Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 266 Good Woman Makima

Chapter 266 Good Woman Makima (original)

"So that's it..."

Chen Wenrui suddenly understood. He murmured to himself and said, "No wonder the distribution of forces in Chainsaw Man is still China, the Soviet Union and the United States. No wonder Germany is still there. No wonder there are still remnants of the previous dynasty..."

With both nuclear weapons and World War II devoured by the chainsaw demon, the Soviet Union would not have disintegrated and Germany would not have been divided.

Without nuclear weapons, there is no decisive force, and the remnants of the previous dynasty are still lurking in the dark.

Only now did comic fans understand why the world of "Chainsaw Man" has such a division of forces.

It turns out it was because the chainsaw demon devoured conceptual demons such as nuclear weapons and World War II.


"Why is the Chainsaw Demon so powerful???"

Fan Siwei was puzzled and said, "The gun demon may be okay, but the nuclear weapon demon... can that be defeated by the chainsaw demon?"

Machima named one after another who were definitely powerful demons, or if she was the dominant demon, then these three were her brother and sister demons.

However, his classmate said at this time, "Actually, the nuclear weapon demon is not necessarily stronger than the gun demon. After all, the only people who have ever experienced nuclear weapons are Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and everyone knows that nuclear weapons cannot be used casually."

"That's right, the power of the devil depends on people's fear of its concept. Nuclear weapons are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times more powerful than firearms, but guns clearly frighten people more deeply than nuclear weapons."

Some people have even thought of more extreme uses.

Machima in the comics then said something that shocked everyone, "I can dominate people below me. As long as I defeat Chainsaw Man, won't I be able to dominate him?"

"For example, death, war, hunger..."


Fan Siwei also admired the chainsaw demon very much at this time and said, "Wow, his ability to swallow the demon and erase concepts is just like... Thai pants!"

"There are so many things like this in the world, without which human beings can live happier lives."

And facing the problems on the shore,

"So that's true, but...Chainsaw Demon is really a hero."

Nuclear weapons may still be controversial, but diseases that can be directly eliminated, such as AIDS, rent mute disease, Arnold syndrome and other diseases that Makima just mentioned, can all be eliminated by being swallowed by the chainsaw demon.'s a bit bold to think about it.

"I want to use Chainsaw Man to create a better world."

All comic fans are thinking the same thing now. The Chainsaw Demon can erase the corresponding concept as long as it devours its demon.

"If it succeeds, it will be a world without war, death and hunger... This is simply..."

Kishibe said with some surprise.

If it could be used by humans, wouldn't it mean that there would be no more incurable diseases in the world?

As soon as these words came out, all comic fans were shocked by Machima's lofty ideals.

Another classmate also said at this time.

Makima calmly said words that made people feel crazy and yearning, "What I have to do is use the power of the chainsaw man to eliminate them all!"

Such a calm person like Chen Wenrui couldn't help but feel moved, "This is the paradise that ordinary people dream of!"

Maybe it would be okay without a war, although they are far away from war now.

But Chen Wenrui knows very well that in human history, peace is only temporary, and war is the eternal theme.

If you open the history books, you will find that even when the republic was at its peak of dynasty unification, various uprisings and wars were recorded.

Like a dynasty without a unified state, the various forces were divided, and wars continued year after year.

Even in today's contemporary society, peace is only peace in some areas. There are still frictions and disputes among countries outside the big countries.

And big countries only fight outside their homeland, such as counterattacks and wars of aggression, which still occurred in the last century.

War is still feared by people, and hunger has become less common due to technological progress in modern society. Although the world is so big, there are still people who are hungry.

But what people fear the most is death.

Because whether it is war or hunger, its essence is death.

Death is the most feared thing by ordinary people. Even if they are not afraid of their own death, they are also afraid of the death of their relatives and friends.

If the concept of death was eliminated, wouldn't everyone in this world be immortal?

Comic fans were extremely excited and began to change their minds about Machima, a bad woman.

"Good woman! Definitely a good woman!"

"Awesome! I'm starting to understand everything!"

"Machima's plan... is great!"

"Lord Makima, please control the chainsaw man!"

"Eliminate death, war, hunger, and diseases, and then this world will be a perfect world!"

