Chapter 236 Night
Hermitage Village.

Ling Chuchu's home.

Luo Yang took off the bloody gloves in his hands and just walked out of the room when a group of worried people gathered around him.

"Master Luo, is my father okay?"

"Don't worry, Miss Ling. Although Boss Ling's injury is serious, it is not fatal. I have already treated him. He only needs to rest for a day or two and he will almost wake up."

Looking at Ling Chuchu with anxious eyes, Luo Yang spoke slowly.

Hear this.

A big stone fell to Ling Chuchu's heart, and she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Master Luo."

"You are Welcome."

Zhuo Yun's home.

Luo Yang smiled faintly.

Just as the conversation between Luo Yang and Ling Chuchu ended, a soft voice came from the side again. Everyone got out of the way and Wang Yuyan's figure appeared behind the crowd: "Mr. Luo, do you know the extent of my son's injury?"

Because he had found Boss Ling, Li Si specially held a banquet tonight to entertain everyone. After the drinks were over, everyone returned to their rooms.

"Then please leave it to Mr. Luo. I'm so kind and kind. I'm very grateful to you."

The people keeping vigil at midnight today are Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian.

It is bound to be difficult for many people to sleep.

"Miss Wang, there is no need to worry. The poison in Mr. Murong has almost been eliminated. I will prescribe a prescription later. You can take a few doses of the medicine and the remaining poison will be almost eliminated." "

Murong Fu's injury this time was completely unplanned for their trip.

It was already past noon when Mr. Ling was transported back to Hermitage Village from the mountains and forests.

A lot happened today.

But tonight.

After discussion.

By the time Luo Yang finished treating Boss Ling, the sky was already getting darker.

"Master Luo."

Wang Yuyan also felt relieved and bowed to Luo Yang.

Because they had to entertain Luo Yang, Bao Zheng and others, the guest rooms in Ling Chuchu's house were already full, so Murong Fu and his party could only be accommodated in Zhuo Yun's house where the guest rooms were relatively empty.

Now in a different place.

After the four families came back from the banquet, they didn't sleep.

For the sake of Murong Fu's safety, the four people would not dare to relax at all. After discussion, the four people planned to divide into two groups tonight and keep vigil for Murong Fu in batches.

Murong Fu's injury has not healed, so he did not attend tonight's banquet. Instead, he took an early rest at Zhuo Yun's home. As for Wang Yuyan, he took good care of him.

The two made a pot of strong tea and drank together in the courtyard outside Murong Fu's room, refreshing themselves and sobering up.

"Old Deng, have you seen the identity of Mr. Luo?"

Gong Yeqian was drinking tea and sitting across from the stone table when he suddenly said this.

"No, in my impression, there does not seem to be such a miracle doctor named Luo in the world of Song Dynasty, and judging from his accent at today's banquet, Mr. Luo doesn't seem to be from the Song Dynasty."

Deng Baichuan shook his head and said.

"It really doesn't look like it. After all, if a miracle doctor who can easily remove the Tang Sect's secret poison appears in the world of Song Dynasty, it's impossible for us not to hear any news." Gong Yeqian nodded in agreement.

"Tell me, can we invite him to join the Young Master? If such a miracle doctor can join the Young Master, it will definitely be of great help to our plans in the future." Gong Yeqian continued.

Deng Baichuan's eyes lit up, but he quickly calmed down: "It's hard to say, the identity of this person is unclear after all, and a person with such medical skills must have his own arrogance and not be easily persuaded by others. But... ·”

Having said this, Deng Baichuan paused for a moment before continuing: "But if you have the chance, you can indeed try it. This person's medical skills are extraordinary. There are only a handful of people in the world who have such medical skills."

Most people may not understand the medical skills demonstrated by Luo Yang, but anyone who has been in the martial arts world can understand the concept of a doctor who can easily unlock the "Secret Poison of the Tang Sect". Moreover, the sword that his young master stabbed into Boss Ling's abdomen yesterday was not a minor injury, but even such an injury could be cured in Luo Yang's eyes.

This is enough to illustrate Luo Yang's superb medical skills.

the other side.

While Wang Yuyan was busy taking care of Murong Fu at Zhuo Yun's home, Ling Chuchu was also taking care of Boss Ling at her own home all night.

Compared to Murong Fu.

Boss Ling's injury was actually more serious.

Not only the trauma, but more importantly why Boss Ling went crazy.

about this point.

When he was treating Boss Ling's abdominal sword wound, Luo Yang also checked Boss Ling's brain.

But it's a pity.

Luo Yang didn't detect anything unusual.

The brain is the most complex part of the human body. Neither Kyushu nor the Earth has yet been able to thoroughly study the brain.

So when Ling Chuchu asked Luo Yang to treat her father's madness, even Luo Yang didn't dare to vouch for it.

However, although the problem with Boss Ling's brain could not be found, Luo Yang discovered something abnormal in Boss Ling's body when he was treating Boss Ling's sword wounds.

"What on earth is that?"

Recalling what he saw inside Boss Ling during the day, Luo Yang couldn't help but frown.

"what happened?"

Lian Xing, who was beside him, immediately noticed something strange about Luo Yang and couldn't help but ask.

Luo Yang thought for a while and said, "I suspect there is something wrong with Boss Ling."

"what is the problem?"

Lian Xing looked surprised.

Luo Yang shook his head: "It's hard to say yet, but..."

Before Luo Yang finished speaking, he heard a sudden exclamation from outside the door.

"Dad, dad, what's wrong with you? Don't you recognize me? I'm Chu Chu! Dad!"

Luo Yang and Lian Xing were startled by the sudden shout. They looked at each other and immediately turned around and walked out of the room.

Come to the backyard.

Luo Yang and Lian Xing saw the three people fighting in the backyard at a glance.

After being taken care of by Ling Chuchu, Boss Ling no longer looks like the "savage" he once was, but his "madness" has not been alleviated in the slightest. Looking at his moves, he becomes even crazier.

Ling Chuchu and Zhan Zhao worked together to fight against Boss Ling, but even though Boss Ling was seriously injured at this moment, the two of them were still no match for Boss Ling.

Coupled with the other party's identity, Ling Chuchu and Zhan Zhao still had reservations about taking action.

For a while.

The two of them can be said to be under control in every aspect.

Luo Yang glanced at it and rushed out immediately. He first used the Eagle Claw technique to take out the joints of Boss Ling's arm, and then moved like lightning, instantly sealing several large acupoints on the opponent's eight extraordinary meridians with one Yang finger.

Just for a moment.

The crazy Boss Ling was subdued again by Luo Yang.

Seeing Boss Ling being restrained by Luo Yang, Ling Chuchu breathed a sigh of relief at first, but soon looked worried again.

"Master Luo, what happened to my father?"

(End of this chapter)

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