Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 197 Hayakawa Akira will die in the most miserable way

Chapter 197 Hayakawa Akira will die in the most miserable way (original)
Not to mention the comic fans, even Hayakawa Akira himself found it very strange.

Because...the contract conditions proposed by the future devil are really too...


Not only is it simple, but the price paid is extremely small.

After Himeno's death, everyone understands more clearly that in the world of "Chainsaw Man", obtaining the powerful power of the devil comes at a huge price.

A layer of skin, an eyeball, a hand, one's own lifespan, etc., these are all chips that can be used to reach a contract with the devil.

The two previous contractors of the Future Demon also paid a huge price.

One gave half of his life, the other gave his eyes, taste and smell.

Hayakawa Akira has long been mentally prepared, whether it's giving up his short lifespan or losing his eyes, ears, tongue, or hands.

He has to complete the contract with the future demon so that he can continue to complete his unfinished business in the few days to come.

The future demon looked at Hayakawa Akira's shocked eyes, and then said with great interest, "Do you want to know how you will die in the future?"

"As for the reason... it's because of Hayakawa Akira! You will die in the most miserable way in the future!"

It's just that he is not afraid that he will die in a miserable way, but that he will be timid after seeing the way he will die in the future.

Before Hayakawa Akira could answer him, he said again:
"Because I want to see your future with my own eyes."

On the other side, Kishibe is finally satisfied with Pava and Denji, who have been specially trained for a long time.

Not only him, but also comic fans outside comics also have complicated eyes.

What a miserable way that is...

In comics.

So he refused the future demon's request.

It feels like he will be killed in the future battle against the Gun Demon...

Because Hayakawa Qiu himself does not have a long lifespan, how far in the future... will it be?
Hayakawa Akira means he will be stabbed sooner or later...

This sentence made Qiu Hayakawa's eyes widen.

However, Hayakawa Akira quickly regained his composure, turned his face and pointed his right eye at the future demon, "I'm not interested in the way I die."

Could it be that in the process of defeating the Demon of the Gun, he was beaten to pulp by countless bullets and died?

"As long as I can kill all the people I want to kill, I don't care what happens next... Come in quickly."

"You don't need to say more."

Maybe...he is also afraid.

And according to what the future demon said, he would die in the most miserable way.

Or was it that when facing the Demon of the Gun, he was besieged and killed by his relatives?
Or is it that he watched his companions die in battle, but was unable to do anything about it and finally died in regret and regret?
Comic fans can’t help but speculate on how Hayakawa Akira died...

When everyone looks at Hayakawa Akira's appearance in the comics, they feel a little mixed.

However, he didn't expect... that the conditions of future demons would be so... easy?
The future demon seemed to have noticed Hayakawa Akira's doubts. He said, "Looking at your expression, it seems that you are saying...that's it?"

Although Pava and Denji were beaten by him until they were lying on the ground, he was barely injured.


Kishi wiped the blood on his face, nodded and said, "Not bad."


"Very good……"

Even though Denci and Pava were beaten into disgrace, they still said happily.

But Kishibe told them one thing, "Think carefully about the content of the instructions these days, and start actual combat tomorrow."

"Actual combat?"

Kishibe continued, "Everyone is dispatched to capture the katana and snake girl who killed Himeno."

"This is the first show since the establishment of the new Section 4." "If this combat operation fails, Section 4 will be completely finished."

"When the time comes, you will be wiped out, and I will take action."

These cruel words are truly horrifying.

If Denji and Pava fail this time, there will be only a dead end.

And the one who will kill them will be the teacher Kishibe who has been teaching them these past few days.

The next scene changed, Kishibe and Makima were sitting face to face in a mansion drinking tea.

“It’s really hard work despite a busy schedule.”

Machima said to the shore very politely, "Denji and Pava will still ask for your continued care."

However, Kishibe said with a cold face at this time, "I'm getting tired of them."

"When my dog ​​dies, I drink a few more drinks."

"But toys are different. Even if they are broken, you won't feel guilty."

The implication is that Kishibe has no feelings for Denji and Pava, and even just treats them as toys.

This is a bit... people don't like this character very much.

"As I get older, I start to act silly, and I actually have feelings for toys."

But Kishibe said again at this time.

This seems to mean that he also has some feelings for Denji and Pava.

At the same time, he also said this to Makima, "The police are not stupid in this attack on the Special Operations Class."

"You know it but you have to pretend you don't know, right?"


Zhou Wenwei was immediately confused, "Kanbian means... did Machima already know about this attack?"

Machima's response at this time was, "I was also attacked."

There was no direct response, but he just said that he had also been attacked.

"I don't care what method you plan to use."

Kishibe continued meaningfully, "It doesn't matter how many of my dogs you plan to kill..."

"As long as you are still on the side of mankind, I will not interfere."

"That's the bottom line."

These words made Zhou Wenwei confused again. Why did Anbian say this as if Makima was not a human being?

As long as Machima is still on the side of humans.

Could it be that she is really a demon?
But didn’t Tendou and Kurose already say before that Makima was a demon hunter directly subordinate to the superiors?

Machima's registration should have been officially endorsed, right?

But maybe... Kishibe was not talking about Machima not being a human being.

Zhou Wenwei thought again, "Just like the samurai sword and the snake girl sacrificed their lives for the demon with the gun, Kishibian probably wanted to warn Makima not to be driven by the demon to become an enemy of humans."

Machima responded, "I just want to save as many people's lives as possible from the devil."

"If this operation is successful, the media will be more active in publicizing the existence of the New 4th Class."

"In this way, we will move more freely and save more people from the devil."

Faced with Machima's remarks, Kishibe looked thoughtful.

Then he pointed his finger at Makima and said, "Lie."

Machima just looked at him and smiled without saying a word. Looking at her strange eyeballs with thick orange rings always made people feel strange.

(End of this chapter)

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