"Makima is the real good woman, wuwuwuwu, I wrongly blamed Makima."


However, some comic fans are opposed to Machima's idea. "So... is this the reason why you kill people indiscriminately?"

"Isn't this a Utopia? A world more cruel than a Utopia, because there is no death in this world, only domination."

"It's hard for you to die. Now you are being dominated and exploited all the time. You will always be 007."

"There will be no death, war, hunger or disease, but new problems will arise, and that is no reason for you to kill wantonly."

"As long as saints die, thieves will continue. As long as there is happiness, there will be relative unhappiness. This cannot be changed after death, war, and hunger are eliminated."

"Then destroy the demon of unhappiness!"

"There is no such thing as the devil of unhappiness. At most, it is the devil of pain, which is the antonym of it. But without pain, that would not be good. Pain is actually a biological detection mechanism, which can sense situations that are detrimental to one's body."

"Wrong, you should eliminate all human beings. As long as you eliminate human beings, then there will be no war, death, pain, or unhappiness (laughing)."

"Then you are, that's too extreme."


Comic fans are beginning to feel that Machima's behavior finally makes sense.

Of course, no one will think that Machima is just.

She has killed so many people, and killing is killing, no matter how high-sounding her ideals are.

But the people she killed were all innocent, and her killing itself was unfair.

So Makima must die!
Kishibe in the manga was not changed by Machima's lofty ideals and said, "Your goal is quite lofty. Haven't you considered the possibility of being counterattacked by him if you fail?"

However, Machima remained very indifferent and said, "Then this can be regarded as fulfilling my wish."

"I told you before, right? I'm his biggest fan."

She looked at the gate of hell outside, with a calm expression on her face but a bit of trembling madness, and said, "Being eaten by the chainsaw man and becoming a part of him... This is the highest honor."

These words... are so crazy!
Even the ardent fans among humans are not so crazy, right?

The door to hell was blown open instantly, and the chainsaw demon, covered in blood, returned to the real world again!
"This is over."

This sentence completely revealed the purpose of all Machima's actions so far.

And why the Chainsaw Demon is remembered and feared by so many demons.

Devouring a demon can not only kill the demon completely, but also eliminate the concept of the demon it corresponds to. How can such an ability... not be feared by the demons?

After all, even if the devil is killed before this, he will be resurrected in the human world again.

Or take over human corpses and become demons.

Then after being killed in the human world, they will be reborn in hell.

Although he was reborn in hell again, it was not a complete rebirth, but another individual with mastery of his demonic abilities.

But this is equivalent to the theory of reincarnation of the human world, which always gives the demons some hope.

At worst, if you are killed, you will be reborn next time.

However, being killed and devoured by the chainsaw demon will no longer have the ability to be reborn, which is equivalent to being directly dispersed in the human world.

This is the true meaning of death.

How can this not scare the devils?

Machima is not afraid, and even said that she is a fan of the Chainsaw Demon...

It should be said that they are fanatical fans and bastard fans.

She also wants to use the Chainsaw Demon to create a better world, a world without war, death and hunger!
Great and crazy, this is how everyone thinks of Makima's ideal.

But this Makima...

But she killed so many innocent people for this ideal. Although she did this for the sake of mankind and the world to be happier and more perfect.


She is more like those aloof gods in fairy tales, gods who don't care about the life and death of human beings.

Just like God sent a great flood to punish mankind, Zeus sent Pandora's box to punish mankind...

Machima is aloof and believes that all sacrifices are acceptable as long as they are for a higher ideal.

But for Denji and Kishibe and the others...

Absolutely impossible to forgive.

Because Himeno, Hayakawa Akira and Pawa are all their relatives and friends.

Machima just used them and killed them at will for the sake of her so-called lofty ideals?
Some comic fans directly used a paragraph to refute Machima.

"Machima's ideals were so noble. She stood on the mountain and looked down at the people below, saying that this sacrifice was necessary for the sake of a more noble ideal.

But the people she killed were all innocent. For Denji and Kishibe, she sacrificed everything they cherished, so how could Kishibe and Denji accept it?

I also cannot accept that if anyone can be killed and sacrificed like an animal for the sake of a so-called lofty ideal, then this ideal itself is definitely not correct or noble. "

(End of this chapter)

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