Chapter 225 Song Dynasty
The Song Dynasty was located south of the Ming Dynasty.

Jiuzhou has vast mountains and rivers, and Yihua Palace was originally located in the southwest of the Ming Dynasty, not far from the southern border of the Ming Kingdom.

But even so.

After leaving the southern border of the Ming Dynasty, Luo Yang and Yao Yue still walked for more than a month before entering the territory of the Song Dynasty.

Because of geographical factors.

The Song Dynasty was far hotter than the Ming Dynasty, and summer came later and lasted longer.

When Luo Yang and Lianxing set out, the Ming Dynasty had already entered autumn. However, after more than a month of traveling to the Song Dynasty, they suddenly discovered that the Song Dynasty was now in the middle of summer.

Cicadas chirped endlessly on both sides of the official road.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the high temperature seemed to distort the light.

But at this moment, the interior of the carriage built by Luo Yang is completely cool. The "air conditioning" function under the bed not only makes the entire bed cool, but also circulates the cold air emitted by the thousand-year-old black ice in the carriage, creating a simple air conditioner. .

On the folding wooden table hanging from the wall, there is a bottle of chilled rice wine with cold mist exuding on the surface.

And a tray full of melon and fruit snacks.

Luo Yang raised his wine glass and took a sip, his face immediately showing a look of comfort.

Whenever this happens, he will be more and more grateful that he made this horse...ox cart before leaving. Otherwise, how much suffering it would have been to walk on this journey of more than a month!

"Drink less. You've already drank three bottles today."

Opposite the wooden table, Lianxing, who had her hair tied up in a bun, was embroidering something with needle and thread. When she saw Luo Yang taking out a bottle of wine from the "refrigerator" and drinking it, she couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

After this period of getting along, the two of them began to feel more and more like an old couple.

"Hahaha~~That can't be done. I don't have any hobbies in my life. I only like vulgar things like wine and sex. If you don't let me drink, then I can only..."

Having said this, Luo Yang slowly shifted his gaze to Lian Xing.

Being stared at by Luo Yang's scorching gaze, Lianxing's ears turned slightly red, he raised his head and glared at her, saying: "Go, go, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Don't tell me yet.

Luo Yang didn't have this idea at first, but now that Lian Xing rolled his eyes, he was really interested.

For more than a month, the two men and women had been living together day and night in such a small carriage, and there had been many incidents of misfires.

But mostly at night.

After all, they are only a minority like today.

"What do you want to do? I'm warning you, don't mess around. It's daytime now..."

Lian Xing quickly noticed that something was wrong with Luo Yang's eyes. As mentioned before, the two of them had been together day and night for so long. It could be said that they could guess what color Xiang the other party wanted to pull by sticking their butts out.

Now seeing Luo Yang's eyes, Lianxing didn't know that this bitch was trying to fool around again.

Luo Yang chuckled.

Licking his lips, he was about to say something.

But at this moment, a loud cow cry suddenly sounded outside the carriage.


As a strange beast, the Bull Demon King cannot be described by humans, but it is much smarter than ordinary beasts and is almost psychic.

Therefore, when the Bull Demon King pulls the cart, Luo Yang does not even need to hire a driver. He only needs to install a transparent crystal on the car curtain, pay attention to the route ahead, and inform the Bull Demon King in time, and the Bull Demon King can start the automatic cruise.

"what happened?"

Lianxing heard the cry of the Bull Demon King and immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but felt inexplicably disappointed in his heart.

"It's nothing, this brat is probably lazy again."

Being interrupted by the Bull Demon King made Luo Yang feel a little unhappy and angry. Said.

Luo Yang opened the door curtain and took a look outside.

as predicted.

Nothing happened outside. The Bull Demon King just said that because he was just lazy and wanted to rest.

"Okay, stop barking, go a little further and find a forest to take a rest!"

Luo Yang said angrily to the Bull Demon King, and then retracted into the carriage.

And just when he returned to the carriage, Luo Yang and Lian Xing immediately felt that the bullock cart was traveling faster. It was obvious that the Bull Demon King was accelerating.

Feeling the speed of the bullock cart, Lianxing also said with a smile: "This black bull of yours has become more and more intelligent recently. I think even among strange beasts, there are not many who can be so psychic!"

Luo Yang sneered and said, "Ha~~ He's quite smart, but it's a pity that all of it is used for cheating."

Lian Xing said: "You still have the nerve to accuse others of cheating and cheating. On such a hot day, you let the Bull Demon King drive the cart outside every day, while you hide in the carriage, drink and be lazy. No wonder it gets angry."

Luo Yang said confidently: "The Bull Demon King is not an ordinary cow. No matter how hot the weather is, is it possible that a strange beast can be killed by the heat?"

The two bickered.


The Bull Demon King pulled the bullock cart to a shady forest on the roadside.

As a result, just when the Bull Demon King stopped his hooves and planned to rest for a while, he saw two people hurriedly running out from the depths of the woods ahead, shouting as they ran.

"Help! Help! It's been robbed!"

The two of them ran all the way to Luo Yang's bullock cart, but they did not escape immediately. Instead, they stopped, patted the carriage hard, and reminded loudly: "Hey~~ People inside, run quickly! There are bandits blocking the road ahead, if you don't stop, It’s too late to run.”

The voice just fell.

I saw several men with fierce looks rushing out from the front, holding long knives.

After these bandits chased after them, when they saw Luo Yang's bullock cart, their eyes suddenly lit up and they laughed and said: "Hahaha... It seems that our brothers deserve to be rich today, and they actually got another order." ”

"This cow is fat and strong, so I snatched it and sold it. It can be worth dozens of taels of silver at least. Even if I don't sell it, I can kill it and feed it to my brothers, and they can have a full meal!" "

These words frightened a man and a woman who rushed to the bullock cart, their faces turned pale, and they shouted in panic: "Hey, you guys in the bullock cart, if you don't run away, it will be too late. If you don't leave, I will I have to leave first!”


The man among the two will pull the woman and run away.

"Where to run!"

When the bandits in front saw this, they immediately shouted and chased after him.

But that's it.

Luo Yang stretched out his hand to open the curtain, holding Lianxing, who had already put on a veil, and slowly walked out of the carriage.

When Lianxing got off the carriage, everyone's attention was unconsciously attracted to her. Lianxing was wearing a simple plain white dress, revealing a slender gooseneck. The moment she got off the carriage, everyone seemed to have seen her. Fairies descend to earth.

This moment.

The whole forest seemed to fall into silence.

after awhile.

The bandits in front looked directly at Lian Xing, their eyes gradually revealed their passion and desire, and they laughed and said: "Okay, that's great. I didn't expect to meet such a stunning beauty in this wilderness. Look, I, Liu San, am really lucky to be here today..."

call out!
Before Liu San finished speaking, everyone suddenly heard a faint sound of wind, and then saw Liu San's head suddenly explode, like a watermelon, with blood splattering everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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