Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 190 Machima’s Ability

Chapter 190 Machima’s Ability (Original)

But then the screen turned to the other side, where Katana and the snake girl Sawatari Akane were directing their accomplices to move Denji away.

Although Denci was cut in half, Zhou Wenwei knew that the devil was not dead yet because of his special physique.

Like being dismembered into dozens of pieces at the beginning of the game, he can still recover.

This time it only broke in half, which is not a good thing at all.

And just as they were struggling to move Denci's body, suddenly a little guy seemed to feel something.

He stopped where he was, seeming to feel something strange.

"Hey! Come and move it!"

The companion was immediately dissatisfied and shouted at him rudely.

The snake girl Sawatari Akane also felt the strangeness of her companion at this time and looked at him.

The minion, who had been very dissatisfied before, shouted in horror.

It exploded!

But the next moment, the little guy who was still normal suddenly became completely deflated.

However, the guy on the other side of the intercom replied, "I'm from Class E..."

But his companions were very dissatisfied with him and shouted loudly.

"Hey! I have a bad feeling!"

This scene directly scared Sawatari Akane, Katana and the remaining minions.

However, in the next scene, the guy who said he had a "bad premonition" suddenly...


But at this moment, the little guy's expression became even worse and he shouted in horror.

Right on the spot, it suddenly exploded into a mess!
Blood was splashed everywhere, but his clothes were not damaged at the same place, and they fell to the ground covered in blood.

Akane Sawatari also repeated doubtfully, "Bad premonition?"

These unclear words made it difficult for people to understand what he meant.

But he didn't seem to feel anything and was still reporting, "I haven't been able to contact him since the beginning."

"Why are you dazed! Come here and move!"

The little guy scratched his head and said, "I always feel like... what's going on?"

The companion who had always been dissatisfied made a confused sound.

Akane Sawatari's eyes were full of panic. She picked up the walkie-talkie and asked her companions on the other side, "Class E! Let Class C confirm again! Is Makima really dead?"

"Wow ah ah-"

According to what Akane Sawatari this Machima's ability?
Zhou Wenwei was immediately curious. This...Machima should not be in the Magic City, but just thousands of miles away, killing people invisible?

Was what Machima said just now, "Deal them right here," meant to activate this ability?

Then he also exploded, and the sound of the explosion was obviously transmitted to Akane Sawatari and Katana through the intercom.

"That woman..."

The scene changed with Akane Sawatari's words.

In a temple, both Makima and Tendo Kurose stood in the open space.

In addition to the three of them, there were dozens of people kneeling behind Makima.

But they were all blindfolded.

They... must be the death row prisoners that Makima asked Tendo and Kurose to bring from the execution ground.

Not only were the death row prisoners blindfolded, but Tendo and Kurose, both police demon hunters, were also blindfolded.

Only Machima stood in front of everyone, clasping the palms of her hands together in the left and right directions, making a strange gesture.

At this time, Kurose asked Tendo, "Why do we even have to cover our eyes?"

"Makima is a demon hunter directly subordinate to the higher level."

"Demon hunters of this level cannot let others know about the demons they have contracted with." Tendo responded.

Zhou Wenwei felt a little unexpected when he saw this, "Machima is not a demon, but a demon hunter. It seems that the contracted demon is special and very powerful."

Originally, everyone was basically sure that Machima should be a demon like Pava, but they didn't expect...

The official explanation is given directly in the comics. Makima is really not a demon, but a demon hunter directly subordinate to the above.

It's just that Makima's demon is too powerful.

But this also made Zhou Wenwei even more curious, what exactly is Machima's demon... can it be so powerful!

Next in the manga, Machima came to a death row prisoner and said to him gently, "Tell me... Mishima Shuzo."

"Mishima... repair..."

The condemned prisoner followed Makima obediently.

Then Makima made the gesture similar to washing hands just now...

The scene returns to Katana and Sawatari Akane.

Katana said to one of them, "Hey! Get him into the car quickly!"

"Hey! Did you hear that? Mishima!"

However, the little guy named Mishima Shuzo's eyes were dull, and his body suddenly twisted!
Following Machima's strange gesture, the minion exploded into bloody flowers just like the two previous companions!
But the condemned prisoner in front of her just now slowly fell to the ground as if he was dead.

Zhou Wenwei also understood at this time, "Machima's ability is... to use a human life to kill the person whose name he called out!"

Yes, this is Machima's powerful attack method.

By asking a blindfolded living person to call out his name, Makima then uses his hands to make specific gestures. The person whose name is called will be directly crushed into pulp, and the person who calls out the name will also lose himself. s life.

Even this is a long-range sure-kill regardless of distance, but it seems that this ability can only be used in places like temples.

But...this ability is still too strong!

It can even be said that this ability is far stronger than Hayakawa Akira's spike weapon that harbors the power of the cursed demon Kas.

After all, Cass' ability requires hitting the enemy's body four times at close range.

Machima's ability doesn't need to be so fancy at all. It only requires a death row prisoner to have the death row prisoner call out that person's name.

She can twist that person into a knot!

"With such a strong ability... no wonder you can't let others know easily."

Zhou Wenwei understood immediately.

Machima's ability is so perverted, she is only using it to kill enemies.

But what if she uses this ability to assassinate high-level officials from various countries?
That's really unthinkable...

But fortunately...Machima is the heroine, a good person, and a good woman...

And the other side.

Akane Sawatari and Katana were obviously panicked at this time, and very panicked.

Their companions were all killed by Machima's ability.

Can they not panic?

They now have no way to resist Machima's attack power!

But...after a long time, the terrible explosion did not appear again.


Akane Sawatari said in disbelief.

"It can be taken off."

Makima said to Tendou and Kurose.

Finally, she faced the screen and said, "I have done what I can do, and I can go back."

"This is the end of this story."

(End of this chapter)

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