Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 219 Love is real

Chapter 219 Love is real (original)
"Bomb Demon! Or Bomb Demon? Or just a Contractor?"

Chen Wenrui was curious and looking forward to it. He looked at Lesai in the comics and said.

In addition to being curious about whether Lesse is a demon, a demon, or a human.

He is also very curious about Lesai's strength, after all, this is a bomb!

As powerful thermal weapons invented by humans, weapons such as bombs are very powerful.

There are also many types of bombs. There are traditional explosive bombs that mainly use the huge shock wave, thermal radiation and fragments generated by the explosion to cause damage to the target. There are also biological bombs like neutron bombs that generate large amounts of neutron radiation and mainly cause harm to living things.

Even nuclear bombs can be classified as bombs in some sense.

And the fear that bombs give people is definitely no weaker than that of firearms.

Even in many terrorist incidents, bombs appear as the protagonist.

And since the Gun Demon is so powerful, the Bomb Demon must not be too weak.

Sure enough, after Lesai revealed her true identity, she began to continuously hunt down Denji, showing her great strength.

She can shoot rays from the tips of her fingers, causing explosions wherever the rays point, and she can also shoot explosions from her toes to act as propellers.

The shark demon Bim was no match for her, and fell to the ground helplessly in the huge explosion.

At the same time, nearby folk demon hunters also came over to kill Lesai.

But they were also killed by Lesai's explosion, but it was precisely because of this that Bim also escaped smoothly.

But of course Lesse didn't give up so easily. She chased Bim directly to the police headquarters.

Bim also told Hayakawa Qiu and the others that Lesse was a contractor of the Bomb Demon.

Lesse originally wanted to disguise herself and deceive the police demon hunters.

But because Bim tipped off in advance, she naturally failed.

So Lesse transformed into a bomber again and started a battle with the police demon hunters!
It's just that she is very powerful, with various explosive abilities that are hard to guard against, and she will not die even if her head is cut off. She even throws her own head over and uses it as a bomb.

Even the police demon hunters, including seniors who were about to become deputy captains, were easily killed by her.

The police immediately suffered huge casualties and suffered heavy losses.

Finally, Lesse took the heads of two of the police officers and stopped in front of the car where Hayakawa Qiu, Denji and others were evacuating.

The war was inevitable, but Hayakawa Akira applied for support from the Special Operations Division.

The violent demon and Dongshan Xiaohong arrived in time, but...

The violent demon threw a flying kick, but it was easily blocked by Lesai.

"That blow just now was my full blow!"

The violent demon said in disbelief.

"What a kick. Do you want a fight?"

Lacey said as if she was ready to go.


At this time, the violent demon shouted to the front, "Xiaohong!!! The battle plan has changed!!"

Then, with comic fans looking confused, he left here without looking back.

"This person is much better than us!!"

"Strategic retreat!!"


This scene made comic fans dumbfounded. This "strategic retreat"?
"Isn't it just about running away?!"

Fan Siwei said a little speechlessly, "It's really...just running away if you can't fight, how can you say you have no sense of loyalty?"

Normally at this time, shouldn't the partners of the protagonist's group be like the police demon hunters who died just now and swear to protect the protagonist to the death?

"That's it, I'll take my leave first!!"

The violent demon ran behind the door and said goodbye to Lesse politely.

Then he closed the door. Lei Sai felt a little speechless, and then she looked at Dongshan Xiaohong who was kneeling on the ground and moving forward slowly.

"Legs...legs, legs are weak, my legs..."

Xiaohong didn't escape in time because her legs were weak from fear! !

After noticing Lesai's gaze, she quickly apologized and kowtowed to Lesai with a timid look on her face, saying, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!"

"I will resign when I get back, please spare me!!"

Watching Xiaohong proactively apologize and beg for mercy, the comic fans were really heartbroken and funny.

But what Xiaohong did was in line with her usual style, and it was also very reasonable.

"This is normal. The police will give you tens of thousands of yuan a month. What are you trying to do with your life?"

"Xiaohong...well, Xiaohong is like this. She wants to resign at any critical moment."

"I think the money was not enough, hahaha. Don't forget that Xiaohong knew that the police were about to pay out the bonus, so she came back immediately with a knife and almost killed Sawatari Akane."

"Xiaohong: I need to pay more! It's hard for me to do things with your little money!"

"Xiao Hong: As long as you give me money, I will kill even the gods to show you!"

"So what exactly is Xiaohong's demon? The money demon? The more money you give, the more powerful it becomes."

"God damn money devil hahahaha..."


After a humorous plot between the violent demon and Higashiyama Kokoro, Lesse also caught up with Denci and Hayakawa Akira in the busy traffic.

Facing the pressure from Lesse, Hayakawa Akira was quite firm and said, "If it comes to a critical moment, I will just drive over him!"

"I will never give Denji to her!"

Sure enough... he is worthy of being the second male lead, but he is much more loyal.

However, after hearing what Hayakawa Akira said, Denji transformed into a chainsaw man, sawed open the roof of the car, and then faced Lesai.

"Stop it! Denji!!"

Hayakawa Akira said worriedly, "You haven't fully recovered yet!"

However, Denji looked at Lesai in front of him and said directly, "When I was in terrible pain, I thought carefully about it in my brain that was already a mess..."

Pictures of women he had met such as Pava, Himeno-senpai, Higashiyama Xiaohong, Makima and...Lese appeared in his mind.

"The woman I know!"

However, Denji roared loudly and said, "It seems like everyone wants to kill me!"

"Everyone wants the heart of a chainsaw, but no one wants the heart of Denji?!"

That being said...if you think about it carefully, Denji is really miserable.

Yes, everyone wants Pochita, not Denji.


At this moment, Lesse suddenly said, "It's true that I like Denji."

This made Denci and manga fans stunned for a moment...

"Huh? Is it true?"

Denci was very surprised and even asked in disbelief.

But thinking about it carefully, the way Lesse looked at Denji before seemed to be a little emotional.

It's just that... everyone still can't believe it, whether Lei Sai is acting or if it's real.

Hayakawa Akiya yelled, telling Denji not to trust Lesse so easily.

And under this situation, Denji and Lesai went to war!

(End of this chapter)

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