Chapter 331: What do you call aunt? Call me sister!
He originally wanted them to go about their own business, but he didn't expect that no one was willing to leave.

The situation was a bit deadlocked for a moment. Lin Yuan was thinking about how to resolve it when Host An suddenly spoke.

"Angel." An Zhizhu's voice was calm and firm. "Come with me. There are still many things to be resolved at home."

Angel frowned and said reluctantly: "But Master..."

Host An's expression turned cold, and there was a hint of majesty in his eyes that could not be refused.

"This is not a discussion, this is an order!"

Angel was so overwhelmed by An's aura that she dared not speak anymore. She could only nod in grievance, "Okay, Master, wait for me, I will be back."

Before leaving, Angel looked back at Lin Yuan, her eyes full of reluctance and worry.

Lin Yuan smiled at her gently and said soothingly, "Don't worry, Angel, I'm fine. Go and do your thing first."

Only then did Angel reluctantly follow Host An and leave.

After they left, Qi Xiaoke saw that no one was disturbing him. His face turned slightly red and he whispered, "Brother Lin Yuan, can you come home with me?"

Lin Yuan was a little surprised and asked with a smile: "Go home? Why do you say that suddenly?"

Qi Xiaoke explained, "Brother Lin Yuan, it's because it's safer at home. No one else dares to touch the people protected by the Qi family. Besides, my family is going to hold a banquet soon, and I don't have a dance partner yet."

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned and thought to himself.

He didn't plan to go, but when he saw Qi Xiaoke's face flushed and obviously anxious, his heart softened.

Qi Xiao saw that Lin Yuan did not agree immediately, so he continued, "Brother Lin Yuan, just consider it as a favor for me. I have some things to deal with at home, and you can also take this opportunity to relax. This banquet is very important to me, and I really need your help."

Lin Yuan was silent for a while, looked at Qi Xiaoke's sincere eyes, and finally nodded, "Okay, Xiaoke, I'll go with you."

When Qi Xiaoke heard this, a happy smile appeared on his face, "Thank you, Brother Lin Yuan!"

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded, "You're welcome. I'll do my best to help you."

Qi Xiaoke said happily, "Then let's set off tomorrow. I will arrange everything in advance."

The next morning, Lin Yuan packed his luggage and set off with Qi Xiaoke.

Along the way, Qi Xiaoke excitedly introduced Lin Yuan to the situation at home and the upcoming banquet.

"Brother Lin Yuan, the Qi family's banquet is very grand, and many important people will come. You just need to accompany me and don't worry about other things." Qi Xiaoke said, with anticipation in his eyes.

Lin Yuan nodded and responded with a smile, "I understand, Xiaoke, don't worry."

After arriving at the Qi family, Lin Yuan was arranged to stay in a spacious and comfortable guest room.

In the evening, Qi Xiaoke specially prepared an exquisite dress for Lin Yuan, "Brother Lin Yuan, this is the dress prepared for you, I hope you like it."

Lin Yuan took the dress and said with a smile, "Thank you, Xiaoke."

Qi Xiaoke smiled and said, "You're welcome. You just need to dress up nicely. Tonight will definitely be exciting."

Lin Yuan put on his suit and walked out of the room, and saw Qi Xiaoke had changed into an elegant evening gown.

She looked radiant and exceptionally beautiful.

"Brother Lin Yuan, you look very handsome." Qi Xiaoke praised, his eyes full of joy.

Lin Yuan smiled and responded, "You are also very beautiful, Xiaoke."

The two smiled at each other and walked towards the banquet hall together.

The lights in the banquet hall were bright, the guests were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious. Qi Xiaoke took Lin Yuan's arm and walked into the banquet hall, attracting the attention of many guests.


An extremely beautiful and charming woman walked over.

She was wearing a sexy evening gown, the black silk clinging to her graceful figure, perfectly outlining her curves.

Her long hair fell like a waterfall, slightly curled, her face was delicately made up, her lips were fiery red, and there was a hint of charm and provocation in her eyes.

She approached slowly, her slender legs faintly visible in the slit of her dress, exuding a fatal attraction.

She looked at Lin Yuan with a smile, her eyes full of teasing, "Handsome boy, why haven't I seen you before?"

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, his eyes were involuntarily attracted to her.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman and was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"Ah, um... hello." Lin Yuan forced a smile, trying to hide his embarrassment.

The beautiful woman chuckled, her voice as clear and pleasant as a bell, "Handsome boy, you are really funny. Come, have a drink with me."

As she spoke, she took Lin Yuan's other arm and pressed her soft body against him, making Lin Yuan feel hot.

When Qi Xiaoke saw this scene, her expression changed slightly. Although she didn't say anything, there was obvious displeasure in her eyes.

She exerted a little force, pulled Lin Yuan's arm, and said gently but firmly: "Brother Lin Yuan, you are my dance partner."

The beautiful woman smiled even more brightly. She gently played with the long hair beside her ear and said teasingly, "Oh? Really? Handsome boy, what do you think?"

Lin Yuan felt that he was caught between two beautiful women, with no way out.

He forced a smile and said softly, "Sorry, I'm here to accompany Xiao Ke today."

The beautiful woman didn't seem to care. She smiled and let go of Lin Yuan's arm.

"Handsome boy, are you sure you don't want to chat with me?" She said in a delicate voice, hooking her fingers lightly on Lin Yuan's cuffs in an ambiguous manner.

Qi Xiaoke immediately frowned, stamped her feet in anger, and said coquettishly: "Mom, if you do this again, I will ignore you!"

When Lin Yuan heard this, he was completely shocked!

He stared at Qi Xiaoke and the beautiful woman in front of him in amazement, and quickly recalled their faces in his mind, and found that they were indeed somewhat similar.

However, he never expected that this young and sexy woman was actually Qi Xiaoke's mother!

When Shen Yuan saw her daughter’s angry look, she smiled even more happily.

She let go of Lin Yuan, walked over to Qi Xiaoke, put her arm around her shoulders affectionately, and said playfully, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Xiaoke, this is the Lin Yuan you always mention, right? He's really a handsome guy."

Qi Xiaoke blushed and nodded, "Yes, Mom, this is Brother Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan finally came back to his senses and smiled awkwardly, "Auntie, hello, I'm Lin Yuan."

Shen Yuan smiled from ear to ear and patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder.

"Oh, calling me auntie is so formal, just call me Sister Shen. I've heard Xiaoke talk a lot about you, and today I finally met you in person, and you really live up to your reputation."

Lin Yuan's face flushed slightly and he scratched his head. "Xiao Ke might have exaggerated."

(End of this chapter)

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