Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 188 Makima’s Identity

Chapter 188 Makima’s Identity
Ke Xinjie was also very curious at this time, but after reading the current serialization of "Chainsaw Man".

She saw an advertisement for the single release of "Chainsaw Man" on the advertising page at the back.

"Great! "Chainsaw Man" is finally out as a standalone book!"

Ke Xinjie was very happy.

Many comic fans actually prefer standalone volumes. After all, magazines are a part of the work that only they like.

For example, some comic fans don't like to follow comics serials every issue, so they choose to "maintain" them for a period of time and then buy several magazines in one go.

After all, after reading this issue of the magazine, if you want to continue reading, you have to turn to the next issue.

This is very troublesome.

Of course, this is very troublesome for comic fans who only read one comic book.

But basically comic fans who like to read comics rarely come here just for one comic book.

As for the attackers with firearms who were wiped out in the back, the bodies of the attackers who fell in a pool of blood had blood holes on them that they had no idea what kind of attack would cause them.

"Also, it's possible that the scene of being shot was an illusion or hallucination?"

"Machima is definitely like Hayakawa Akira, she signed a contract with more than two demons."

As for her first attack, although she did not draw a complete battle scene, even her abilities or the contracted demon did not really appear in front of everyone.

But even so, Machima still showed great strength.

As the undoubted heroine of "Chainsaw Man", Machima's strength immediately aroused heated discussion among all "Chainsaw Man" fans.

Although he was shot, he reappeared unscathed and killed the attacker armed with his bare hands.


This makes people curious, what are Machima's abilities and contracted demons?
Can be resurrected on the spot and recover from injuries... Could it be some kind of contracted demon such as an immortal demon or an immortal demon?

"Is that a hallucinogenic demon? A demon in disguise?"

Is that an attack like electromagnetic cannon or energy cannon?

"One of them seems to have given Makima the ability to resurrect? An immortal demon? An undead demon? A regenerative demon?"

"I think so, and these two demons are definitely very powerful!"

This is the case for Ke Xinjie. She not only watches "Chainsaw Man" but also likes watching "Protoss".

"No, what if Machima was indeed not shot by the Gun Demon's family?"

This is not a conflict.

But Ke Xinjie is still very happy. She plans to buy the single book of "Chainsaw Man"... three sets!
One set is for collection, one set is for reading, and one set is for preaching!
But this will have to wait until the single book series of "Chainsaw Man" is serialized.

This is the first time Machima has officially taken action in the comics.

Ke Xinjie then went to read the latest serialization of "Gods".

The plot of the latest serialization of "Chainsaw Man" is really eye-catching.

"No, no, no, the demon hunter next to Makima is dead. If it is a hallucinogenic ability, surely Makima can protect her partner, right?"

"Yes, so the reason why Machima was able to escape unscathed is because this ability is unique to her."

"I suddenly thought of something. Isn't the setting of the demon basically immortal? As long as it is not a critical hit, no matter how serious the injury is, it will recover."

"So... Machima might also be a demon..."

"But it looks like Makima was hit in the head at that time. Even a demon should die, right?"

"I found the setting of the demon on the official website. It seems that even if there is only one drop of blood left, as long as you drink enough blood, you can regenerate (?)" "Is Makima also a demon... It's really unexpected..."

"Her attitude towards Denji and Pava is reasonable. After all, she is also a demon."

"The police would let a devil be the leader of the devil hunters. This is really bold."

"There is a saying that it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. Don't worry about whether it is a demon or not, just tell me whether it is useful to deal with demons like this!"

"It's reasonable, so what if it's a demon? After all, the demon doesn't need to pay any price for using his abilities!"

"And if a demon dies in battle, it's better than ordinary people like Hayakawa Akira and Himeno dying in battle, right?"

"Yes... Ordinary people like Himeno and Hayakawa Akira must pay a heavy price to make a contract with the devil if they want to fight the devil..."

"Also, instead of asking ordinary people to make a contract with the devil and pay the price of their lives to kill the devil, it is better to recruit demons to defeat the devil."

"The critical devil is not reliable either. Look at that Pava. Byd can run faster than anyone else at critical moments!"

"If you really need people to help you fight, they are not stupid, so you must have humans supervise to fight these demons."


In the discussion among comic fans, it seems that Machima is also a demon similar to Pava.

It's just that no one can guess what kind of demon Machima is.

But guessing the character's identity is also a very favorite topic among comic fans.

As a result, the popularity of "Chainsaw Man" has recovered slightly.

Why is it said to be recovering?

Because the popularity of "Chainsaw Man" has declined somewhat during this period...

At least when it first started being serialized, its popularity was obviously not as good as it was.

After all, the opening plot of "Chainsaw Man" doesn't look very surprising to comic fans, which is quite disappointing.

Perhaps compared to other comics, the plot of "Chainsaw Man" is already very good.

But after experiencing the baptism of "Edge Walker", comic fans obviously have higher requirements for Lin Qingshan's first full-length serial work after "Edge Walker".

Therefore, even though the opening chapter was not very explosive or novel, "Chainsaw Man" experienced a period of decline in popularity.

Now that the popularity is rising, isn't it just a slight recovery?

Because everyone is beginning to wonder, what is the true identity of the heroine Makima?
Just like fans of "Gods", they will also be curious about the true identity of the male protagonist?
The plot of "Protoss" is still going strong, and it is once again close to the popularity ranking of "Chainsaw Man" this week.

Yang Shuzhun was obviously even happier after learning the news.

at the same time……

"Machima actually has the ability to resurrect. Isn't she really dead?"

He has just finished watching the latest serial plot of "Chainsaw Man" and nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough... Lin Qingshan would not be such a random person.

The plot he arranged seems illogical, but it has deep meaning.

Moreover, the popularity of "Chainsaw Man" has increased compared to last week because of this plot arrangement.

That's what makes it interesting...

Yang Shuzhun's eyes shone with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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