This mixed martial arts is not serious

Chapter 204 The prince died suddenly

Chapter 204 The prince died suddenly
"Boss, boss..."

In the cabinet, Zhu Gaochi's round body suddenly fell down, and his round face lost its color visibly.

The sudden and shocking change instantly made the two brothers Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui turn pale.

"Someone, come quickly!"

"Call the imperial doctor, go and call all the imperial doctors."

Under the night.

The roars of the two brothers Zhu Gaosui and Zhu Gaoxu were deafening, and in an instant, the entire palace became chaotic.


The imperial doctor from Tai Hospital hurried over.

However, when they arrived, they were shocked to see Zhu Gaochi lying on the ground. Although his face was rosy, he was no longer breathing.

King Zhu Gaoxu of Han raised his head and looked at the beams above the palace, then took a deep breath and slowly ordered: "Inform the Ministry of Rites, inform them of the death of the prince, and ask them to prepare for the funeral. In addition... eight hundred Li Jia was in a hurry and sent the news to His Majesty and His Highness the Grand Sun. "

Because of that position, Zhu Gaojiu, Zhu Gaojiu and the boss fought countless times overtly and covertly. Even in his heart, Zhu Gaojiang cursed the prince Zhu Gaochi more than once for why he didn't die quickly.

these years.

Finally, an older doctor came out tremblingly, cupped his hands towards Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui and said, "Reporting to you... Your Highness, the prince has passed away."

But this is almost impossible.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

Zhu Gaojiu interrupted Zhu Gaosui's next words.

Zhu Gaosui's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Second brother, this quack doctor..."


Several imperial doctors came forward and took turns diagnosing.

The old doctor couldn't tell the reason for the moment, because according to his diagnosis just now, Zhu Gaochi's condition was completely normal.

"Let the boss finish the last journey quietly!"

Zhu Gaosui was stunned.

Zhu Gaosui's eyes were as wide as copper bells. He strode forward, grabbed the old doctor by the collar, and said angrily: "Diagnose me again, and make a good diagnosis this time. How could my eldest brother die?"

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu finally stopped him.

However, when this day came, Zhu Gaosui found that there was no joy in his heart at all.

He looked at Zhu Gaochi, who had a calm face on the ground but could no longer open his eyes. His eyes became hot, and two tears fell uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Okay, third brother, stop talking."

After all, Zhu Gaochi is only in his early seventies this year. In Kyushu Continent, this age has just entered middle-aged and old age.


He looked at Zhu Gaosui who was kneeling beside Zhu Gaochi with dull eyes.

The news of the prince's death instantly plunged the capital, which had been peaceful for just two days, into an uproar once again.

Because neither the emperor nor the grandson was in the capital.

Queen Xu is now unconscious again.

So now, the only backbone in the palace is Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.

Government affairs, the funeral of the prince... A lot of things are pressing on Zhu Gaoxu. The busy Zhu Gaoxu has been unable to touch the ground in the past two days. Officials continue to enter the cabinet, and officials continue to leave. But even so, the memorials piled on the desk in front of Zhu Gaoxu not only did not decrease, but became more and more numerous.

Finished approving a memorial again.

Zhu Gaoxu rubbed his brows tiredly.

As a result, at this moment, another figure walked into the cabinet, but this time the identity of the person who came in was a bit special. He was not a court official, but the Jin Yiwei town governor-Xuanwu.

Seeing Xuanwu, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but frowned: "What's going on with Jin Yiwei?"

Xuanwu lowered his head and said, "Go back to your lord, Jin Yiwei is fine."

Zhu Gaoxu frowned even more and said impatiently: "Then what are you doing here?"

Xuanwu said softly: "Although there is nothing wrong with Jin Yiwei, he has another matter to report in his humble position."

Zhu Gaoxu lowered his head to correct the memorial. He didn't even raise his head when he heard the words, and said directly: "What's the matter?"

Xuanwu said: "I have been asked to ask the prince if the agreement you made before still counts. If it does, now is the best time to make it happen."

This statement came out.

Zhu Gaoxu, who was still a little absent-minded just now, suddenly raised his head, looked at Xuanwu in front of him in disbelief, and said, "Are there people from you in the Jinyi Guards?"

Xuanwu smiled but said nothing.

Zhu Gaoxu did not ask further questions, but his face quickly darkened, and he angrily said: "You still dare to mention the agreement, what is going on with the prince? I obviously haven't administered the medicine yet, why did the prince suddenly die suddenly? It was you who did it Hands and feet!”

Xuanwu said lightly: "We just gave the prince a little help. We had long guessed that the prince and the prince were deeply in love and couldn't do anything, so we had secretly put a little bit of it into the prince's diet many days ago. Poisoned."

"This poison is harmless when taken in small amounts, but once it accumulates to a certain level, it will cause sudden death without anyone noticing."

Zhu Gaoxu immediately became furious: "You are so brave. If I hadn't provided cover that day, do you really think you could have avoided being discovered? And who asked you to take action privately? Didn't we agree that all actions must be subject to my command? ?”

Xuanwu's expression remained calm, and he was not intimidated by Zhu Gaoxu's performance. He wrote lightly: "Why should the prince be angry? Now the ship is done. Instead of being so angry, it is better to sink the ship and make a desperate move."


Zhu Gaoxu's eyes froze.

See this.

Xuanwu spoke again: "Now is the best time for your Majesty to accomplish something. His Majesty personally led the expedition and took away most of the troops in the capital. And now more than 70% of the remaining troops are under our control."

"Your Majesty will lead your grandson back to the capital soon. However, your Majesty and your grandson will return to the capital this time for mourning. They must pack light and fast horses. It is impossible to bring back the entire army as they did when they left."

"As long as we seize the opportunity, wait until His Majesty and the Grandson return to Beijing, lay an ambush, and catch them in a trap, we will definitely succeed in one fell swoop."

"From now on."

"That throne will be yours, the prince. Isn't that good?"

Zhu Gaoxu's expression changed slightly, as if he was persuaded by Xuanwu, and there was a look of struggle in his eyes.

After a while.

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes gradually returned to calmness, and he seemed to have finally made a decision, saying: "When do you plan to act?"

Xuanwu smiled and said: "Three days later, when your majesty and grandson return to the capital, it will be our time to take action."

Zhu Gaoxu asked again: "What manpower have you prepared?"

Xuanwu replied calmly: "The prince will know about this matter on the day of action."

(End of this chapter)

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