Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 186: Pushed to the altar

Chapter 186: Pushed to the altar
Lin Qingshan was indeed a little surprised. "Chainsaw Man" has only had more than 20 chapters, and is it ready to be released as a standalone book?
Mainly, he is indeed a half-hearted cartoonist... no, I should say he is half a half-hearted cartoonist.

Therefore, his understanding of publishing stand-alone books was exactly the same as when he released stand-alone books for "Edge Walker" and "Fire Fist".

"Fist of Fire" was created by Lin Qingshan who took out the complete drawings of "Fist of Fire" in one go, skipped the serialization stage, and published a standalone book directly.

So in a real sense, "Edge Walker" is the only one he has experience in releasing a single.

However, "Edge Walker" was almost finished before Yang Dahai asked him to publish a standalone version.

Therefore, Lin Qingshan subconsciously believed that the single volume was released when the work was about to be completed.

However, this is not the case.

Generally, long-form works like his that are serialized to more than 20 chapters are ready to be published as a single book.

This stand-alone volume actually makes it easier for comic fans who get into the comic later to catch up on the previous plot of the comic.

In fact, the most important thing is Lin Qingshan's reputation.

I don't believe that this lump is really big.

Then countless comic fans stepped on the reply and expressed regret.

But now...

Are the sales of the single book of "Chainsaw Man" still low?

So the comic industry is extremely confident in Lin Qingshan!

Lin Qingshan asked in cooperation.

No matter how you talk about "Chainsaw Man" now, the starting point is higher than "Edgewalker".

For a cartoonist who has become famous, even if his subsequent works are relied upon, there will still be comic fans who will not believe him.

Ayumi Ito patiently explained, "After the company's decision, "Chainsaw Man" meets the conditions for a stand-alone book, and the previous 19 episodes can be released as a stand-alone book."

There were too many such examples in the past life.

It is actually a small number of people who can really rely on it.

In the past, the comic book company would also consider that "Edge Walker" was a novella by a newcomer and would not sell well.

"That's it..."

Of course, the subsequent works of most well-known cartoonists are also much better.

Lin Qingshan also felt that there was no problem, "Then go ahead, it's not a problem anyway."

This is the masterpiece effect.

Ayumi Ito nodded, "By the way, the sales volume of "Fire Fist" has also come out."

"Okay, I have your authorization, teacher."


"How many?"

Lin Qingshan's name is here, and the single-book sales of "Edge Walker" and "Fire Fist" are guaranteed.

The sales volume of the previous single volume of "Edge Walker" has also completely increased, with a total of 500 million units sold.

This is a level that only phenomenal comics can achieve.

Later, animation came out, and there was another surge during this period.

The current total sales volume has reached 1500 million units, which has completely pushed "Edge Walker" to the altar.

After all, the excellent quality of "Edge Walker" is also coupled with the title of "the ancestor of the cyberpunk genre", which can be called a dimensionality reduction blow.

"More than 320 million units."

Ayumi Ito said, "It has exceeded our expectations."

"It's really good."

Lin Qingshan nodded. Although "Fist of Fire" is a good work, he also knows...

"Fire Fist" still seems too niche.

Everyone likes plots about hot-blooded teenagers and happy revenge. Even the most philosophical comics have to be limited by this. Let's put it this way, "Fire Fist" may have a good plot and be very philosophical.

But after all, it is not a story that everyone is suitable for and likes to read.

"Fist of Fire" is like a well-received art film, although the story is very deep and philosophical.

However, the subject matter of literary and artistic films is destined not to be watched by everyone.

There are always some blunt-minded comic fans who don't like this kind of depressing and miserable comics.

There is only one thought in their minds - "It's boring, I want to see rivers of blood"!
As for the passionate boy comics like the three major migrant workers comics in the previous life, they may not have much depth or philosophy, only the pure youthful spirit, upgrading and fighting monsters, and the excitement of continuous battles.

But this is what everyone is suitable to watch.

Whether they are fans who prefer philosophical and depressive comics like "Fire Fist", or comic fans who only think "boring, I want to see rivers of blood" in their minds, they will not hate hot-blooded shounen comics.

Hot-blooded shounen comics are in line with the hobbies of most comic fans. There are no restrictions, as long as everyone likes them.

"Fire Fist" is a niche game, so its sales volume is not high, which Lin Qingshan had already expected.

Unexpectedly, it actually sold 320 million units.

This is almost catching up with "Edgewalker".

After knowing this, Lin Qingshan hung up the phone with Ayumi Ito.


One week flies by quickly, and comic fans can’t wait to buy the latest issue of Comic Magazine.

Because this week, all major popular comics have reached key plot points.

The male protagonist of "Purple Energy Comes from the East" rides his mount Lao Niu up to Liantian Peak to rescue his friends.

The popular male lead in "Dragon's Chosen" is fighting a powerful enemy to the death, and he is at his most nervous.

After the death of the popular character Himeno, Denji, the male protagonist of "Chainsaw Man", transformed into a chainsaw man and fought with the sword demon.

The invasion of the academy by external forces in "Gods" caused Loki, one of the twins of the God of Fire, to resurrect. The principal and the protagonist teamed up to kill the god.

It can be said that the top four most popular comic works currently serialized are all about gods fighting.

But this can only be said to be a just so happens that the climax of everyone's plot arrangements is here.

In fact, the plot of "Chainsaw Man" is mainly too sudden. It originally developed from the peaceful daily life of the orientation party to a mysterious force sneaking into Denji and others.

This is unexpected.

Ke Xinjie just got off work from the milk tea shop. She put on her regular clothes and walked out of the milk tea shop with the milk tea she made for herself.

"Finally... the work is over!"

She said happily, "I'm going home to watch Chainsaw Man!"

Yes, Ke Xinjie is a two-dimensional otaku.

However, the symptoms were not that severe and she considered them mild.

Recently, Ke Xinjie got into "Chainsaw Man" - mainly due to the influence of watching the "Edgewalker" animation.

It was precisely because of the success of the "Edge Walker" animation that it became popular that she noticed Lin Qingshan and other works of Lin Qingshan.

It's just... Ke Xinjie hasn't gotten into "Fist of Fire" yet.

She jumped right into the trap of "Chainsaw Man".

Ke Xinjie bought a comic magazine from a nearby newspaper kiosk and quickly walked home.

"I hope... this time Denji can properly avenge Himeno-senpai!"

After Ke Xinjie returned home, she looked at the unopened comic magazine in front of her and said with anticipation.

Last week, Ji Ye's death made her cry bitterly.

Perhaps it’s because girls are naturally more emotional, but she was really sad about Himeno’s death!

(End of this chapter)

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