Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 184 The flower language of daisies

Chapter 184 The flower language of daisies

Zhou Wenwei directly opened the next comic magazine and continued to read the next plot of "Chainsaw Man".

Chapter 25..."Ghost·Snake·Chainsaw".

The first cartoon that appeared next showed Ji Ye holding a bouquet of unknown flowers, lying in a sea of ​​flowers.

This is...daisy, the flower language of daisy is...hidden love, undiscovered love!
Zhou Wenwei still didn't understand what this meant.

After all, if the one who was stabbed was really Hayakawa Akira, then Himeno's gift of flowers would be reasonable.

Hayakawa Akira's chest was cut open by the sword demon, splattering a large amount of blood.

Then he fell limply to the ground.

The sword demon turned around and slowly walked towards Hayakawa Akira, as if he wanted to give Hayakawa Akira the final blow.

And that woman was also asking the Demon of Swords to give Hayakawa Akira the final blow.

"Leave me alone...go help Qiu..."

However, Pava said, "It's impossible...I didn't even see that guy's movements clearly!"

Himeno immediately shouted again, "Ghost."

She seems to know that she doesn't have much time left, so...


Ji Ye said to Pava.

A palm with a mouth appeared beside him.

But the ghost demon also said to Jiye, "No, that woman is too scary..."

She finally made up her mind!

But it passed directly through Ji Ye's palm.

It was a gunshot wound... She was seriously injured now.

It's... Himeno's contracted demon - the ghost demon.

At this time, Jiye suddenly covered his mouth.

Jiye looked at the bloody palms in front of him, and then looked at Hayakawa Akira on the other side.

She...vomited blood.

The done.

Jiye said to the ghost demon, "In exchange, you will be driven by me..."

This means...even if she takes action, she may not be able to save Hayakawa Akira.

The woman was also looking at them at this time.

"I give you everything I have..."

After saying this, the ghost demon reached out to Jiye's extended hand.

Suddenly, in front of Ji Ye, the ghost arm turned into a physical entity and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, countless slender arms stretched out from the darkness behind her.

Then, a demon with dozens or hundreds of arms, a body made of countless daisies, and a strange long-haired woman's head appeared in front of the Sword Demon.

This is...the complete form of the ghost demon!
"Everything is dedicated to the ghost demon..."

Zhou Wenwei looked at this scene and suddenly realized something.

This... this time it was not Hayakawa Akira who was stabbed, but Himeno!

Then, the ghost demon launched a brazen attack on the sword demon.

At this time, Ji Ye's voice came from the narration.

"Autumn cries easily."

"Demon hunters will become accustomed to the frequent deaths of their companions, and will never shed tears again."

"But Qiu...can cry."

"For example, when the newcomer whom I have been carrying dies in battle..."

"Qiu will hide alone and cry secretly. It's really interesting."


Yes... because my companions around me are dying one after another, I will gradually get used to this kind of thing.

As a result, he became accustomed to death and could no longer cry.

So even if Hayakawa Akira becomes a senior now, he will still cry over the death of his junior.

This is really something special. but……

Now Jiye is going to die too.

Zhou Wenwei and the comic fans who saw this can all see that Ji Ye... should get a box lunch next.

They suddenly felt caught off guard.

Why…… not the time before. Himeno had just made an appointment with Denji to become an alliance.

Denji helped her to match up with Hayakawa Akira, while she matched up with Makima and Denji? only took two words.

Makima is dead, Jiye is going to die now...

This is completely unexpected!

In the manga, Himeno looks at the sword demon who keeps cutting off the arms of the ghost demon in front of him.

She faced forward and stretched out her right hand.

"It's really gratifying to have someone who can feel so sad for me..."

"If he could cry for me like that..."

Himeno's right hand disappeared instantly in the air, leaving only the long grapefruit floating in the wind, "How happy it must be..."

This is... offering his right hand!

Only then did Zhou Wenwei understand what Ji Ye meant by "giving everything to me" just now...

A part of my body... If I continue like this, I will really be giving everything I have to Ji Ye!

Under Jiye's sacrifice, the sword demon gradually became no match for the ghost demon.

He is caught by the ghost demon and becomes more and more dangerous!

The sword demon finally couldn't stand it any longer. He said to the woman beside him, "Hey! Come on... help me!"

Ji Ye once again extended his left hand to the front, and then...

The left hand disappears again!
Turned into empty sleeves!
At this time, the woman also slowly stretched out her left hand.

Himeno, who had lost his hands, looked at Hayakawa Akira, and Hayakawa Akira also looked at Himeno, who had lost his hands, with a worried look on his face.

He didn't want...Senior Ji Ye to die like this.

Don't... don't give yourself any more!
However, Ji Ye said to him, "Qiu... you don't want to die."

When Zhou Wenwei heard this, he suddenly remembered that Ji Ye had been saying this to Hayakawa Akiya before.

But...the one who is dying now is Ji Ye.

Hayakawa Akira looked at Himeno, and Himeno finally said, "When I die, I hope you will cry for me..."

Jiye is short in the picture. Does that mean...his legs were also sacrificed?
But just then, the woman pointed her finger at the ghost demon and said, "Snake, eat it!"

A huge snake jumped out of nowhere!

This is...a snake demon similar to the fox demon!

It directly bit off the ghost demon's body, leaving only the ghost demon's head flying in the air!

At this moment, Hayakawa Akira looked towards Himeno and found...

Ji Ye disappeared!
The only things left on the ground were her clothes and blindfold!
Jiye looked at all this in disbelief, Jiye-senpai...did he just die like that?
Pava didn’t know where he was at this time.

Hayakawa Akira has lost his ability to fight, and Denji is now lying on the ground.

So...the Sword Demon's side won this battle.

After all, their target power was already obtained.

But just when the sword demon and the snake girl thought that the matter was over.

The only ghost demon arm left on the ground floated up and came to Denji.

It... pulled the chainsaw ring on Denji's chest!

Denji transforms into a chainsaw man!
He looked at the sword demon and snake girl in front of him and said crazily, "Although I don't know what the situation is..."

"But I already know that you are bad guys!"

Denji directly killed the sword demon!
"I like bad guys the most! Because..."

"Even if I kill you, no one will complain!"

"This is the end of this story."

(End of this chapter)

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