Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 165 was a great success!

Chapter 165 was a great success!

Episode eight.

Rebecca came to David and said, "Well...I said David."


David looked at her.

"Don't use any more prosthetics for the time being."

Rebecca smiled and made a powerful gesture in front of David with her equally exaggerated pair of two iron arm prostheses, one blue and one red.

"I'll cover you!"


final episode.

David also stood on the top floor of Arasaka Tower, overlooking the luxurious Arasaka Tower building.

Then the scene of his mother Gloria speaking to him appeared in front of him.

"Mom... look, I'm standing at the top of Arasaka Tower."


"David! David!"

David was hit by a grenade launched by Adam Hammer and was knocked unconscious in mid-air.

At this time, Lucy kept shouting at David, trying to wake him up.

"David! Come back!"

Lucy hugged David's head, and the double-imaged and confused faces of David were held together by her.

Finally David was awakened and came back.

"This is the only way I can protect you in this city. I can't protect mom and Mann, but in the end I can and want to protect you."

"But I don't want you to protect me. I don't want you to die, as long as you live."

"I'm fine."

"I don't have much left, and I want to help you realize your dream!"

"That's my dream. As long as I can help you achieve it, it doesn't matter if I lose everything."

The two spoke affectionately high in the sky.


Next, Rebecca was smashed into pieces by Adam Hammer. David entrusted Falco to take Lucy away, and he was caught in a fierce battle with Adam Hammer.

In the background music of "I Really Want To Stay At Your House", the male protagonist David ushered in the final ending of death...

Liao Zijun was a little speechless after being stabbed. At this moment, it was as if there were countless blades in his throat.

Mother Gloria, Pila, Dolio, Mann, Qiwei, Rebecca, and even the protagonist David...

All dead.

But the most disturbing thing is not the death of these characters that are familiar to the audience.

Finally, Liao Zijun watched Lucy travel to the moon alone.

On the desolate moon, David's hallucination appeared in front of Lucy again, showing her a sunny smile.

Lucy also showed a happy smile, but at this moment...

The background music of "I Really Want To Stay At Your House" sounded again, and David disappeared.

Liao Zijun couldn't hold it in any longer, and the tears in his eyes fell down from his face.

Now his face was full of pain, and he had no appetite to eat because he was watching "Edgewalker."

Not even half of the takeout in front of me was finished, and more than three hours after watching "Edgewalker", the takeout was already cold.

But he didn't have the slightest pity about the takeout in his mind now.

Instead, my mind was filled with the impressive plot of "Edgewalker". Finally, Liao Zijun suddenly shouted through gritted teeth, "Adam Hammer——!"


There is no doubt that the animation of "Edge Walker" was completely successful after it was broadcast.

After all, in a world where cyberpunk was already a very common literary and artistic work in the previous life, the success of "Edge Walker" is enough to prove that its quality is very good.

In this world where the concept of cyberpunk has never existed before, it is even more popular.

The influence of animation works is also far-reaching. Even before this, the "Edgewalker" comic was already a great success.

But speaking of it, most people still don’t know the comic “Edgewalker”.

A comic can only be considered a hit and break out of the industry if its animation is successful.

The animation of "Edge Walker" is now airing, with a ratings of 4.5%, and the number of times it has been played on is as high as 300 million times.

The ratings are not bad,'s "Edge Walker" requires a fee to watch!

Although many users play it repeatedly, 300 million plays does not mean that 300 million paying users click to play.

But this already means that "Edge Walker" is a great success!
At the same time, the Qianli Danmu website also attracted the attention of a large number of ACG culture enthusiasts because it released ten episodes of "Edge Walker" at once.

In addition to Edgewalker, they also noticed other content on the site.

The first is this strange barrage function.

At first, everyone was really uncomfortable with this video barrage function.

When watching an animation, there are so many subtitles blocking the view, it looks so annoying.

But then, someone discovered that the interaction on the barrage was unexpectedly...interesting?
For example, everyone can watch anime in real time and communicate about the plot in real time.

There are also some very interesting barrage uses.

For example, in the famous scene of "Edgewalker", Mann said "David, run!".

During that scene, all the bullet screens repeated this sentence, which made people surprisingly feel very satisfied.

But what they didn't know was that Lin Qingshan suggested that the barrage of "Edge Walker" be "fake".

After all, the barrage function has just come out, and most people probably don’t know how to use it, that is, they don’t know how to send barrages.

Therefore, Lin Qingshan used the barrage culture in his past life memories to ask Gu Qianli and the others to disguise these "lively" barrages in the background.

Not to mention, everyone now knows how to use barrages.

Of course, Gu Qianli and the others would delete some of the barrages that were not in line with barrage etiquette when they saw them backstage.

However, barrage culture is still popular.

After all, this is a very mature barrage website model in the previous life!
Simply put, barrage can give the audience the illusion of “real-time interaction”.

Although the sending time of different barrages is different, they will only appear at a specific time point in the video.

Therefore, the barrages sent at the same moment basically have the same theme, and when participating in comments, there will be the illusion of commenting at the same time as other viewers.

Compared with traditional video comment areas, traditional comment areas are independent of videos after all.

Therefore, the content of the comments mostly revolves around the entire video, is not very topical, and does not have the feeling of "real-time interaction".

But the barrage is different. It feels like watching animations with everyone and having interactive discussions.

Humans are social animals, and most people like to have fun.

Of course, there are some viewers who will be a little more withdrawn and may not like this kind of interaction.

But generally speaking, a minority is a minority after all, and most people still think it's good.

Therefore, the interactive method of barrage has begun to become very popular.

Otherwise, my uncle in his previous life wouldn't have made so much money because of this, right?

So gradually, the model of Qianli began to be accepted by comic fans who came to the website for the first time.

Station C has also become popular!
(End of this chapter)

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