Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 168 Experience Laman

Chapter 168 Experience Laman

Zhou Wenwei got up early this morning and got ready, naturally because he was going to experience the game "Cyberpunk 2077" today.

He was so excited when he thought about this now!
In order not to be late, he took a taxi today.

Otherwise, if you are late because you did not squeeze into the subway, you will not be able to experience "Cyberpunk 2077".

His intestines were really full of regret.

Although he spent less than 100 yuan on a taxi ride, Zhou Wenwei was standing in front of the Lightspeed Game Development Company.

He looked at his watch. Very good, there was still more than half an hour before the scheduled time!

At this moment, a voice came from the side, "Are you here to experience "Cyberpunk 2077" too?"

Zhou Wenwei turned around and saw a slightly rounded man standing next to him.

This meathead also took an "ID photo", which is the proof of qualifications to experience "Cyberpunk 2077".

"Yeah, you came so early too?"

Zhou Wenwei was a little curious. He thought he had arrived early.

He didn't expect anyone to arrive as early as him.

"Hey, everyone has been here for a long time."

The fat man gestured with his finger, "Everyone is afraid of being late and missing the opportunity to experience it. This is a derivative game of "Edge Walker" and it is the first 3A masterpiece in the Republic!"

Zhou Wenwei turned around and saw that there were indeed a dozen people like them waiting nearby.

It seems that not many players have been invited by Lightspeed to experience "Cyberpunk 2077".

Counting him, there are about 20 players?
"You are all here to experience "Cyberpunk 2077", right?"

At this moment, a staff member wearing professional clothes and taking photos with his work came to the crowd and said with a smile.

There were also a dozen staff members wearing security uniforms appearing nearby.

"Yes, we are all here to experience "Cyberpunk 2077"."

At this time, Zhou Wenwei quickly took out his experience qualification certificate and said.

"Okay, everyone, please come in with me."

The staff member extended his hand to make an invitation, and then said.

Zhou Wenwei, Fatty and other experience players immediately followed the staff member into the Lightspeed Company.

After entering, they saw a total of twenty computers in the lobby, and they all seemed to be of the highest configuration.

As for what you think?

Of course it’s that shiny computer case!
It is said that the chassis is equipped with lights and the configuration is full.

As soon as you look at the neon lights and the water cooling of this host chassis, you will know that it is full, absolutely full!

And after entering the hall, many staff from Lightspeed Company appeared.

At this moment, a man who looked like a boss at first sight walked out.

"Everyone, please show us the experience qualification certificate first. If there are no problems, you can get on the plane and experience it."

Wang Weijie said to Zhou Wenwei and others, "The game account and password are your ID number, date of birth, and name respectively. You can just log in when the time comes."

"Then we can provide drinks and lunch for all players. If you need anything, please tell our staff directly."

"Next, after completing the game experience in the afternoon, our staff and some friends from the media may come to ask you some questions. Please cooperate with us."

Zhou Wenwei and others didn't have any objections. Isn't it great to experience the game and be able to eat and drink for free?

They don't have any opinions.

After Zhou Wenwei completed the verification, he first found a computer and clicked to run the "Cyberpunk 2077" game on the desktop. According to what Wang Weijie just said, log in to the game directly with your account and password.

After the loading screen passed, he quickly entered the game directly.

Zhou Wenwei looked at the highly complete and exquisite graphics in the game and began to follow the game's guidance and experience the game.

Soon, he was immersed in the game.


Wang Weijie looked at the many players who were immersed in the "Cyberpunk 2077" game.

At present, it seems that "Cyberpunk 2077" is still very playable.

At least players are having fun so far.

And there seems to be no dissatisfaction with "Cyberpunk 2077" being a 3D game.

After all, "Edgewalker" is a 2D painting style.

Although they have announced that "Cyberpunk 2077" is a AAA masterpiece, they are afraid that some people really don't know, or are pretending not to know, and come to find trouble.

After all, e-sports doesn’t require eyesight.

At the same time, "Cyberpunk 2077" itself is a derivative game of "Edge Walker".

Probably many of the next players came here for "Edge Walker".

Therefore, in this game experience event, Wang Weijie revealed the final hidden ending of "turn my broken body into fire".

It’s not exactly like experiencing it from the beginning to the end.

Instead, only three parts were opened, the opening prologue, the black dream, and my broken body turned into fire.

The opening prologue is naturally to allow experienced players to quickly get started with the game. The black dream part is because Wang Weijie wants to try whether the BUG is really like what Lin Qingshan said, and will not cause dissatisfaction among players, but will instead be used by players. sought after.

The part about turning my broken body into fire is specifically designed for players to experience the thrill of blasting the "Adam's Hammer".

At that time, they can also use this as a selling point to promote the game in the future.

After all, experiencing the game is just about experiencing the operation and graphics of the game. They probably don't care about the plot at this time.

Some players are even the kind of "I don't know who I am, I don't know where I am, I only know that I want to kill people".

No matter what the plot is, I just want to kill you all!
So to experience the game part, you don’t need to know much about the’s not a big problem!

Experience players such as Zhou Wenwei are also immersed in the game and can't stop after completing the prologue.

They quickly came to the black dream part, just after the player controlled V was shot by Dexter and his prosthetic eye was blown out.

The player's screen instantly went dark, and only the mission display and mini-map could be seen.

This made Zhou Wenwei and other experience players stunned for a moment, but then their faces were filled with excitement.

"Wow, I really can't see after being blinded... It's so real!"

Fatty said excitedly, "What a great setting! And the name of the mission - Black Dream, what a great setting!"

Then they actually completed this part of the game experience in the dark.

Wang Weijie was relieved when he saw this.

But his expression was weird, he really thought this was a game setting...

If he told these players that this was a BUG, ​​I don’t know how the players would react.

But now Zhou Wenwei and the others are very happy. Later, they finally get to the part of "turning my broken body into fire".

(End of this chapter)

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