Chapter 132 Knife Edge

The Sunflower Pie cellar is quite large.

Go down to the cellar.

Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang saw thirty-seven coffins in front of them, neatly arranged on the ground.

"Why is life always so cheap in the eyes of some people?"

Chu Liuxiang's eyes darkened a bit and she murmured in a low voice.

Lu Xiaofeng didn't know how to respond, so she could only scratch her hair helplessly and exhale.

Neither Lu Xiaofeng nor Chu Liuxiang like killing people.

Because they all believe that life is the best gift from God, and everyone should be kind to and value their own lives. Therefore, even if someone makes a huge mistake, Chu Liuxiang believes that at least others should be given a chance to change.

Rather than rashly and rudely erasing a life from the world.

But now.

Someone brutally killed thirty-seven lives just for some gold and silver. This naturally made Chu Liuxiang feel a little angry.

The thirty-seven coffins are all made of elm wood. Although it is not precious, people who often die can tell at a glance that the craftsmen who built the coffins are not bad, and the overall airtightness of the coffins is very good.

Even compared with Luo Yang, it is not far behind.

Lu Xiaofeng came to a coffin, pushed open the coffin lid, and saw the body of a gray and bluish man with an ordinary appearance.

The body was well preserved.

There was no other scratch on the body, and the only fatal wound was on the man's throat.

"It's a stab wound."

Lu Xiaofeng stretched out her finger and touched the wound lightly, and immediately came up with the answer, and then said: "The wound is about three inches long and one inch deep. The murderer should have used a short knife."

"The edge of the knife is narrow, so the knife is very thin and very sharp. The person who used the knife was very skilled in martial arts and very fast. He cut off the throat and trachea of ​​the deceased with one knife. The man walked very fast and there was no pain."

Chu Liuxiang also walked over at this time, stared at the man's body in the coffin for a while, nodded, and agreed with Lu Xiaofeng's statement.

He sighed: "It seems that what Hawkeye Lao Qi and the others said is right. He was indeed killed with one blow. Not only did this man have no resistance before he died, he even had no chance to issue a warning after his trachea was cut open."

The two men continued to examine other coffins.

Thirty-seven coffins.

Thirty-seven bodies.

All the corpses died in almost the same way. On each corpse, there was only a very thin and narrow cut at the throat. Other than that, there were no other wounds.

Even the three most powerful elders of the Sunflower Sect are the same.

"No wonder the people from Eagle Eye Seventh and the Eighth Escort Bureau of Zhongyuan think that the murderer of this assassination will be an invisible man. Now even I have some doubts whether there are really invisible people in this world."

After checking all the corpses, Lu Xiaofeng felt a little creepy for no reason.

After all, the scene in front of me was too incredible.

Judging from the information that has been investigated so far, there are a total of thirty-seven masters of the Sunflower Sect. They are completely defenseless in front of the mysterious murderer. The method of death of all of them, including their wounds, is exactly the same.

Even the three elders are not the enemy of Yihe.

the whole process.

The murderer didn't even stab him a second time.

Not only that.

When this murderer was assassinating, the rest of the Sunflower Sect were completely unaware of it. They were like cattle and sheep tied to the chopping board and could only be slaughtered.

Such skill is simply beyond human imagination and can be described as unpredictable. Even if Lu Xiaofeng racked his brains, he could not imagine that there was any killer assassin in the world today who had such ability.

Is it possible that this case was really the work of a monster or an invisible person?
"I don't know if this murderer will be invisible, but I think his martial arts may not be as unpredictable as Brother Lu imagined."

Chu Liuxiang suddenly spoke up, interrupting Lu Xiaofeng's thoughts and said, "Look here."


Lu Xiaofeng followed the sound and saw that Chu Liuxiang's finger was pointing at the throat wound on the corpse of an old man with gray hair. At first glance, the old man's throat wound was no different from other people's.

But when Chu Liuxiang reached out and slightly opened the wound on the corpse's throat, Lu Xiaofeng's eyes suddenly froze.

"This is······"

The edge of the wound at the throat has turned slightly white, and the blood flowing out has condensed into dark brown patches. From the appearance, the knife wound suffered by this old man seems to be no different from that of other Sunflower Sect members, just as smooth and neat.

But inside the wound, the depth of the knife edge touching the trachea was a bit more jagged, and the sharp knife wound showed a bit of twists and turns at this depth.

Lu Xiaofeng thought of something.

He quickly came to the other three coffins. In these three coffins lay an elegant middle-aged man, a bald man, and an old man with white beard and hair and a wrinkled face.

Lu Xiaofeng opened the wounds of the three corpses one by one and examined them carefully.


He found the same jagged and winding stab wounds inside the wounds of the elegant middle-aged man and the bald man.

But the wound on the throat of the wrinkled old man at the end was the same as that of other Sunflower Sect disciples.

"It seems that our unmasked murderer may not have gone as smoothly as he imagined in assassinating the three elders."

Chu Liuxiang chuckled.

Lu Xiaofeng nodded and said, "Indeed, it's a pity that this doesn't mean anything."

The Sunflower Sect has no leader, and the highest-ranking people are the four elders of the East, West, South, and North.

The origins of the four elders are all extraordinary.

Among them, Elder Dong used to be the general counsel of the Six Gates. He was extremely talented and had outstanding vision. As the saying goes, one has a sharp eye and a quick hand, so Elder Dong has practiced swordsmanship since he was a child. With a quick sword in one hand, he killed countless villains and murderers at the six gates.

Twenty years ago, Elder Dong was already a top swordsman in the world, and his quick sword had already reached an unfathomable level.

The origin of Elder Xi is even more extraordinary. He is a descendant of the Duan family in Dali. His family's unique skill "One Yang Finger" can not only point acupoints to hurt people, but also sort out their meridians and help them heal their injuries.

Elder Nan was born in the 36th Chamber of Shaolin. He has extremely profound martial arts and a pair of lightning-fast hands. He can fish out copper coins from the oil pan and lift the pot without touching his hands with oil.

The three elders are all rare martial arts masters in the world.


Previously, Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang were shocked and surprised when they saw that these three elders were killed with one knife like other Sunflower Sect disciples.

Because of the martial arts of these three.

Even if Ximen Chuixue attacked from behind, the three of them would not even have a chance to resist.

But now that they saw the stab wounds in the throats of the three of them, Lu Xiaofeng and Chu Liuxiang felt a little more reasonable.

Because this jagged knife edge showed that the three elders had struggled before the murderer killed them, instead of being like other disciples who did not even have time to react and were completely at the mercy of others.

But a pity.

Even though the three elders struggled, they were still killed with a knife in the end.

So even if this little "strangeness" is discovered, it doesn't mean anything.

(End of this chapter)

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