Chapter 1 Longevity Shop


Moon stars are rare.

The bright moonlight fell on the turbid water of Xiliang River, creating sparkling waves.


There was a surge of water, and then a man with a slender body and small eyes like a poisonous snake poked his head out of the water and splashed on the river.

As soon as the man emerged from the water, he swam hard towards the shore. His hair was messy and he looked panicked. While paddling, he looked back from time to time, as if he was avoiding something.


The man went up to the river bank.

Through the bright moonlight in the night sky, it can be seen that this man is wearing a green tights, his face is pale, and he is breathing heavily. Combined with his slender figure, narrow eye slits, and dripping black hair, he looked like a water ghost who had just emerged from the water.

"Damn it, when I realize the magical power inside the [Immortal Golden Page], I will make you stinky bitches look good... ahem!"

The man in green tights spoke bitterly, but before he could finish his words, he coughed violently. Even if he covered it with his hands in time, a few drops of bright red liquid still flowed out from between his fingers and dripped on the ground. superior.

After this bout of coughing, his face became even paler, almost losing all color.

"It's really powerful to transfer flowers and jade, but no, I have to find a place to heal first..."

While whispering, the man first glanced behind him with hateful and fearful eyes. After he was sure that no one was chasing him on the other side of the river bank, he raised his head again and looked around a few times. After confirming a certain direction, he immediately stepped forward. As soon as he stepped on it, the whole person jumped out like an arrow, as fast as the wind and lightning.

Just a few breaths.

In the wilderness beside the Xiliang River, you can only see a looming figure rising and falling.

The earth returned to peace again.

It was not until more than half an hour later that a small boat, although not large in size, but extremely exquisitely decorated, slowly sailed from the other side of the Xiliang River. Under the silver-white moonlight, five or six figures could be vaguely seen on the boat, all of them women.

And at the bow of the ship is a beautiful woman wearing cloud-like palace clothes.

Judging from her appearance alone, this woman was only about twenty years old. Her long hair was shawl-like, like flowing clouds. On the snow-white goose neck is a bright and charming face.

Under the bright moonlight, this woman looked like a fairy who had descended from the moon palace, with an almost divine appearance.

The only drawback.

Probably on this beauty's left hand and left foot.

Even the deliberately lengthened Liuyun dress and the floor-length dress could not completely cover up the deformity of the beauty's left hand and foot.

Such a beautiful woman with unparalleled beauty is actually a cripple.

It's like a piece of pure white jasper with a small crack on it, which is really a pity.

Ship docked.

The peerless beauty took a slight leap and walked three feet away. She landed exactly where the man in green tights had landed.

And during this process, the robe on this peerless beauty was not even blown by the wind. Her whole body was like a fallen leaf moving in the wind, light and agile.

Not only that.

Even though it was still late at night, even though she was ten feet away before, the peerless beauty could still see at a glance the two or three drops of blood that the man in green tights had just dropped on the rocks on the shore.

This kind of eyesight and such lightness skills are enough to show the superb martial arts and profound internal strength of this peerless beauty.

"Please step back first!" "Yes, Palace Master."

After landing, the peerless beauty glanced at the two or three drops of blood on the ground, and then spoke.

Her voice was not loud, and even had a bit of innocence and childishness like a cardamom girl. However, when everyone on the boat heard her words, they all lowered their heads and responded with respect, without even a hint of disrespect.

After giving the instructions, the peerless beauty slightly raised her eyes and looked around for a few times. Then she moved her steps lightly and walked in a certain direction. The direction she was looking for was exactly where the man in the green tights had left. direction.

The pace of the peerless beauty seemed slow but was actually fast, and she seemed to be walking casually, but in just a few blinks, not even her back could be seen in the moonlit wilderness.

Seven Heroes Town.

This place is about seven or eight miles away from the Xiliang River. It is a remote and ordinary town in the Guanzhong area within the Kingdom of Ming Dynasty.

The town is not big. The entire town has a population of only 2,000 people.

However, because there is an official road passing through the town, tourists and businessmen passing by often come to the town to rest and spend the night, so the town can be considered lively on weekdays.


Yin Shi has just passed.

The morning breeze of late autumn has brought with it the chill of early winter. It passes through the streets of the town from the southeast, sweeps into the wilderness of the northwest, and merges with the morning fog in the suburbs.

It was almost dawn, the sun had not yet risen, and the moon hanging high in the sky was just getting ready to get off work. At this time, the sky was revealing an almost blue hazy color.

In the dim light, a dark-skinned farmer wearing a coarse cloth gown hurriedly walked through several streets with a pair of cloth shoes whose soles were almost worn flat on the bluestone that had already been covered with a layer of hoarfrost. Soon we arrived in front of a door called [Luo Ji Shou Cai Shop] in the northwest corner of Qixia Town.

The farmer stamped his feet twice, exhaled a breath of white air, tightened his chest and clothes with one hand, stretched out the other hand, and knocked on the wooden door of the longevity wood shop.

"dong dong~~"

The farmer knocked once, but there was no response from inside, so he had to knock again.

“Dong dong~dong dong dong~~”

This time, a voice came from inside the door.

"Here it comes! Who is it?"

"It's me, Lao Li from North Street. Shopkeeper Xiao Luo, the old cripple is gone," the farmer said.

"Okay, I understand, I'll be here right away."

A clear voice sounded again, and after a while, there was only a "squeak" sound. The door of the Shouchai shop was opened from the inside, and then a man in his twenties, tall and about eight feet tall (1 foot in this world = 23.3 cm), a young man with a handsome face and a clean temperament walked out.

The young man was wearing a black robe and yawned lazily. Standing opposite the farmer Lao Li, he was a head taller than the other person, causing the other person to subconsciously take a step back.

Then he said: "Shopkeeper Xiao Luo, look at this matter of the old cripple..."

"Just follow the old rules!"

"Okay! Then I'll help you."

"it is good."

The handsome young man did not reject the other party's kindness. After all, it would be much easier to have someone to help him with what he was going to do next.

After a while.

The handsome young man put on his clothes and closed the door of the longevity material shop. The farmer Lao Li also pulled out a cart from the backyard of the longevity material shop. The two of them walked one behind the other and walked towards North Street in the hazy morning light... ·
(End of this chapter)

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