, we must live.

He lost everyone he loved and everything he cherished, yet he was still wrapped in an everlasting flame and endured the pain of burning flames all the time.

All have to... survive.

It's not just for revenge.

So this is the meaning of Mr. Aoyama, the cartoonist of "Fire Fist", who always wants Agni to live...

Because Agni will continue to exist in this world only if he survives.

Only then could he save people and destroy Besim Druk.

Only then did he meet Togada and the others, and only then did everything happen that followed.

Agni died at the beginning, then all this story would not have happened.

Although the pain is saved, it will be meaningless.

"I...seem to understand..."

Fan Siwei's eyes showed some clarity, "Living... itself is the meaning of everything!"

"Even if living is a lie and it may be painful, there is absolutely nothing wrong with living!"

"So even if life is full of thorns and painful, we must continue to live!"

When Father Fan saw Fan Siwei's appearance, he immediately smiled with relief.

It seems... Fan Siwei finally figured it out.


After dinner, Fan Siwei returned to his room and continued to pick up the single volume of "Fist of Fire" that he had not finished reading just now.

He no longer has the heavy mentality he had just now.

He wants to continue reading, even if the following story of "Fire Fist" is still so sad!
Fan Siwei continued to open to the position where he had just finished reading.

 Personally, I feel that it is indeed a bit similar to Teacher Yu Hua’s "Alive"... It is a personal opinion 0.0
(End of this chapter)

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